Chapter 1- I was ordinary... Now I'm a dream warrior?

His name is Seth Silverfang.

Fantasy name... But unassuming man.

He is your basic suit wearing desk jockey in modern day. And no... He wasn't isekaied. Put your comparisons away.

Instead he had a normal life... As normal as one could imagine when one is in Japan.

Graduated high school. Worked through college. Got into a nice company at 21... Until it went bankrupt 10 years later and he was dumped by his girlfriend for losing said job.

Then got picked up by a black company and worked to the bone for another ten years. Could barely keep up with the hours and even barely find time to unwind and relax with friends and family during holidays thanks to the slave drivers.

Found out they worked for the yakuza and called the police on them.

Then his life spiraled down worse. The company blacklisted dhis name as a company destroyer. He was unable to get hired by other companies again with two failed companies under his belt in his resume.

And even when his other coworkers were vouching for him... He was removed from the interviews for those marks against him.

He had to work part time jobs at the ripe age of 50. And couldn't find a nice lady to settle down with due to his position as a part time convenience store clerk.

He did what he could for staying fit with martial arts and even yoga. But it didn't help him when he needed it at his advanced age of 65.

Another long day dealing with customers and restocking the same boring shelves at the 7-11 he worked night shift at. He stretched his back out as his coworker told him they were going for a smoke break out back.

With a not the graying hair on his head got into his eyes and he swished it out of them.

However he saw a gang drive down the street on motorbikes he watched as they pulled up the store and didn't remove their helmets as they waltzed into the aisles.

Seth got ready with the police call button beneath the counter when one of them suddenly had a long knife to his neck from the side and said, "Better not try to be a hero old man. We are ready to take you out if you don't behave."

Seth raised his hands with a grunt of disappointment and regret. His body has begun to fail him from how long he had pushed it in his youth with only the basic fitness activities allowed for his spare time. So arthritis, joint pain, and deteriorating muscle mass was hitting him harder than most men his age.

He glared at the 5 men as they ransacked the store while the knife wielding one was keeping his eyes on Seth.

Seth was about to make a daring move when his coworker came back from their break.

They saw the store being robbed and gasped loudly, the gangsters all turned to them with their weapons coming out of their jackets. Seth saw the knife user turn as well and knew he had one shot.

He hit the button with his knee and grabbed the knife arm with his hands. He bents the elbow and wrist at the joints and yelled out, "Run! Now!"

Right as he made the man drop the knife.

His coworker ran like hell as the gangsters all tried to rush after the retreating witness. However Seth managed to use the surprised knife user properly and did a judo throw over his shoulder at the gangsters rushing for his coworker.

They fall into a heap and groan in pain as 4 of them try to untangle themselves from the pile.

Seth turns to run but feels two painful hits slam into his back. And he sees blood seep the front of his uniform. He had been shot twice.

Stumbling while turning back around he sees a shaking gangster wielding the offending gun and going, "Ha-hahah! I shot him! Now my old man can't call me a spineless coward anymore!"

The gangsters all start calling him an idiot for breaking the tight Japanese gun control laws while also killing someone as Seth slumps to the floor against the counter and gasps and wheezes alone and with no one to worry about him.

His last throughts were, I have no wife, my family is dead, and I am alone... At least no one will worry or grieve me so that they can continue their lives... I wish I had done things differently after the first job went belly up... I could've gone to the farm... And lived quietly there with a wife... Making a family... Enjoying... Life... Making... That... Game... Idea... I had... Oh... Well....

And Seth draws his last wheezing breath.

However someone heard him and said, "Your wish is granted brave one. For saving an innocent... And living honestly... We give you a second chance. With a boon to enjoy what you hope for. Enjoy it and show us what you will do with this gift."

And Seth blacked out.

He wakes up in his old bedroom. His apartment is a simple studio with a kitchen, bathroom, and a living/bedroom. But it's home. He looks around confused as he sees his hands are at least 3 decades younger.

Going to the calendar and his drivers license he finds himself to be in his 30s. Specifically 33 years old. Where he notices the date and the letter on the table are set to where the company just gave him his severance pay for them going bankrupt and giving him the closing payments.

He sighs as he also notices that this is the day after his girlfriend left him for some rich CEO guy with a successful tech company.

More power to her.

Seth groans and looks up his parents home. They owned a farm and left it to him last year when they died. He had no siblings to fight over for custody so this worked well.

With the severance pay, the fully paid for farm home, and the f garden supplying some fresh food. He would be good for at least two years to just live off the land and enjoy some peace. Maybe work on that game idea he had. Make some money off of that.

He nods and gets his affairs in order.

Tells his friends where he goes, writing to his uncle who always worries about him where he will be. And then moves out of his apartment and heads to where he came be free.

He settles him with his limited furniture and kitchen supplies and sighs out.

He finds the local farming community stop by to welcome the son of their deceased neighbors and asks if he needs anything.

After giving contact info to each other they leave after he promises to not be a stranger and to help in the fields here and there in exchange for some produce and pay to help him adjust to this lifestyle.

Seth falls asleep that night ready to enjoy what the next day will bring.

But he opens his eyes wearing strange fantasy clothing, a leather tunic, a leather vest, and some trousers with leather boots. He looks like the starting avatar to a game.

Then he sees the pedestals. Each one has a different weapon on it.

Sword, axe, lance, bow, shield, grimoire, amulet, and staff.

He wonders what's going on when he sees a text message float in front of him saying, Begin selection of character specialty. And enjoy your growth system to become the most powerful person around.

Seth has only one answer at this moment... "What the fuck?!"