As I looked at the world that was covered with the glow of the crimson moon that hung in the sky, I was utterly speechless and petrified. In this life, I thought that I had seen, heard and felt scary things to not be shaken easily, but this was on a whole other level.
The world Aquarius was gazing at wasn't that different from their world; it was clearly a modern civilization, but now the only things that filled it were collapsed structures entangled by pulsing green vines that, even from that height, he could feel their life. He was slowly becoming like the same people he called pathetic, filled with fear; this wasn't what he had bargained for. He was ready for death or a world similar to hell.
'What the hell is going on, and why'
But this was his world, the place where he grew up; he gripped his head as he fell to the floor. 'What kind of bastard trick is this'. He thought to himself. It wasn't just the world that was similar; the area felt familiar, and it looked like the place that he had the most memories of.
He was sure he had steeled his mind ready for anything, but this was just beyond him; he couldn't get over the feeling of dread; maybe it was because his past memories were resurfacing, memories he desperately wanted to forget.
"What the hell are all of you even doing? Does our situation look like a joke to you?".
The train fell silent at the words of a blonde-haired girl who wore a Japanese oni mask. Her gaze fell on the striking pale-skinned man with jet-black hair and grey eyes who was clenching his head tightly.
She sighed and returned her focus to the other passengers. "You may know this, but not only is this world dangerous, but its very system and laws are different from ours". She looked out the window of the train that had been falling for a good amount of time. "But we can't die yet, maybe".
She pressed her left hand's fingers together before releasing them." So I will like the uttermost corporation of everyone, not for just me but for everyone's survival".
Aquarius stared at the girl who was confidently speaking to the other passengers, he couldn't care less if everyone else on the train died but he still couldn't get rid of the fear that he felt from the city below, like something was watching them ready to pounce at any moment, he didn't know what was lurking in there, but he knew that he would sooner or later find out. 'I hope it is later rather than sooner'
Biting his lips, he stood up from the position he sat and surveyed his surroundings. It was just as the girl had said, the train itself was falling, but they weren't feeling it. It was as though the Laws of motion were nonexistent in this realm.
'If the law of motion or even part of it didn't exist in this world in this very moment, was there any need for us to try and stop or cushion our fall?'. Aquarius knew the answer, there wasn't.
His thoughts were put to an abrupt stop by the voice of the same girl who had been speaking to the other passengers.
"Excuse, me". Aquarius got back to his senses and stared at the girl's Oni mask.
"Umm.. yeah, sorry I was...". But before he could finish the lady interrupted and continued where she left off.
"Aren't you going to help us? We are looking for the other exit, so we can use our clothes as a parachute".
Aquarius wanted to cut in but was still overshadowed by the girl's calm voice. "So, if you aren't helping say so".
Aquarius let the girl's last word drop before answering. "I don't think there is any need for us to...".
Again he was caught short by the girl's excessive remarks. "So, you aren't helping, don't just come and be a burden later on".
'Why wouldn't she just listen to me'. Looking at the people who were hard at work looking for the exit, Aquarius couldn't help but sigh. 'They are just going to fall to their graves'. He tap his forehead lightly before sitting back in his seat. 'When did I even start caring about others? I still have my problems; if they want to die so badly, be my guest'.
But when he raised his gaze, he saw a girl around his age, though shorter, with purple hair and violet eyes staring blankly at him. 'What's her problem'.
The young girl let out a wide smile. "Am Charlotte nice to make your acquaintance".
'Is she for real now? We are in a crisis, and she is introducing herself instead of finding a way to escape'. But as soon as he was tried to respond, she said the most unexpected thing.
"You're really handsome, you know. I think I can fall for you; will you be my boyfriend?".
Aquarius's heart sank, and fear crept in. 'Was she one of those cosmic horrors that I usually hear about that take the form of humans and talk about themself seeing cosmic horrors'.
"Are you that shocked by my confession". Aquarius sighed and looked at her. "I don't know what type of sick joke this is but we are currently in crisis". Charlotte busts into laughter. "Well, if we are in 'crisis' why aren't you doing anything".
"I'm not obligated to tell you". Aquarius said, trying to hide his slightly flustered tune."My, my aren't you a little harsh". Aquarius shifted his gaze to the people who were still looking for the exit.
Charlotte's smile widened as she leaned back. "It is going to be a long flight down, isn't it?".
"Yeah". Aquarius answered in his usual tune. She turned to him and glared at him before staring back at the other passengers. "Well, we will be relatively safe unless we are attacked by an unknown species of bird".
Aquarius didn't pay her any further attention; he still had to try to seal back his reopened memories before they brought out that part of him.
The sound of a loud clashing made both Charlotte and Aquarius turn their heads. 'I can't believe they found the exit'. The Oni-masked girl shifted her gaze to Aquarius before sighing and jumping off the door, followed by many other passengers. Finally, leaving only five behind: Aquarius, Charlotte, The blue-haired boy, the girl who comforted him, and another girl that Aquarius couldn't recognise.
Charlotte cleared her throat and spoke first. "Why did, all of you remain?".
Aquarius glanced at each of the remaining people waiting for their answer. The blue-haired boy finally spoke. "Well, I didn't stay for any particular reason. It is just that you both looked pretty confident in your ability to survive inside the cabin and jumping into this unknown world with my two legs is honestly, well, terrifying". The other two nodded in unison.
Charlotte shifted her gaze back to Aquarius. "So why didn't you jump".
"I could ask you the same thing". She let out a light chuckle at Aquarius' remark. "Well, I guess that's true". She paused. "But I bet we were thinking of the same thing".
Aquarius couldn't disagree with her, he noticed it from the moment he felt that their acceleration wasn't increasing and the impact of the fall on the people inside wasn't significant.
" That's why". She continued. "We didn't leave the ship, whether we were in a bus or train. As long as we buckled our seat belts, everything would be ok".
'The impact of the fall will be close to zero, and they will have the best chance at survival, but without the second law of motion, falling at that high speed from the train is a death sentence because there wouldn't be any force hindering or reducing the speed of your fall'. Aquarius thought to himself
"Cause the people who jumped off are just going to keep falling with the same speed they started with, making it near impossible to stop, you get it right". Charlotte concluded and smiled at the remaining three passengers.
The girl with the brown hair and slightly built physic scratched her head before staring at Charlotte. "Am sorry but I got nothing princess".
"Well, you mustn't get it you can instead...". Charlotte stopped and looked outside the window to the towering figure staring at them. She could feel it, not just the fear of the monster, but the countdown of her very existence.
The next moment a green spike flew towards them, splattering Charlotte's head to pieces.
The remaining passenger's eyes widened in horror, at the sight of the monster that now held their cabin between its fingers.