Chapter 2

Haruto jolted up from his sleep with a soundless scream. His heart was beating and thumping frantically in his chest, cold sweat covered the entirety of his bare torso, dampening the sheets of the bed. He groaned as he laid his head into his hands, trying to bury the memories of a long forgotten era.

"Not this again." Haruto muttered tiredly as he rubbed the edges of his temple and brushed aside the two bangs hanging in front of his eyes. It'd been the same most of the nights; he would live the same nightmare from his haunted past and wake up with no hopes of sleeping again for the fear of witnessing what he'd tried so hard to forget.

Memories and visions would haunt his dreams, the smiling faces of his parents replaced by absolute horror, as if terrified of what he had become. He knew that it was all just a nightmare, yet he couldn't shake off the heart wrenching pain implicated upon him by their expressions.

Sometimes he was glad for his immortality because he knew he wouldn't have the resolve to face his parents and comrades in the afterlife.

Haruto slowly untangled himself from the possessively strong grip of his busty wife so as to not wake her up. Standing up, he gazed at the serene and satisfied expression on her face from their late night activities and couldn't help but smile despite his trouble induced state.

Her tantalizingly full and tempting pouty lips were stretched into a peaceful smile, full of satisfaction and harmony. One of her long silky bangs was halfway sprawled across her beautiful face, hiding one of her eyes from view. Both of her hands were stretched towards his side of the bed, no doubt searching for his warmth while her seductively long legs and thick thighs, peeking from underneath the orange nightgown, were extended to his side.

Sometimes, he wondered whether he would be the same if she was not here with him, to comfort him and to share his pain.

Would he be the same man?

Would he still be sane?

Would he still resist the undeniably strong temptation of conquest? With his might, it would be laughingly effortless.

If he was honest with himself, he understood without any uncertainty that he would have been seduced by the desire and temptation of more power, to get more and more, to reduce all creation to ashes just because he was too busy submerging in his own self-pity, misery and anguish.

Smiling one last time, he softly pecked her pouty lips, cautiously walked up to the door without bothering to wear a shirt and slowly closed it behind him without a sound.

The outside atmosphere was quite pleasant, the soft and chilling breeze licking at his bare torso provided a cool sensation on his skin. Levitating from the ground, Haruto calmly floated up to the roof of the Japanese style house they had paid for the night, and landed with elegance and grace.

Looking at the full moon, shining so brightly up in the sky, blanketing the land with a silver glow, he absently wondered if it felt loneliness staying all alone above the earth.

With a flick of his wrist, a wooden sofa like chair appeared behind him as he calmly sat down, with fingers laced together in front of his face, elbows on the armrest as he gazed at the full moon shining in the sky.

So much time had passed from their era. He had witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations one after the other. He had seen the inhabitants of the earth wage war on each other, reduce everything to ashes just because of their endless greed for power and resources, return back to the Stone Age in regards to their Technology, and start over again only to destroy it. Again.

He and Naruko had isolated themselves from civilizations mostly for decades, only coming out either to neutralize a great threat to the balance of the world or to see what had become of the earth during their isolation, but they had always been disappointed to see History repeat itself over and over and over again.

He had pretty much gotten tired of the endless fighting and wars, that's why he hated conflicts so much. If you can resolve a conflict by mere words and a simple apology, why use violence and risk the lives of countless innocents, just because you couldn't get over your pathetic and useless pride.

Feeling a pair of delicate and slender arms wrap itself around his neck and a warm kiss on his right cheek, he smiled and slowly turned his head to gaze at the sight of perfection. There she stood in a simple orange sleeping night gown, glowing ethereally in the moonlight with a small but flawless smile on her angelic face.

"Having trouble sleeping again?" came the silky and musical voice of the aforementioned angel as she walked around the chair, the wooden furniture enlarging to accommodate the new occupant, as she sat down with grace.

"I can't hide anything from you, can I?" Haruto muttered with a good natured chuckle.

"Not a chance, beloved." Taking a hold of his head, she prompted Haruto to lie down on the now enlarged chair with his head in her lap as she ran her fingers through his blond locks. "So it was the same dream as the last time?"

"No. This one was about how you died and… well you know." Haruto explained uncomfortably.

Sitting for a few moments in a comforting silence, Haruto eventually spoke in a sad tone. "Naru, do you think our parents would be proud of what I've become? Would they still call me their son knowing that I was the one responsible for all the deaths in the past? Would they welcome me with open arms if I were to die, if I could die that is? Knowing my luck, I wouldn't hold my breath on that."

"Love, I'm sure they would always welcome you with beaming smiles on their faces even if you were to become the most evil man the world had ever seen." Naruko said comfortingly. Haruto smiled delicately at her comforting words and closed his eyes in peace before opening them to look up Naruko's angelic features with a fond smile.

Her comforting smile turned mischievous. "I honestly couldn't blame them, you were absolutely adorable with those red hair and golden eyes."

"Thank you, Naru. I don't know what I would do without you." Haruto said with a peaceful smile on his face as he closed his tired eyes, finally in the comfort and warmth of someone he loved and trusted with his life.

Naruko smiled fondly at her redhead lover sleeping soundly as she ran her fingers through his scalp. For all his power and might, showing emotions was proof of his former existence as a human. Times like these were when she was truly thankful for her immortality, where she could comfort him when he was troubled, raise up his spirits when he felt downtrodden and love him when he felt lonely.

I think you would be fine even without me, but I don't think I will be able to live without you, Naruko mused sadly. Especially after seeing the kind of man you are.