Chapter 17

Kyoraku Shunsui had seen countless unusual things in his long life. He had seen war and death, had seen comrades fall in battle. had seen friends become victims of the Hollows insatiable hunger for souls. He had seen failure and success. But all those things paled in comparison to what he was observing now.

A towering man with long crimson hair and crimson eyes garbed in outlandish clothes being accompanied by his Squad members while the man whistled merrily, as if he was strolling through a park. He couldn't detect anything from the man, not even a flicker of Spiritual Energy and yet he had come to the Soul Society! He realized the man was far more than what he tried to appear, the vigilance and intensity of his crimson eyes said so.

He was grinning broadly, but Shunsui had learned from experience that appearance could be deceiving. The way he carried himself was that of a man who had been nurtured in wars, the way he looked around was the look of a man of infinite intelligence. The tall stature, the bulging muscles were that of a man who had trained his entire life. This one sure was an enigma!

"Captain Kyoraku, we found this Ryoka wandering around near the 8th Division barracks. We found it appropriate to bring him before you," the superior of the unit declared and led Haruto to the lying Captain.

"Is that so? Well thank you for bringing him here. You may go now." Shunsui drawled lazily without even sitting up.

Haruto looked at the lazy Captain with a sweatdrop. Pink Kimono and a straw hat! Seriously? This guy was supposed to be a Captain? He was even lazier than Shikamaru!

"So you're one of the Ryokas. I know you want to save Rukia from execution, but I'm afraid I can't let you go." Shunsui voiced out from beneath the straw hat.

"Well, I'm afraid I've to go!" Haruto retorted pleasantly.

"Well, then, if you're not ready to back away and I'm pretty sure I can't let you go either, so why don't we settle this down with Sake?" The lazy Captain offered. He knew the redhead would refuse his offer—almost every one of his opponents in the past had refused—but he had nothing to lose from a simple peace offering.

"Now, you're talking! Bring out the sake and let's get right to it" Haruto responded with a loud cheer while Shunsui blinked in surprise and sweatdropped.

Didn't this redhead want to save his friend from execution a minute ago?!

Haruto strode forward and slumped himself in front of the Captain without hesitation or concern, astonishing Kyoraku with his confidence. Normally, people didn't agree to his offer of peace and only perceived them as a sign of deception, but this redhead accepted the offer without hesitation and sat right in front of him without anything to defend himself should he choose to attack.

That could only mean he was confident in his strength and power to thwart his attacks.

"The name is Kyouraku Shunsui, Captain of 8th Division." If he thought Haruto would be intimidated by him being a Captain; he was sadly mistaken as Haruto didn't even blink.

"Your friendly neighborhood Spiderm… I mean Namikaze Haruto, at your service!" Haruto said with a mock bow, which appeared more comical than polite because he was seated at the moment. He really needed to stop watching those Cartoon shows and Animes with Naruko!

"Well, what do you know; it seems we have something in common." Shunsui stated in surprise and took out a pot-like container of Sake with two small saucers, pouring one for himself and the other for the eager redhead. "The fact that you accepted my offer of peace could only mean that you hate violence as well, don't you?"

"I hate violence if it's improper, and FYI I didn't accept your offer of peace, I accepted your offer of Sake!" Haruto said bluntly while Shunsui sweatdropped. "Who would want to fight when they could simply enjoy this sake? A moron, that's who."

Man, this guy was straight forward!

"I agree. I'm surprised a person of your age is drinking sake," the lazy Captain agreed with a subtle smile and took a sip from his cup. "Isn't there a law or something regarding that?"

Haruto choked on his sake as he heard the man practically call him under aged! If Naruko heard that, she would be rolling on the ground from laughter. He was older than anyone in the world; in fact he was as old as the world itself! Technically, his real age may be a few millennia but he had all the memories, experience and knowledge of the previous Ten Tails, and the previous Juubi was as old as the Earth itself!

"What is your real purpose for coming here if I may ask? As far as I know, Rukia had been in the Living World for a few months. That is nearly not enough time for a friendship to form so strong that you would risk your lives to save her." Shunsui inquired curiously and eyed the tall redhead in interest who was sipping Sake carelessly.

"Wait! Who told you I was here to save Rukia?" Haruto asked confusingly, as if he didn't understand the question at all.

"Ah, isn't that why you guys are invading the Seireitei for?" Shunsui deadpanned.

"Hell no! I will let you in on a secret." Haruto whispered quietly and he leaned forwardm "You see, I have this cute little birdie friend and he informed me of this place wonderful sake, so in actuality I'm here for the sake!"

Shunsui sweatdropped at the clearly insane redhead. Forget his earlier thoughts about the man having awareness and all that stuff, he was a certified lunatic!

"Captain, what the hell are you doing?" a loud indignant voice shouted from behind them.

Haruto and Shunsui turned their heads around and saw a beautiful glasses-wearing black haired woman with a large book tucked under her arm.

"Nanao-chan nice to see you again. As for what I'm doing, well, I'm drinking sake with our Ryoka friend here." Shunsui greeted lazily.

"I can see that! My question is, why aren't you apprehending him?" Nanao retorted snappishly.

"Hey hey, do you mind? We're trying to drink here!" Haruto complained.

"I do mind actually!" she snapped rudely and adjusted her glasses.

"Is it that time of the month for her or something." Haruto leaned forward and whispered.

Shunsui palmed his face and tried to laugh his nervousness away, knowing it wasn't going to end well for either of them if the multiple tick marks appearing on Nanao's temple were any indication.

"Ryoka, I suggest you start running, you too Captain," she stated ominously causing the two drinking used-to-be enemies to gulp loudly.

Haruto and Shunsui stood up with conviction and determination. They had to man up or they would never live it down! They gave each other a comforting manly hug and a pat on the back for good luck and with one last look at the still smiling Nanao, high tailed it out of there with a fuming Nanao hot on their tail.