Chapter 3- Getting to know the Neighbors. And stat grinding

Seth mey up with the community at the main farm with the largest acre coverage of all kinds of fruit and vegetables plants.

It would be a lot of work given how many of the plants were nearing ripeness. Not to mention all the preparations they had planned for the upcoming winter.

Lots of busy work, lots of heavy lifting, lots of opportunities for Seth to grind those stat points for his survival in his dream battles!

He had to pause and lament how quickly he adapted to the fact that his dreams are real and he is basically a character from his favorite books.

But he snaps to attention and helps with all the heavy lifting he can while taking breaks here and there.

He may not look too impressive at the moment. He is only 6ft tall right now. So he has height. But he has the traditional black hair, light beard, and a basic build.

His build has only a little chub from long years of being at a desk and eating so many meals at said desk. Seth also has only a light layer of muscle fromimited time to train martials arts and get basic training in. But he looked good in the outfit he wore and a few single female farmers were noticing.

Especially as his body seemed to accelerate his muscle growth thanks to the stats climbing but by bit as the day wore on.

Between helping with huge baskets of fruits and vegetables to load them into the truck, and helping put away all the tools and mineral bags, Seth had gained quite a bit in each stat after a solid 4 hour work day.

9pm had rolled around and the farmers were all gathered in the town hall enjoying a cafeteria style feast for their efforts.

Seth had quite the fan club around himself of both male and female farmers. Everyone in the group ranged from 22-45 in age.

The males were in awe of his efforts and physical fitness despite being a "city boy" as they said it. The females were praising him... Mostly for the fact that he was so strong working for so long and kept up with most of their long time farm hands and younger more fit farmers.

Seth waves them off simply saying, "I'm training as a martial artist. What I lack in mass. I make up for in stamina."

Many men all cheered for that kind of build while some females blushes at the implications of such a statement.

Seth enjoyed his time with them and made plans for tomorrow to help them out even earlier than before.

He was planning to maximize the gains he had as he saw how much a 4 hour work day of hard labor did for him for stat growth.

Seth Silverfang

STR: 1.10 -> 1.42

REF: 0.92 -> 1.34

STA: 1.05 -> 1.37

END: 0.94 -> 1.36

MANA: 0.10 -> 0.14

Seth whistled a bit at the jump in stats. he flexed a bit in the mirror at home and while it didn't seem like too big a stat jump he noticed his muscles had grown by about half an inch.

He's not weird! Some men measure their muscles! Don't google him!

But he knew he had a long way to go. he got a nice boost in developing his muscles, but he knew it would barely be enough for this Master mode he decided on for his path of growth. It would be a challenge, but most things worth it in life are a challenge.

He went to sleep and entered the dream realm.

He had on the leather outfit from last dream and his katana, but the message read something interesting.

Player may choose his reward from defeating the monster last night.

1. Weapon upgrade

2. Armor upgrade

3. New skill

Seth looked through them, thought it over and while it was tempting to upgrade his equipment, he knew it might be a trap, he needed skills to help him grow and help him survive.

He chose the third reward and a ding sounded out.

He opened up his stat page and widened his eyes in shock at the surprise he found.

Seth Silverfang

STR: 1.42 -> 1.74

REF: 1.34 -> 1.66

STA: 1.37 -> 1.59

END: 1.36 -> 1.68

MANA: 0.14 -> 0.18


Katana Mastery: lvl 1 Beginner exp: 7%

gain +1% to damage done with katanas

Stat growth booster: lvl Max

Double stat growth rate from training

Seth grins and readies his blade. He was ready for almost anything... except for what appeared.

Enemy spawned: Lycan warrior, Average stat 1-2

The wolf humanoid that was about 5ft tall, wielding a large club, a shield, and leather armor roared out and readied its combat stance.

Seth looked at his stats and then back at the expected average of the wolf and shrugged a bit while looking helpless, "Help?!"

Before the fight began and the two fighters fought with each other.