Tsubasa awoke to an emergency alert on the radio. Yui rolled over to turn off the radio like an alarm clock, but Tsubasa grabbed her arm to stop her. "This is an emergency alert broadcast. A massive sea creature has been detected approaching Tokyo Bay. All residents are advised to stay indoors."
Godzilla's head emerged from the water, and soon enough, it no longer had to swim. Stepping into the city, it looked at all the buildings underneath it. With a swing of its tail, Godzilla demolished an entire city block. It walked forward, turning entire buildings to rubble just by brushing into them. Godzilla had its eyes locked onto one thing: a building even taller than itself.
Tsubasa and Yui ran down the empty road, around abandoned cars and people running for safety. The two knew Godzilla was not something you could hide inside from. Tsubasa could hear the beast's rampage from off in the distance, but if they could get far enough away, they'd be fine.
"Big brother, please…" Yui panted, running only a little bit ahead of Tsubasa around a corner. He was carrying all of Yui's art binders in both arms, trying not to drop any. He knew how much these meant to her. It would break his heart if all her hard work was destroyed in Godzilla's assault.
"It's okay, Yui. I've got it…!" he grunted, falling behind. They were so heavy.
"Let go!" She cried. "Drop it! Run!" Tsubasa's heart sank. The upper half of a building was tossed down the road they were just on, and exploded. The ground quaked, Tsubasa fell. He dropped everything, and scrambled to his feet before running again. Still, he stayed right behind Yui. He knew he couldn't protect her if Godzilla went right after them, but it eased his mind a little bit somehow.
Something dashed out from the alleyway the two siblings had just passed. It moved at ludicrous speeds and swept up a binder. Sonic the Hedgehog ran down the streets of Tokyo so fast that his legs became a red cyclical blur, hopping over debris and rolling under cars. He scaled a small building, spitting on gravity and giving a dirty look to the gigantic lizard laying waste to the city. Godzilla looked down at the little hedgehog, and snorted. The beast almost seemed amused. Sonic was most definitely amused, smirking at Godzilla. Before Godzilla could even think to stomp onto the building, Sonic had already zipped underneath Godzilla and out into the devastated remains of Tokyo Bay. Looking into the binder, Sonic stopped to see what was inside. Godzilla was already stomping after him, already distracted from the parts of Tokyo that were still standing. Sonic's smirk fell, in awe of Yui's manga. He couldn't exactly read the words, but the craftsmanship on display was irrefutable. He turned back to Godzilla, frowning defiantly in the middle of the wasteland.
"This is what makes the world so much fun," Sonic said with a high-pitched voice like a little kid's, pointing at the pictures for Godzilla smugly. Godzilla got on all-fours and roared in Sonic's face. Sonic pinched his nose, then tried to run. But as soon as he moved his leg, he was blown away into the distance by the force of Godzilla's vocal cords. He yelled as he was sent crashing into the docks. Curling up into a ball, he bounced on the ground and scratched to a stop. Sonic got up, holding his chest. Godzilla charged towards him, enraged. Sonic got up. closing the binder and tucking it away in his arm, he booked it down the docks. Godzilla followed. But the platform couldn't withstand Godzilla's weight for long, and with a screech, the monster hit its jaw on the concrete. Godzilla fell into the ocean. Sonic braked, and walked back over to the split end of the docks he was on. He stared down into the water, balling up his gloved fists. Was Godzilla down for the count?
… How would Sonic get back to the city? After all, there were people to rescue.
Something began to float up from the water. Bwip, blup, bwip… Sonic stepped back. Deep-sea fish. They were dead. Sonic's heart started to pound in dread, stepping away from the edge and running down the docks once more. Godzilla surfaced, roaring and clawing at the boats. Explosions sent embers flying all over the place as soon as the splashes stopped. Godzilla's blind fury eventually refocused on the one causing it this frustration: Sonic. Squinting and lowering its body into the water, it began gnashing away at the docks. Sonic jumped in shock, before dropping to the ground in ball form and rocketing forward like a loose car tire. Godzilla bit a chunk of cement, and tossed it at Sonic. It landed right behind the super-fast hedgehog, but then another segment of the docks was spat out. This one landed in front of Sonic. He had to scale it with his speed, but before he could reach the top, Godzilla grabbed the hedgehog in its clawed hand. Sonic dropped the binder.
The little hedgehog struggled, trying to get out of Godzilla's grasp. Godzilla screeched in Sonic's puny face yet again, tightening its grip and throwing Sonic high into the air. Sonic waved his arms around as he fell out of control, before Godzilla tail-whipped him.
Time seemed to stop for but an instant, before Sonic was sent hurdling through the Tokyo skyline at speeds he had never reached before. It was exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. Sonic smashed through a building, and then another, and another. He then crashed onto the Rainbow Bridge, rolling along the road violently and bashing his head into the fence. The world seemed to turn red and black for Sonic. A bunch of golden rings flew out of the blue hedgehog upon impact, dropping into the ocean below, and his head slumped back between the bars of the fence.
Godzilla roared victoriously, in the center of all the destruction. Fires raged around it, buildings toppled, people and warning sirens screamed. Godzilla was… admittedly exhausted from chasing the hedgehog all around Tokyo. Without any more energy or immediate interest to fuel its revenge, it dove into the ocean and swam into the distance.
On Rainbow Bridge, Sonic barely reached out to one of his golden rings. He tried to wrap his fingers around it. After a moment, Sonic absorbed the ring into his finger. Godzilla would come back stronger, sure. Sonic, on the other hand…..