I was never a stranger to the dark. It was my refuge, the place I ran to when the world felt too cruel, too unfair. I knew its shadows like old friends, its silence like a lullaby. The darkness never judged me, never demanded anything from me, it simply existed, wrapping itself around me, making me feel safe.
But one day, I stepped into the light. I didn't mean to, I didn't even want to, but there I was face to face with everything I had once avoided. I saw warmth, love, and the beauty of connection, the way hands held each other and hearts beat in unison. But in that same light, I also saw the shadows lurking within—the heartbreak, the betrayals, the loss, the pain that comes with truly living.
Frightened, I tried to retreat, to bury myself in the comfort of my old darkness. But it was no longer the same. The shadows no longer felt like home. My mind had been stolen by the light, and no matter how much I longed for the quiet solitude of before, something inside me resisted. I became entranced by the light so the darkness felt forbidden..
Perhaps I had changed. Or perhaps, once you've seen the light, you can never truly belong to the darkness again.