Chapter 5

"Target sighted. The reports are confirmed as the target has apparently lost her Shinigami powers and is currently in a Gigai." A tall man with red hair tied in a high ponytail with a white bandage wrapped around his head, clothes similar to Ichigo said to his companion with a smirk on his face as he lifted glasses from his eyes. "Kuchiki Rukai, we found you at last!"

The second one was a fairly tall man with black hair and some sort of silver thick hair pins on his side and the front of his head. The man was wearing an attire similar to the first one except he had a light green-white sash wrapped around his neck and a sword sheathed at his side.

The man was standing silently with a calm look on his face as he looked at the scene of Rukia running away.


"So let me get this straight, the mask-wearing idiots are called 'Hollows'… who were human spirits but were corrupted by feelings of hatred or stayed too long in the World of the Living. There are sword carrying idiots calling themselves the Shinigami… who take care of these corrupt souls by purifying their souls with their 'Zanpakuto' and sending them to the 'Soul Society' so they can be resurrected in the 'Cycle of Rebirth'." Haruto deadpanned, turning to Naruko with a cutely confused look on his face.

He knew he shouldn't have stayed awake too long but dammit, his partner had showcased a particularly wild and strangely provocative side last night! Who in his right mind would be able to deny what he had seen!? He hadn't closed his eyes for a few seconds, let alone a few hours, but it was all worth it.

Seeing as their activities of carnal pleasures had stopped as soon as the first ray of sunlight streamed into their room and signified that the time for sleeping—which they had spent in something much more pleasurable—was over, they had decided to pay Urahara's Candy Shop a visit after an irritated Naruko had cursed the sun for rising too early in the morning.

Frankly, he was still quite disturbed about that! They had been going at it like a pair of bunnies all night yet the busty blonde cursed the sun for rising too soon and leaving no time for her to properly enjoy herself!

He was all up—literally and figuratively—for indulging his partner's bodily desires when she was in her moods—which strangely enough, was more often than not—but even his former Uzumaki genes and presently infinite energy supply needed to at least take a few minutes to replenish!

Ok, who was he kidding?! It would take an eternity of carnal activities to exhaust his current energy reserves! He was pure energy incarnate! How can you run out of energy when you are basically energy itself!

"Hey Naru, are you sure I'm awake?"

"Yes, Beloved, we are awake." Naruko answered amusingly as she watched Haruto try to wrap his mind around the ridiculousness of the situation. Guess, she had tired him out too much!

Nobody could blame her for being in the mood. Seeing all those creatures mindlessly attacking the humans… feeling the bloodlust and vile sensation in the air during the battle had riled her up quite a bit!

She may not like conflict like Haruto, but both of them were former Ninja. Even the more docile and meek Shinobi of their time had an innate thirst for battle, she and Haruto were no exception even if they had done a remarkable job of suppressing those desires for so long.

"I need sake."

As soon as the words left his mouth, a bottle of sake dropped down into his lap, causing the rest of the group to blink in surprise and disbelief, wondering where the sake came from.

"What the hell? Where did that come from!?" Jinta shouted in surprise.

"A little birdie brought it to me." Haruto said sagely, as if it explained everything, while the group sweatdropped.

Without even waiting for an invitation, Naruko flopped herself in the redhead's lap—making sure to grind her sensually plump rear into his groin—produced a saucer from who knows where and poured herself some sake.

Haruto gave the discreetly and seductively smirking Naruko a warning look when he felt her sensual grating but weakly groaned when she ignored his subtle glare and repeated her action, causing him to sighed in resignation and try to control his urges.

Damn that woman!

"All right Bucket, start over again."

Kisuke sweatdropped at his nickname, but complied, not aware of the battle of wills that was going on in front of him.

Even though he didn't know what was truly going on between the duo in front of him at the moment, he was still trying not to appear uncomfortable when the blonde casually flopped herself in Haruto's lap, not caring for their reactions or thoughts on the matter.

If the knowing smirk on the blonde woman's face was any indication—he had no idea she was smirking because she was feeling Haruto Jr throbbing under form—he had a feeling she knew about their discomfort and was quite thoroughly enjoying it.

He knew they were married but come on! They should at least try to appear normal when in front of others.

Just as he was about to commence his annoyingly long explanation for a second time, a disheveled Ichigo entered and looked around the room frantically. The other three occupants of the room excused themselves and left, seeing no place and reason for them to be in the conversation.

"All right Hat and Clogs, where the hell is Rukia?!" Ichigo asked hastily, obvious from the state of his clothes and spikier than normal hair that he had just woken up.

"What? Did you forget last night that early? She is gone." Kisuke countered with a jovial look on his face while he gazed at the frantic teen from under his bucket hat.

"What the hell are you so happy about? I just lost my friend! If I don't rescue her, she is going to be executed!" Ichigo shouted, glaring at the blond hat-wearing man for being so uncaring. "I'm going after her!"

"Calm down Ichigo. With the way you are right now, you won't be able to even wound a Third seat of any Squad, let alone the whole Soul Society. We have ten days until Rukia's execution, so that gives me plenty of time to train you." Kisuke said calmly as he flap-opened his fan.

"Train me?! How the hell are you going to train me to be able to fight with that kind of strong opponent in only 10 days?" Ichigo shouted in disbelief.

"I have my ways. Anyways, come back here tomorrow and we will start right away."

"Ok, I can be pretty patient but can someone kindly explain what the hell happened last night?!" Haruto shouted in an irritated tone.

His irritation was actually stemmed from the fact that Naruko was now actively trying to bury her wide posterior into his lap, but managing to stay discreet which was surprising and irritating at the same time.

He being angry and snappish had nothing to do with the current dilemma of Rukia being taken away for execution but he had to direct his anger at someone or something lest he lose control!

"Sorry about that," Kisuke answered sheepishly. "It seemed someone from the Soul Society had sent for Rukia to be brought back and executed for giving her powers to a human. As you know, that human is Ichigo. He was defeated by the assigned guard last night and Rukia was taken."

"So she is being executed just because she gave her powers to a human? What kind of idiotic logic is that?"

Naruko was silent as she sat and listened to the conversation while subtly grinding her considerable rear in Haruto's lap, taking sick pleasure from his barely controlled visage. It was one thing doing those kinds of things alone, but teasing Haruto out in the open was simply exhilarating!

For goodness sake, Naruko! I am trying to have a decent conversation here! Haruto practically shouted through the telepathic link. He was on the last end of his rope!

Nobody is preventing you from anything, Beloved, she retorted smugly and emphasized her words with another painfully slow gyrate while Haruto gritted his teeth as to not moan out loud.

Then stop your grinding, dammit!

Try to control yourself, Haru, I have to say I am disappointed. Didn't you get enough of me last night? she admonished in a mocking tone.

How the hell do you expect me to control myself when you are grinding your fat ass on my groin!?

My ass is not fat! she snapped, a vein popping up on her temple as she put all her weight on Haruto's lap, earning a surprised but weak yelp.

You are suffocating my junior, you damn woman!

From the way your so-called 'junior' is throbbing and pulsing under me, I don't think it has any problem with what I am doing!

"That's what it is. Law is law, we can't change anything, but we can try to bring her back unharmed." A new voice came from the corner of the room as a black cat with golden eyes appeared from the shadows of the room.

"Hello there little kitty." Haruto said in a childish tone and that's when realization struck him "A FREAKING CAT JUST TALKED TO ME!"

Haruto attempted to jump up in fake surprise, betting all his hopes on the fact that Naruko would be thrown off of his lap and he would be spared from the torture she called fun, but sadly, it was not his lucky day.

He received a light fist to the head, courtesy of an irritated Naruko.

Nice try, Beloved, but I am not that easy to fool!


Getting his irritation under control, he turned his gaze to the talking black cat, only to palm his face in frustration. As if his 'condition' wasn't already worse enough, a dark-skinned woman showed up under the disguise of a male cat, all the while wearing nothing but her birthday clothes!

What the hell is wrong with that cat? Who the hell goes all commando under a disguise!? It's as if she knows about my state of body and is purposely torturing me.

Naruko took a calm sip from her sake cup and smirked at him, You like it when I go commando.

Not at the moment, you damn woman! Wait until we leave this place, I will show you why you shouldn't temp Namikaze Haruto!

Looking forward to it, Love, she retorted in smug tone. …that is if you can survive until that time 

"So you can talk." Haruto asked with a subtly twitching eyebrow as Naruko continued her grinding and rubbing motion with even more vigor. "What do you mean by 'bring her back'?"

"What Yoruichi means is that we can send Ichigo and his friends to the Soul Society to rescue Rukia." Kisuke explained cheerfully, totally oblivious to the real proceedings going on right in front of his eyes.

"Well then it's decided. I, the Great Namikaze Haruto-sama shall help you commoners and rescue Shorty from execution." Haruto said in a grand fashion as he pumped his hands towards the roof, sunlight streaming and shining down on him, showering him in a grand light, while the group, minus Naruko, sweatdropped.

She knew exactly why he did it. Neither Haruto nor she had any ulterior motive or had any intention of gaining anything from the rescue; it was merely to see to what extent the orange haired boy would go to save his friends.

Well, it's not that they had anything to do; they might as well see where this would take them, besides she would follow the redhead anywhere, that's what she had promised.

Kisuke nodded his head in gratitude and held the fan to his face with a wide grin, inwardly wondering why the two would want to help someone they had only met yesterday. While he was confused and curious at the same time, he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth and was still grateful to them for offering their help.

"Thank you, your help will be greatly appreciated," he announced gratefully and gestured for Ichigo with his fan. "Ichigo follow me."

Not able to take it any longer, Haruto gripped Naruko's grinding waist and lifted her like a doll with a tic mark on his temple, not noticing the wide smirk on said blonde's face as he smiled a forced smile. "Well, seeing as we don't have anything else to discuss at the moment, you fellas will have to excuse us. I have some PRESSING matters that I need to attend to with my wife right away!"

Kisuke chuckled perversely as Haruto vanished so quickly that he was gone before the former Captain had time to blink. Yoruichi's eyes shone a mischievous golden as she saw the wide triumphant grin on Naruko before the couple disappeared without a trace.