
Birthed Sparrows

After the Prince left the side of the King to what would be recorded as what needed his attention-if ever recorded that is-. The time for the Cleansing Rite came. The Cleansing Rite Ceremony symbolized the Cleansing of the old and the start of a refreshing new. For this Rite the King, Prince and the Royal officials would be present at the sacred chamber where the High Priestess would perform the rites, whilst outside the chamber, from the entrance to the end of the temple, even to the upper floors, at every piller,the temple priestesses would take a piller each to burn the Cleansing Incense for the rest of the people, all Fifty thousand pillars of them.

The bell rang to indicate the start of the ceremony, at the third chime Ajab arrived at the side of his father and together they entered the sacred chamber and the Royal officials along with them.

In the chamber was the High Priestess standing over what would look like a prepared altar,the incense were already lite and all that was left was for those present to pay their respects in moments of silence, have the incense wash on them and be on their way. Amidst this all, as if an entity of love or what looked like it was messing with a special someone, Ajab noticed a very unique figure close to the High Priestess, it was his dancing flower, having her in the midst of the fragrance the incense was emiting and the sort of atmosphere it made with all the alluring smokes,she looked like a goddess, not that he had seen one, but that was how his mind interpreted it, this time though he wasn't dazed, he was able to keep his composure and his princely charms, not that it mattered or anything,as it was probably only Elmah that would be able to make heads of whatever was going on at the moment,and if allowed to speak he would probably say His Highness looked incredibly ridiculous, but in all honesty there was no sign of such at all, but there is a but,and that was Elmah, he was the problem, not His Highness or the situation,but Elmah,he had to be blamed.

She sat crossed legged a few meters from where the High Priestess was now seated,crossed legged too, from there they observed the cleansing and watched it wash off on everyone present whilst saying what would look like prayers depending on who one askes.

Even in seated position and still with veil covering, she still had a peculiar aura, either that or His mind was messing with him, but no, it was the former. Everything she did ,she did with elegance and precision. When her hands moved or swung over to pick or put, it had the feeling of the cool breeze of the evening over the sea shore,the bell like bracelets she wore gave off entrancing chimes and lovely tunes, it was so unclouded and serene. It was in that moment that Ajab realized ....that he had utterly and entirely forsaken his main purpose for being in that sacred chamber. What does one call this, what was he..he was an early morning Prince, a joyful existence, the type that had the sun commemorate his beauty and existence -although Elmah would probably have an objection or two, or just outrightly say he was way over his head- but he was that type of Prince, did the right things in the 'rightess' ways possible, woke early, had his schedule filled and was working, always focused and had situations in his hand. His today's schedule involved the usual rites, but as to that he had completely no idea if he was paying respects or respects were paying him or playing with him, but this was totally out of character, matter of fact, the day in totality had been an endless unfolding of 'out of character' events for him, or maybe not entirely, but to the very bare maximum.

After making all this realizations, he closed his eyes to concentrate and fully observe the rites. In that moment his nose caught a scent, it was outrightly lovely, to say little, it made one think they were imbued in winged fantasy, were flying things flied the atmosphere and everything looked possible, where one could float and probably sing and life's problems would go away with the breeze. Was that her scent? he thought. He snuck a peek and realized she was very very much away from where he was. He nodded his head, it dawned on him,but not like any ordinary dawning, it was like a piercing knife, a sword to be precise, it slashed through his skull. He realized it was just the incense. It would really seem that someone or something out there was pulling his legs and making a mule out of him, either that or he had to really visit the Palace physician, but he didn't feel sick, or maybe that could be the problem, he was sick but doesn't feel or know it, or he was messing with himself.. because the day really was becoming unusual and no longer funny, but that would fully depend on who one asks.

After few moments -that seemed like an eternity to His lovely Highness- of silently observing the rite and having the incense run it's course, the High Priestess spoke in her calm and nurturing tone

"And so the old be washed and the new be born"

Everyone opened their eyes as it signaled the end of the ceremony, they took a slight bow and made their way out the chamber. At the same time those words of the High Priestess resounded outside in perfect chorused unison as the rest of the priestesses echoed it throughout the temple, and like the Royalties inside, they all opened their eyes and gave a slight bow, all the people of Izz. Mostly family heads as the temple would not be able to house the entire Kingdom populace, so only family representatives could attend at the temple whilst the rest observed it at home,and despite this format the temple remained overly crowded.

As the rites came to an end the High Priestess walked up to meet up with His Majesty the King to walk him out the chamber and probably discuss whatever it was they discuss when they meet like this. With her was Jezreel and four other priestess that assisted with the ceremony, they all followed her closely, Jezreel more closer as they bowed to the King in greetings

"Your Majesty"

His Majesty nodded with a smile " High Priestess, it is always remarkable seeing you" He said referring to the High Priestess

"Well the pleasure is all mine your Majesty, if I may...." she responded as she signaled for her daughter to come closer

"..this is my daughter, Jezreel, my right hand, and the future," she presented her before the King. Jezreel took a bow and took off her veil in respect to His Majesty.

In that moment all Heavens broke loose, His Highness the Prince found himself in another trance, he couldn't put it in understandable words, but this sight was heavenly and like something out of a vivid imagination, her hair flowed down, polished black they glittered, and it looked like they were floating in wonderment, dangling around her already perfect being, and it was as if the heavenly winds were rejoicing cause in that moment it looked like the cool breeze came to dance with her, she looked more magnificent than could be described. In that moment Ajab felt the sun would really be honored to be able to provide her light, he felt the earth would feel delightful and delighted having her walk on it, at this moment also he felt the goddesses would even feel good having her as a priestess, she was magnificent, and was floating, or was she really? At this point his imagination was really getting the best of him, nothing running through that head of his could really be trusted, he was becoming overly delusional, and at moments such as this, (not that there's been any of this sort before), but at these sort of moments, only Elmah could be trusted, and he'd outrightly say, His Highness The Prince was really getting delusional, there was no floating nor any form of breeze,(except one meant the washed off incense), no dangling either and not even a light, and the chamber had no such thing as dancing breeze in it, from where...? On that note, his highness needed help.. But then all these were delusional trances, nothing to worry about...

Bowing to His Majesty she said "May His Majesty remain Mighty and Glorious" they were just words of greetings to the King but again, once again, Ajab could not be trusted with his trance madness...in his ears her voice was like and sounded like Jasper (not that it made any sense but) ,it sounded like it could take away all troubles and leave the fortunate ears that heard them at the flowing river, and left the soul dancing in grace...

His Majesty the King, laughed happily hearing the young priestess' greeting " she really was on another level.

"Well I am honored by your blessings" he said

Looks like you came out earlier than expected, who would have thought you would be this blessed" and by that he meant her unparalleled speed and grace, being the fastest and youngest Future High priestess to become a full Priestess, given their trainings she normally would only be ready by the next usual rites, but it would seem the Kingdom really had a brighter future ahead of it.

Giving off a graceful smile with heads still bowed she said " Well it only goes to show forth your Majesty's greatness, a lifted dynasty"

Wow... His Majesty thought, be it a greeting or blessing, this damsel should not stop.

He responded" well I'm honored, Please rise"
