"So that is the barrier of the Seireitei?" Haruto asked curiously and scratched the back of his head, seeing the large circular barrier surrounding the city as they flew over the land in a light blue sphere.
"Yes, like I said, it is formed due to the Sekkiske stone used in the formation of the walls and houses of the Seireitei, known to negate all kinds of Spiritual Energy." Yoruichi explained calmly.
The group was encircled by a barrier created by the 'Spirit Core' and was currently soaring in the direction of the barrier encompassing the circular city. Haruto on the exterior, was as cheerful and as bright as the sun, but was rather serious on the interior.
He had broken into the Seireitei quite a few times throughout the numerous days they had stayed outside the walls of the city, to get as much info as possible. He had definitely not gone there to prank the crap out of the idiots at all. Nope, no siree.
…Ok, maybe he had, but that was all innocent fun, like dying the walls of the 1st Division pink and making that arrogant old coot more paranoid than he already was! He had already developed a huge loathing for the Head Captain and this Central 46 mentioned in the Dairiesho Archives.
They presided over the Soul Society with an iron grip, leaving the citizens of Rukongai to fend for themselves. From what he had read in the Archives, the Central 46 had forced many of their own to either kill each other, or simply sacrificed them to save their own skin. Many of the Shinigamis were doing this job, because they had gotten tired of their lives in the Rukongai, not because they wanted to.
He was going to take them down a peg or two when he entered the city!
As for the Head Captain, he was corrupt beyond redemption. While he could certainly admire his resolve and determination to protect the Seireitei from all evil, it was his methods that sickened him to no end. He considered all his subordinates as expendable tools and pawns, ready to be used and sacrificed for the good of the Soul Society regardless of the person's feelings.
He reminded him of that despicable excuse of a ninja, Danzo from his era. He had become too comfortable with his power as the Head Captain, that he had developed an astoundingly enormous ego despite his old age. If he fought with him, he may have a hard time restraining himself from blasting the old man to dust.
You would think, someone of his age would be a kind and grandfatherly man protective of his subordinates, seeing them as his children!
"G-guys, there are cracks forming in the protective bubble!" Orihime's nervous tone snapped him out of his thoughts of potential disembowelment of certain members of the Soul Society.
"Oh shit!" Yoruichi gasped. "Ichigo, Ganju, stop your bickering and concentrate!"
Her assertions and warnings were ignored as they continued their inconsequential argument over something unknown to him. The cracks became more definite and pronounced, making the team even more nervous and anxious seeing as they were almost inside the barrier of the Circular city.
If the barrier were to break now, who knows where they will be thrown?
Naru, I have something important I must accomplish. Would you please stay with them to ensure their safety? Haruto asked through the link.
Of course.
But bear in mind, do not jump in and rescue them unless absolutely compulsory. Even at that point, place them under a Genjutsu to prevent them from witnessing the extent of your abilities. I'll act as though the bubble is broken under me and plummet myself down. Raise up a shield as soon as I fall down.
Stop your lectures and go already! the mock irritation was clearly evident in her voice 'I don't think your acting will persuade them, considering how horrible it is.
Hey! I'll have you know my acting skill is awesome.
Awesomely horrible.
Just wait till I get my hands on you and I'll show you my acting in more than one way.
Haruto gave a discreet nod to Naruko and slowly decayed the portion of the barrier directly under his feet, thus making him fall with a mock scream of fright while the group looked with disbelief and horror as they witnessed the fall of the redhead, completely unaware of the discrete smirk on Naruko's face.
You were saying? he sent smugly.
Fine, your acting is adequate.
Why you…
Finish that sentence and you'll be sleeping on the couch for a month.
Shutting up!
Naruko smirked triumphantly and raised a shield around the slowly decaying barrier formed by the Spirit Core. That was the result of the terrifying power wielded by the redhead. Anything coming into contact with it was slowly decayed and reduced to ash regardless of its composition, unless the redhead willed it to not harm anything.
She may be strong, stronger than anyone here or in the world, but even her power was nothing compared to the Haruto's. That was why he never used it, because deep down, even he was afraid of his power. Afraid of the bloodlust buried in the deep recesses of his mind caused by the absolute strength.
He may act cheerful, but he was a former Ninja, a being of shadow, who was born in the shadows, raised in the shadows and use to kill in the safety of the darkness. She just hoped he never lost his control or the world would be reduced to space dust.
"Haruto!" Yoruichi shouted in horror as she witnessed the redhead encircled by fire due to air friction and plummet to the ground with a large explosion, drawing the attention of a nearby patrolling Squad.
"Don't worry about him, he can take care of himself." Naruko assured calmly and crossed her arms under her massive chest. The group still looked worried, but seeing the calm and unworried expression on the woman's face decided to trust in the blonde's assurance and vowed to look for him as soon as they reached the ground.
That was when realization struck Yoruichi. The cracks in the bubble were non-existent; it was as if an entirely new shield sprung up out of the blue and surrounded the already cracked one.
If only they knew.