The expressions on everyone's faces made it dawn on Liam what he had just done. He had kissed Ben—on the lips. And surprisingly, he enjoyed it.
He glanced around at his friends; Darla, Casper, and Chloe wore shocked expressions, while Eric and Bia exchanged knowing smirks. His gaze landed on Ben, who was staring down at his hands, lost in thought. 'Does he not like it?' Liam pondered, a frown creeping onto his face.
"Uh, Ben, it's your turn to pick," Casper finally broke the silence after a lengthy pause. Ben looked up, nodding absentmindedly before asking, "What?" "It's your turn to pick," Casper reiterated.
Ben grabbed a piece of paper. "Hug number 20 for 10 seconds," he announced. It was a senior. Ben stood up and wrapped his arms around him. It was a simple embrace—just the senior's hands resting on Ben's shoulders.
But for Liam, it was anything but simple. He couldn't stand the sight of Ben hugging someone else. The idea that Ben might not have enjoyed the kiss gnawed at him. Then, a realization struck him: he liked Ben.
Not just as a friend, he finally admitted to himself.
Feeling overwhelmed, he stood up and walked away, not caring where he was headed. He couldn't bear to watch Ben hug that senior any longer. He needed space to sort through his emotions.
He had just come to terms with the fact that he had feelings for Ben—a guy. Strangely, it didn't shock him as it should have. It was as if he had known all along but had simply chosen to ignore it.
"Liam, hold on!" Eric's voice called out from behind him. He paused and turned to face him. "Come with me," Eric said, leading him to a quieter corner outside.
"I like him, Eric. I can't pinpoint when it started, but I really do like him," Liam confessed as soon as they arrived.
"It took a Little peck for you to see it, huh? That's good. So when are you planning to confess?" Eric asked, grinning. His friend was finally on the brink of starting a relationship.
"Confess? I'm not even sure if he feels the same way," Liam replied, anxiety creeping in about the possibility of Ben not reciprocating his feelings. Did Ben actually like him? He was uncertain.
Eric let out an exasperated sigh. "You can't honestly think Ben doesn't have feelings for you? He lights up when you walk in, blushes at your compliments, and looked genuinely upset when you mentioned you two weren't dating. And let's not forget the gift—he was practically a bundle of nerves!"
"Wait, what gift? He hasn't given me anything," Liam interjected, puzzled.
"Did I just let that slip?" Eric groaned. "He asked about your favorite brand because he wanted to surprise you with something for your birthday."
A wave of emotions washed over Liam as he processed Eric's words. The thought that Ben still wanted to get him a gift, despite Liam's insistence that it wasn't necessary, made him feel giddy. Ben was truly adorable.
"Just have a chat with him and figure out your feelings. I'm confident you two can work things out. Should we head back inside?"
"Yeah, but I'm feeling a bit anxious," Liam confessed as they made their way back in.
"That's completely normal. Remember when I was anxious talking to Chloe?"
"I'm not as desperate as you were." Even Liam knew he was stretching the truth.
"Sure, buddy."
"Where did you guys go to?" Darla inquired. Liam scanned the area, hoping to spot Ben, but he was nowhere to be found.
"If you're searching for Ben, he's already left. He took off a few minutes ago with Chloe," Darla explained.
"You might want to go have a word with him. He seemed like he was on the verge of tears," Bia suggested to Liam.
Liam and Eric made their way to Ben's house. On their journey, they bumped into Chloe, who informed them that Ben was already home. While Liam headed to see Ben, Eric returned to the party with Chloe.
Upon reaching his home, Liam knocked on the door three times before Ben finally answered. "Hey, can we talk?" Liam noticed that Ben's eyes appeared slightly glistening.
"....sure," Ben replied, closing the door behind him as he stepped outside.
"Ben, I..." How should he begin? Liam felt uncertain about what to say first; he didn't want to say something that might jeopardize his chances.
"Are you upset with me?" Ben asked, puzzled by Liam's abrupt exit earlier. He feared Liam might be repulsed by the kiss.
"Why would you think that? I'm not upset with you at all. It's just that..." Liam paused, taking a deep breath. "You forgot to give me my birthday gift."
"How did you find out I-... Oh, Eric," Ben sighed. "Let me grab it." He turned back inside.
Liam had said that to buy himself some time to figure out the right words. Should he just blurt out, 'I like you, Ben. Do you feel the same?' Wouldn't that be a bit too forward? "Ugh! I don't know," Liam muttered to himself.
Ben returned with a box, opening it to reveal a beautiful Louis Vuitton necklace. "Happy birthday, Liam," he said, a small smile forming on his lips.
"It's stunning! Could you help me put it on?" Liam asked eagerly.
Ben leaned in closer, nodding as he did so. He rose onto his toes and carefully placed the necklace around Liam's neck, their faces mere inches apart.
As Ben attempted to step back, Liam wrapped his arms securely around Ben's waist, causing Ben's hands to rest on Liam's shoulders.
"Ben..." Liam murmured, gazing intently into his eyes.
"Mmn?" Ben replied, the sudden closeness and Liam's embrace quickening his heartbeat.
"I walked away earlier, not because I disliked the kiss, but because I felt jealous. I didn't like seeing you hug that senior, and I thought maybe you didn't want me to kiss you," Liam explained, eager to clear the air.
"I really like you, more than you know. I'm sorry it took me so long to admit it. I truly like you, Ben," Liam finally voiced his feelings.
Ben was shocked. The very person he had a crush on, someone he believed he could never have, was confessing his feelings to him. "Liam..."
"I want to kiss you. Is that okay?" Liam asked, his gaze focused on Ben's lips. Ben quickly nodded in agreement.
Liam pressed his lips against Ben's, his hands gently cradling his face. A shiver ran through Ben as their mouths connected; it was even more magical than he'd ever envisioned. The kiss was sweet—pure and innocent.
Inside, Liam was a whirlwind of emotions. Ben's lips felt incredibly soft, stirring a desire for more. But he held back for a moment. "Ben... do you like me too?" he asked.
Ben was surprised. Was Liam genuinely inquiring about his feelings? "I thought it was clear," he replied softly. "I like you, Liam. I've always liked you. So much." He wrapped his arms around Liam, holding him tightly.
"I'm sorry it took me so long, Ben," Liam said, inhaling the comforting scent of his neck.
"But it brought us here, so it's all worth it," Ben replied.
Liam's heart soared at the realization that Ben felt the same. He didn't want to prolong the moment any further. "Will you be my boyfriend?" he asked, his voice filled with hope.
Ben beamed, his heart racing so fast he feared it might leap from his chest. "Yes."
Without hesitation, Liam kissed Ben again. This time, it was anything but innocent. The kiss ignited a fire between them, and Ben clung to Liam, feeling as if his legs might buckle beneath him.
Liam trailed kisses down Ben's neck, sending him into a euphoric state, as if he were floating. The sensation of Liam's lips on his skin was overwhelming.
"W-what if someone comes here?" Ben stammered, though deep down, he didn't truly care.
"They're all at the party," Liam murmured between kisses.
"B-but—" Ben was cut off when Liam gently pulled at his bottom lip, causing a soft moan to escape him before Liam withdrew.
"So, we're officially boyfriends now, right?" Liam inquired. Ben could only nod, speechless.
With a warm smile, Liam pressed kisses to Ben's forehead, cheeks, and lips. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Alright, good night," Ben replied, his voice barely above a whisper, still in disbelief.
It was official—they were now boyfriends.