Region Lord

Jyn walked discreetly round the shelves looking for a certain book, green, with the Aman family insignia just three centimeters below the usual spot. After finding it he pushed it in revealing a dark passage, he activated his light crystal for illumination as he could barely see a thing, it would be sad if he stumbled upon an ancient skull of some scholar, although that should be impossible since this 'sacred' chamber was in frequent use, but its never too much to play safe. After climbing down the stairs he found a brightly lit chamber, the 'legendary chamber' as the Young Master would call it, a library, only a bit smaller than the one outside, it was now time to 'conquer' this turf. He didn't have much time, whilst 'conquering' this current turf he had to be on the look out. This was the Aman Manor. It was already a grave sin that he wasn't at his duty post, he might be a valet to the young master but he wouldn't be spared.

He had snuck out of the Aman Manor's annual festival. It was an occasion for joy and a means to share goodwill, but everyone knew it was just a medium for the Aman family to showcase their wealth and reinforce their dominance. Typical of an aristocratic family, typical of the Regional lords. Although this time around the young masters were now of age for their 'journey'.

It's been three days already, and with the celebrations going on, Jyn now had the opportunity he'd been after, the opportunity to storm the 'sacred library' not that he cared for it's sacredness, just that Lynn wouldn't stop rumbling about how 'sacred' it was, to him it was just a chamber filled with books he had to get his hands on.

Jyn Rechiro, fourth kitten of the Rechiro couple, servants in charge of the kitchen. His father was the master chef and his mother was a scullery maid. They had met under the 'sauce fountain' of young Mr Rechiro at the time, luckily it had been prepared the night before and had already cooled off. 'Sauce fountain' as it was called by Mr Rechiro, was actually a bizarre incident . Mr Rechiro had been coming out of the kitchen with his bowl of sauce and bumped into her at the hallway leading to the outer courtyard, it spilled allover like a real fountain, the beautiful doe had just been brought into the manor and was being shown around. Watching the young buck before her seriously kowtowing in apology, she could not help but find it cute and thus their journey began.

Years later young Jyn was 'born', he was the most beautiful kitten, he had sparking eyes_going by what his parents says that is. He did have fiery eyes though but as time went on he became confused, everyone had their own opinion on what his eyes looked like, today it's sparkles, tomorrow it's fierce at the same time it's doe-eyed or its liquid. The heck it's my eyes for crying out loud. Or maybe he was confused for nothing. At the end of the day it didn't matter, he was still a Bronzed Tier and even if he caught the eye of some prestigious maiden he was just going to end up as a possession and nothing more. Not that he was considering all that though.

After the birth of their kits, The Rechiros worked their butts off for their sons to become footmen of the younger masters

"at the very least they'd get a decent status" they thought.

Their efforts did pay off, it was more than they had expected, their 2nd and 3rd sons had become footmen for the main branch of The Amans. Jyn on the other hand had caught the eye of Lord Aman and was appointed valet to the first young master. That in itself was unheard of.

Being a valet was a big thing in itself, their son was a smart kit, he loved reading, he kept at himself most of the time, but how had he become a valet? Maybe Being the fourth generation chief cook of the Aman Manor had its own flavors. But then when has it ever happened that a Bronze Tier 3 classed Bunny becomes a valet for a Silver Tier 3 Upper Master, that was fishy. But then their son had earned his position uprightly, clearing the tests he had to, but then he shouldn't have even qualified to participate. Having their other sons work as footmen for the main branch would at least secure their future. But of course their first son was going to inherit the position of his father as chief cook as his father did his father, the position of chief cook had always belonged to their family, it'd been so for the past four generations, it was a legacy they intended to keep.

Jyn was three when he began 'learning' along side the young master, his form of 'education' was rather 'special'. He was a valet in training and had to be equipped for the service of the young master, he was to always be at his side.

Amongst the lively atmosphere and the buzzing crackers, and melodies and the beautiful choreography in the Aman Manor, a young buck, snuck back to the side of a certain individual. This individual was seated with a scroll in hand and was having a few sips of calm herbs tea. With a glimpse one could tell that he wasn't an ordinary fellow he'd be an important figure at the very least, even he's clothings spelled prodigality. He was a real prodigy a young one at that.

If one looked closely one would noticed that the young buck that had just emerged, had a particular charm to his eyes.

"Are you back?"

"Hmm" The young buck replied without any noticeable expression on his cute face. It was Jyn.

"How far have you gone?"

"I'm done"

"Pfft..." The young important figure was non other than the first young master of the Aman Manor heir to the estate. He couldn't help but spill out his drink. This valet of his was a rare demon, a crazy fellow, it was enough that he was swift at foot, but did he have to be swift in books? He was the young master, was he not suppose to be the scholar, why did he always have to lose to this humble bragger.

"Comport yourself sir, you don't want the young doe having a bad impression of you" the heck was wrong with this young master of his, every other young master would comport themselves in front of the Does, but his had to be so unreliable, after all the effort they had put into this, today was the D-day for crying out loud.

It was just a few books he had read, was there a need to be so shocked that he'd spill his drink? The heck..

Knowing the situation, Lynn composed himself and reverted back to his elegant disposition one befitting of an heir. As much as he didn't want to admit it, that crazy fellow was right, nothing had to go wrong today. But he couldn't help but feel stifle within, that clown might not think much of it but he knew just how many books were in that library, to have cleared them all with the time he took , even that monster at the academy would flee in fright, it seemed this clown of his was getting more monstrous as time passed. And what the heck did his valet mean by leaving an impression on the doe, it's not like he cared what she thought, why did it make it seem like he was about to visit his future in-laws and had to leave a good impression. As much as today was D-day he wasn't going for an introduction, at least not a marriage introduction, at least non that he knew of. But he had pressing matters to attend to right away, this freak of his can wait.

The young Miss of the Zeth Manor was finally here, she had the Angora bloodline. Those with the Angora bloodline were ravishing beauties, even the behemoths of the Golden tier couldn't resist their alluring beauty. The Zeth Manor was a Silver Tier 3 lower classed family a Chinchilla breed, although it is rumored that an ancestor of theirs was an Angora breed resulting in the appearance of the Angora bloodline within their clan. So every born offspring with the Angora bloodline were regarded as a priceless jewel and were carried as such. She had their clans First Elder with her.


Back at the tower..

"What should I do now? " Lyn asked

Jyn rolled his eyes intensively but unnoticed.

The hell is wrong with this guy, how should I know, you're the one with the scroll dammit.

"I think you should start with the formalities" Jyn responded all the same

"You're going to have to be more specific 'young man'"

'Start with the formalities', who doesn't know that, I'm asking for actual steps you moron. Why can't this hypocrite of mine be reliable when you need him.

Jyn could feel the burning gaze from the other party, he could pretend not to notice after all this young master of his was a pain. But then....

"We're not at the academy 'sir' " Jyn responded

Lynn turned to him with a heated questioning gaze

"What's that suppose to mean? "

"That fellow isn't here sir, so there's no reason to hold back. I suggest you go all in"

"I can't believe this guy" Lynn said to himself

"J I would pummel you if you don't make yourself useful.

Is there anyone as unlucky as I am, to have such a valet. Other masters had graceful and polished reliable valets who attended to them, but me, what do I get, a clown, how is he even my Genji?

"And what the heck is with the whole 'sir' thing you are doing?"

"This is a formal setting 'sir', it wouldn't tell good of you if even your valet has no concern for formalities with you" Jyn said stressing the word sir.

"The heck.... How many times have I told you that it doesn't matter "

"It's easier said than done sir. Get more authority before voicing your complains" What is with this block head master of mine, he speaks of dropping the formalities, like he'd be of use to me if the old master finds out..

"You speak of formalities, yet you speak to me with no reverence. What use is your formal address if every other thing coming from your mouth is filled with nasty sarcasm"

"That wasn't sarcasm sir"

"Oh? You want to lecture me now? "

"Maybe"Jyn responded with a smug

"I'll kill you" Lyn said in a frenzy. This clown would be the end of me...

"The task at hand sir" Jyn reminded

"Oh now you want talk about the task at hand?"

"I'm being a proper valet"

"Proper valet your head, if this was what a proper valet comprised of, no one would dare bear with it, and yet you speak if it, what a clown... " The more he thought about it the more he felt like plunging his fit into this fellow's skull. But he was right, now wasn't the time to mess around, he had a task at hand and time was of the essence, he couldn't bear to waste it talking to this fellow.

Meanwhile amidst the mountain range surrounding the Aman Manor, two figures where standing quietly under the bright full moon, the night breeze made their cloths fluster, they looked like deities of death, their black attires made them sync properly with their environment, they were out of anyone's line of sight. From where they stood they could see the Aman Manor and the lively energy it was emanating.

"Have you ever wondered why every Bronzed Tied family would want to be adopted into the Aman Household no matter the position to be obtained?" Asked one of the figures as he stroke his chin, he had the demeanor of a master.

"The Aman Family is probably the only Family were servants and workers are treated with respect and are granted life that can't be found anywhere else, making it the reason every Bronzed Tied Family would want to be adopted into the Family regardless of the position to be obtained. They are granted protection as well as prestige and no one dared raise their hands against them as Lord Aman would never stand for it, he was the only one who determined the fate of those within his domain."

"Hahaha...." The first figure busted into a hearty laughter

You seem to have done your homework"

The second figure bowed to show his respect.

There was a moment of silence before the first figure posed his next question

"Why do you think the Sovereign Monarch seems to favor him? "

"It's rumored that it all began when Lord Aman went on his journey. He earned his way into the 'Golden Path' when he returned, causing the present affluence of the Aman Household"

"Well for one it's not a rumor, it's just missing a few details..

"So what's the update on the Zeth Family?"

"Our sources are still uncertain about why they were personally invited by Lord Aman. Maybe it's because of the Angora bloodline... "

"The Angora bloodline yields him no benefits. Have those goons provide tangible information, otherwise loop off their heads, by the morning" The first figure interjected coldly. One could feel the aura of death leaking from him. The second figure nodded and immediately vanished from sight. The first figure stood there quietly for a little while before vanishing as well.

Meanwhile those from the Zeth Manor were being welcomed to the main court where those from the upper echelon were being hosted.

Amidst the feasting atmosphere and the grandeur, the prestige of one of the greatest Silver Tier Family was no joke, everything was done explicitly and precisely, even the servants and workers were all arrayed in what one could only describe as excellence, a grand work of art. It left the guests with what one would best describe as a mesmerized feeling, coupled with the feeling of oppression, which seemed to be intentional.

As those from the Zeth Manor walked grandly into the main court, Lord Aman couldn't help but scoff. He had a dead expression on his face, his eyes were as cold as usual, though golden in color and normally should be pretty, they looked like the pit of hell, a dark abyss that could swallow a city, the eyes of a predator that would likely play with it's prey before tossing it aside out of boredom. He was grandly seated on his seat on an elevated platform a little away from the other seats meant for the guests.

Elder Yoan walked straight up to the seat of the host accompanied by the Young Miss of the Zeth Manor. He cupped his fist and made a slight bow while the young miss made a curtsy with a bow.

"I Zeth Wo Yoan First Elder of the Zeth Manor greets his lordship"

"I Zeth Mira greets his lordship "

"I apologize for the absence of our clan head, Lord Zeth had some business to attend to so he couldn't make it"Elder Yoan spoke up

After a moment of silence Lord Aman casually spoke

"Sure, make yourselves comfortable "

'To think that the old fox would openly dishonor my invitation, sometimes I wonder what he thinks he's doing.' He thought.

"Thank You your Lordship" Elder Yoan spoke as he took his leave to a seat the servants in the area seemed to have prepared for the Zeth Household.

The main court was quite spacious and grand , whoever designed the place had put in alot of effort to achieve such grandness. Despite being in an open space the entire area was dead silent, all the merriment from the outer court didn't seem to exist in this space, seems one had intentionally made it so. Seems that the rumors about the Regional Lord having some air Jiff users wasn't a rumor after all, as expected of the great Lord Aman.

"I'm sure you all have an idea of why we're all gathered here?" Lord Aman asked looking at those in front of him with a neutral gaze.

Those present were the Thirteen clan heads of the Fourteen clans in Liang the region of Lord Aman and for the first time in two decades they had gathered with the younger generation. Each clan came with at least three of their younger generation 'geniuses' for this gathering except the Zeth Household who only had the young miss with them. Each Household and Clan sat in a little round table that could entertain six individuals and they were set in a specific pattern, a pattern that seemed to emphasize on hierarchy. As much as they were all clan heads their influence, affluence, power and even wealth differed, and so did their sitting arrangements. Lord Aman had the most noticeable seat, one befitting of a Regional Lord, it was at the extreme end of the court, anyone entering the court could clearly see it as it was a little elevated. The seats of the various clan heads were directly opposite Lord Aman's seat a few meters away but not too far off, they were arranged in a way that left an aisle in the middle, an aisle that could allow four individuals walk side by side without worries, their seats were parallel and had equal number of seats at each side, seven at each side to be precise, with the most influentials closer to Lord Aman, and the two most influentials at the two fronts, Zeth Clan and Clan head Woan. It looked like an imperial meeting one with an emperor or the Sovereign Monarch, not that they would know.

Clan head Woan cupped his fist and spoke from where he was seated

"Of course we do your Lordship, we'd be unworthy of our positions if we didn't, although I wonder why even at that some one would blatantly ignore this call" he had a smirk and was clearly trying to shake the waters, it was better to strike when one had the opportunity to.

Knowing that such a statement was directly shot at his clan head and the result wouldn't be nice if the Regional Lord decided to take it as an insult or a lack of respect, Elder Yoan spoke up with cupped fist

"The Zeth Clan has no reason to be unbridled and show disrespect to the Regional Lord, we've been loyal and would remain that way, our clan head just had an emergency and couldn't met up, and for that he sent his apology"

"Oh..? Seems the Zeth Clan has grown bold" Clan head Lu, a clan head seated at the third row, two seats away from Clan head Woan spoke up.

"To say your Clan has no reason, do you mean no reason yet? Everyone knows your clan is getting hungry for power after the the emergence of an Angora bloodline within your clan" He continued with a cupped fist to show respect to the Regional lord, but was directly looking towards Elder Yoan.

"Oh yes, what else could he have gone for if not to look for a Gold Tier that'll bring a rise to his status " Clan head Moo spoke while nodding gently, he was on the second row a seat from Clan head Woan

"Well everyone knows for a clan to evolve they'd need a union with a higher tier, but then no higher tier would want a union without benefit. " added Clan head Toa, he was on the third row of the first column, the column on the right side from Lord Aman's view.

Clan head Fue nodded then added

"Well it becomes different when an Angora Bloodline is on the bargain table. I mean even the Gold Tiers would'nt be against it" he was seated next to Clan head Toa.

It seemed they were really eager to put the Zeth Clan on the bad side of the Region Lord. ....