Ben was suspicious of Mr Sam.
Mr Sam doesn't send him on errands anymore, he doesn't even smile at him anymore. He just teaches and leaves.
Should he be happy and just forget the idea that Mr Sam is up to something with this behavior? He will just have to see.
After he left, Liam connected their hands under the table. Drawing circles on them as he uses his other hand to write something down in his book. That was enough for Ben to forget Mr Sam and his suspicious behavior.
"Anytime I remember exams are just two weeks away, I get bummed. I wonder why it's compulsory." Chloe said as she massaged her temples..
Eric gave a small laugh. "It has to be compulsory babe."
Chloe turned to face him properly, a sarcastic smile on. "Thanks for the input nerd."
Eric only laughed as he looked towards Liam and Ben. "Don't think I can't see you squeezing the life out of his hand. What did you say about banning pda the other time?" Eric teased Liam.
Liam shrugged, smiling. He couldn't stay for a long time without contact with Ben. He wanted the boy close at all times. Liam was down bad for Ben.
He sometimes wonders if Ben finds him too much for always wanting to be close.
"Isn't Mr Sam acting weird? He doesn't send me on errands anymore and I should be happy about that but I feel something's off." Ben said to Liam as they held hands and walked towards their class. P.E was over.
"I wanted to talk to you about that. I think you have to be careful. Don't go anywhere he sends you alone." Liam told him. Ben nodded. He just prayed everything will be okay. He didn't want any more drama with Mr Sam.
Ben's prayers were answered because the next two days, Mr Sam was fired. The whole school was buzzing about it. Nobody knew why he was fired, it seems like teachers were told to keep it confidential. Ben and Liam were surprised. They were happy but also curious about what happened.
He was surprised to see his mom that evening. His parents usually come after exams so he figured she was here because of Mr Sam's issue.
"I missed you my love." His mom said as she hugged him tight.
"I can't breathe mom." Ben managed to say amongst the squeezing.
"That sounds like you miss me too." She replied. Ben chuckled.
"Are you here because of Mr Sam?" Ben asked.
"Yeah, he was caught in some serious act which needed immediate attention. I'm even thinking of filing for a revocation of his teaching license." His mom answered sitting down on the sofa.
That surprised Ben and made him happy too. "May I ask why? The teachers are not saying anything, it seems confidential."
"You know I can't tell you Ben, it's confidential and the student involved don't want other students knowing." She told him while scrolling through her phone.
"Does it....does it involve Mr Sam asking a minor out?" He asked, wanting to be sure.
His mom stopped scrolling, her hands staying on top of the screen as she looked up at him. "How did you know?"
He might as well just tell her. Mr Sam was fired anyway. "Well he kind of made the same advances to me. My friend helped me that day."
His mom had a shocked look on her face. "What? Why didn't you say anything?" She stood up and walked towards him.
"Cause, I didn't have any proof of that. What if teachers think I'm just a spoilt rich kid."
"I don't care about that Ben. I'll be damned if my son gets into that situation in my school and I don't do anything about it. If anything like this happens or anything at all, you tell me okay. I don't care what the teachers think." She said hugging him gently.
"Okay mom." Ben was still curious how the student made it happen. His mother explained everything to him. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone about it.
It turns out the student begged the English teacher, Miss Riley, and the hostel staff to follow him and hide at the window when Mr Sam told him to come see him privately. Mr Sam started professing his love to him and asked him out. His mom didn't tell him the student's name but said he is a ninth grader.
Ben thought Mr Sam only approached him. He didn't know he had done this with other students. He wondered if there are more he did this with. He was really glad the student was smart and brave enough to do what he did.
His mom left the next day. She filed for Mr Sam's license to be revoked.
"I wonder why it really happened. Did you ask your mom?" Liam asked.
"Yeah, but I promised her that I wouldn't tell anyone. One thing I can say is that Mr Sam didn't only approach me."
"It's fine if you can't say. I'm just glad he's gone. Now you can stop being anxious and focus on the upcoming exams."
"Yeah me too. I'm so relieved." Ben hugged Liam.
He couldn't wait for them to have the picnic date. He was looking forward to it. He was happy he's going to do something fun and cute with Liam before exams.
He was happy.