Year XX15
One Night a big beam of red light hited earth and everyone on Earth began to talk about it because they couldn't understand .
How and from where these light of beam came from no one was able to understand. Even different space agencies were not able to identify it .
People began to talk about it on different forums .
Then when the day some news started to come that some people were getting hurt or killed by their pets .
At first no one taught it was a weird thing but then the number of people getting hurt from animals kept increasing.
Even the animals in the zoo and circus began to kill Humans .
Even the Wild Animals began to leave forest , Ocean etc.
They and Birds began to Migrate just so they could kill Humans.
No one was able to understand and most of them taught that maybe it's a coincidence.
But then the most weird news came
Some People have died when their or any near plants suddenly started to produce carbon dioxide instead of oxygen.
And after some A video came on the internet.
It was about a tree walking.
And soon more trees and plants began to walk .
Whaaaat - One user said
How can trees walk- other user
Even the trees and plants had began to hunt down Humans .
Many taught it is their punishment from above so they let themselves be killed by it .
It is our punishment from Heaven - Anon
Run Run but there is no escape - other Anon
Then some weeks passed but the number of deaths kept increasing .
So the government's of different countries told their people to get away from animals and pets and even from plants and trees .
And they were given oxygen tanks .
They were also allowed to kill any animal or plant. It didn't matter if they had become rogue or not.
Because people began to fear them and no one had any idea when any animal or plant will become Rogue .
Many killed their pets and plants but many resisted thinking maybe their one will not go rogue .
But the number of deaths kept increasing and so did the number of animals and plants becoming rogue .
After some weeks
A Six year old little girl was going from a Shop to her Home but Suddenly some Pitbulls started to bark at her.
She began to run and they began to Chase her .
And as they were about to bite her a Man suddenly punched them , they all died on the spot .
Little Girl said to Him
I didn't knew a Human could be this strong .
The Man said to the little Girl
I also didn't know kid .
I am Mick and you kid ?
I am Julia and I will become stronger like you .
Sure kid . And they both laughed and he escorted her to her House .
Wow kid your House is pretty big .
Well what can I say it sure is big .
They both say goodbye to each other .
Then after some time a news comes about a Guy who can use and create fire And another news about a Girl who can screamer so loud that people under the 1 KM can hear her without any problem.
And someone posted their videos where they save different people using their powers .
And soon more people began to get superpowers at random moments.
And now most of the world was sure that this is all happening because of that Red light that hited the earth but no one knew it's origin or why it hited the earth.
So they had understood that the only way the Humanity can survive is using these powers for protection.
Then some countries purposed to open superheroes agency but people were not satisfied they knew that letting some countries do this will not be beneficial for everyone.
So people from all over the world purposed that UN Should Superheroes Agency because it doesn't comes under any country.
So they purposed this and even the Superhero Humans supported this .
So after some years
A Agency under the UN was opened and then with the help of Superheroes who got intelligence power .
They built meter that can calculate someone's power and on the basis of power they were given power.
Rank S
Rank A
Rank B
Rank C
Rank D
Rank E
Rank F
After sometime UN built many superheroes agency in different countries so that low ranking superheroes can work there.
Only S Rank Superheroes and some A Ranks with unique abilities were in UN Headquarters.
Then one Day Ira the S Rank Hero called a emergency meeting.
What's the emergency? - Aria [S Rank ]
I think Have found the reason for all of these - Ira
Really? - Chief of Superheroes
Yes , This is the book that has been in my Family for as long as 5000 years.
In this book we are told 5000 year ago , A massive gate opened in the middle of the earth and The Demons came for the first time .
They began to kill Humans without any second taught. They killed without caring about any morality .
Almost 70% Humanity was wiped out at that time.
But then One day as a little boy was about to be killed by a demon General . A young Man sacrificed his life to save the little boy .
Humanity was moved by this and they began to pray for him and they continued to pray after some time .
Finally their prayers were answered, A big hand came from sky and it gave that young man a new life and a sword
And then the Seven Sages
Water Sage
Fire Sage
Time Sage
Space Sage
Earth Sage
Holy Sage
Dark Sage
They had powers given to them by Seven Gods came and gave their powers to that Sword .
And then the Young Man Took the sword and he felt powers that he never had felt .
And using that sword he killed every demon and the Demon King.
Demon king tells him that even if he kills him today he will come again when he will not be alive .
To this he said that even if he comes when he isn't alive he is sure that his future generations will defeat him .
After the battle he left the sword for his future generations.
It is also told that the sword also have the powers to make its wielder a Immortal but The young man didn't wanted to live immortality.
He tells that The only thing that made him Human was being a Mortal so if he becomes a immortal then he will not be a Human .
What was his name ? - Some A rank guy
His name is not written but he was called Hero .
After his Death many tried to steal the sword but they weren't even to move it a inch .
Even his son and grandsons were not able to lift or move it .
And then after 1000
The Demon king and Demon Army came again but no one knew where the Hero family was so they were worried.
And just in some weeks Demons almost killed 66% of the population then a Woman came carrying that same sword everyone was happy.
So This time a Mortal Woman has come to beat me - Says Demon king while laughing
But She just says that
I will do what 1000 years ago my ancestor had did .
And after a long battle she killed the Demon king and later got married to her childhood friend .
And this continued till now .
So what are you saying exactly Ira ? Mrs Ani [S Rank]
I am saying that this is happening because The Demon King is coming with his Army .
But I don't understand if he really is coming then why did he only used this type of strategy now ? Some [ A Rank ]
He is doing this Because He have lost to Hero family 5 times every time he returned .
He was beaten by someone from the Hero family. so now he is using our Souls and Fears to power his Demon Army .
So if what you are saying is true then where is the Hero or their family Ira.
I have no idea but if this book is true then I am sure that They are still here living.
How can you be so sure ? [ Chief of Superheroes] .
Well let's hope I am right Mr Chief because if I am not then there is no hope for Humanity to survive.
Because this time he will be more powerful than ever .
So Do you know where Demon king or His Army is ? [ chief ]
I am not sure but He and His Army are surely under the Earth's Surface because they also get powers from Heat .
Well then began your Hunt to locate the Hero and the Demon King with the help of archeologists .
Why should we locate Demon King? [ One S Rank ]
Because if we find him fast then we can kill him before he wakes up .
They began to locate both the Hero and the Demon king and his army but they didn't find Hero or anyone from his bloodline. But after sometime they were able to find some skeleton's that didn't belonged to Demons .
And they confirmed it with the Demonic Energy that was coming from it .