Chapter 9 Village Head

Chapter -9.

Lucien found himself under the sharp gaze of Bronk, who was looking at him as if he were his daughter's boyfriend. Thankfully, Gilbert pulled him out of the smithy, stating that they were running late for several tasks. Bronk, still staring at him, let them go without saying anything, while Elva waved at Lucien as if to say, "Come again, and soon."

"So, what do you think about Elva?" Gilbert asked the moment they were outside the smithy, a small smile playing across his lips.

Lucien looked at Gilbert, trying to understand what was going on in his mind. All he could see was that small smile, so he replied, "She's alright—a fine woman, if I have to say."

"A fine woman, huh? That's the first time I've heard someone describe a woman like that," Gilbert mumbled, his smile fading as he turned his attention elsewhere. "Anyway, since we've got you a sword, I'll take you to see our village head. I'm hoping you'll like her."

Lucien nodded and followed Gilbert, just as he had before. An image of an elderly woman with a strict demeanor appeared in his mind. Since someone like Gilbert liked her, he felt she must be someone of that sort.

The village head's name was Barbara. She resided in a modest yet well-kept house at the center of the village, surrounded by a garden that acted like a wall, preventing villagers from seeing what was happening inside. In the middle of that garden, a small, curved path led to her house, which Gilbert followed.

Knock, knock.

Gilbert knocked on the door, and it swung open a few seconds later to reveal a woman who was the exact opposite of what Lucien had imagined. Though old, she had a great figure, as if she were a fitness model maintaining her physique.

"Hello." Lucien, feeling slightly drawn to her mature beauty, couldn't help but greet her.

Barbara, the village head, looked at Lucien with critical eyes, sizing him up and down. Her gaze lingered on his sword for a few seconds before she nodded at him with slight approval. "Welcome. You must be Lucien; Gilbert told me about you." Her voice was filled with warmth. "I'm grateful to you, as I heard you're willing to fight and protect the village."

Lucien, hearing this, looked back at Gilbert as if asking what he had told her. However, Gilbert chose to ignore him at that moment and began admiring the beautiful flowers in the garden. All Lucien could do was smile and say, "That's something I should do, since the people of this village gave me shelter and saved me while I was unconscious."

Barbara nodded, this time showing a gentle smile, her bosom jiggling slightly through her medieval garb as she did so. Lucien couldn't help but feel that this forced decision wasn't so bad; after all, where else would he find the company of such fine women? "Come inside." As Lucien was lost in his thoughts, Barbara extended her hand, inviting the two of them inside.

As Lucien walked into the house, he noticed a few scrolls lying around in the corner—probably maps of the forest or goblin camps. A large, round table was placed in the center of the room, and the air was filled with a calming, inviting scent.

Gilbert, suddenly more animated than before, asked him to sit down on the mat, following Barbara, who had already taken her seat, revealing her milky skin as she did so. Meanwhile, Gilbert, who seemed to know everything about the house, walked into a small adjacent room and emerged with a small tray in his hand.

After offering Barbara water in her own house, he extended the stone tray toward Lucien and offered him water next. Lucien felt something was strange about this action, as it didn't align with Gilbert's earlier persona. However, he ignored it, as such things didn't matter, and shifted his attention toward Barbara, who was now sitting in front of them like a queen.

Once the three of them were comfortably settled on the mat, Barbara's expression suddenly tightened as she began to explain things to Lucien, who had agreed to partake in the village's protection efforts.

Her explanation included the recent raids by goblins and wolves, which had become increasingly daring. She described, with a grim expression, how those monstrous creatures had destroyed crops and livestock, gripping the village in fear.

As her expression turned sad, Lucien felt a tinge of pain in his heart. Contrary to his feelings, Gilbert, emboldened, tried to place his hand on hers as if wanting to comfort her. However, Barbara quickly withdrew her hand, not allowing Gilbert to touch her, and said, "But thankfully, we have someone like Gilbert and a few other brave warriors who risk their lives going out into the wild to hunt those goblins, fending them off for weeks or months, which gives us some breathing space." Her gaze fell on Gilbert, looking at him with a hint of affection that contrasted with her earlier actions.

Gilbert, on the other hand, seemed more energized by her words, forgetting that she had pulled back her hand. Lucien could see a fire igniting in Gilbert's eyes, and finally, he was able to gauge a little of what was going on here. A smile appeared on his face, but it was quickly hidden as Lucien felt Barbara's gaze on him.

"Lucien, until now, we've been fending them off from our village, but this time we're planning to take the fight to them," she said, her eyes gazing deeply into his. "I've heard that you defeated more than 20 goblins before falling unconscious, so I believe that with someone like you taking the lead, we will reap the rewards we desire."
