Chapter 3

It had been two days since Accelerator, Last Order, and Yoshikawa had seen Haruka. During that time, they had been helping Yomikawa clean out the apartment and get the spare bedroom ready for Haruka to move in. The room had been aired out and new bedspreads covered the once-bare bed. Yomikawa moved the boxes full of her possessions she had originally stored in the spare bedroom and stuck them in the room she and Yoshikawa shared, annoying Yoshikawa to a great deal. Accelerator spent the days keeping Last Order out of trouble, helping Yomikawa move her boxes, and much to his irritation—doing the grocery shopping.

Finally, the day came to pick up Haruka arrived. The four of them piled into the car and drove to the hospital. Once they got there, they found the frog-faced doctor waiting for them. Haruka was right behind him, with a smile on her face. Her red hair was up in a neat ponytail and her golden eyes were sparkling. Her outfit—or the only outfit she had—was a ragged blue hoodie and jean shorts. When she saw Accelerator and Last Order, she waved to them. Last Order jumped out of the car and ran to Haruka.

"'Hi, Hakutsuki-san!' says MISAKA as MISAKA hugs Hakutsuki-san's legs." It was only a few days since Last Order had met Haruka, but the little girl had instantly taken a liking to Haruka.

"Hey there, Last Order. Don't hug me too hard or else I'll lose my balance!" Last Order released her hold on Haruka and smiled. Behind her, Accelerator, Yoshikawa, and Yomikawa stepped out of the car and approached the little group.

"Ready to move in with us?" Yomikawa asked. "It might be crowded, but it's one merry party—with the exception of the grumpy child over there."

"I'm not grumpy! Nor am I a child!" Ignoring Accelerator's complaints, Haruka bowed to Yomikawa. "Thank you so much for letting me move in, even though you guys barely know me."

"Well, we really can't leave you on the streets now, can we?"

"'Can we go now?' asks MISAKA as MISAKA taps her foot impatiently."

"Have some patience for once, brat."

Yoshikawa laughed at their bantering. "Come on, let's go. We can show Hakutsuki-san around Academy City while we're at it."

The frog-faced doctor interrupted just then. "I suggest that you always go out accompanied by someone, Hakutsuki-san. The scientists are most likely still searching for you, and if anyone in the public hears about you or your ability, I doubt you'll be safe."

"Alright, doctor."

"Oh, and one more thing. Stay on your guard at all times once the date of your eighteenth birthday comes to pass."


"It's not in my place to tell you. I believe the same will go for Accelerator." The doctor gave Accelerator a knowing look, but Accelerator scoffed and looked away with a deep scowl on his face.

"When will someone tell me, or Hakutsuki, what is going on!?"

"Again, not in my place to tell you."

Accelerator growled and walked back to the car. "Well, if we're done with the enigmatic comments, can we go now?"

"Alright, alright." Yomikawa led Haruka to the car, while Last Order and Yoshikawa followed closely after. They all got in, and drove off. The frog-faced doctor turned and walked slowly back to the hospital. He muttered something under his breath, "It is almost time for the truth to be known."


"Alright, why did I get squished in the middle?"

"'It's proper manners to give girls the window seats,' answers MISAKA as MISAKA looks outside the window."

"You're totally making that one up, you brat." It was true that the backseat of the car was very small, so the two espers and one clone were squished. Accelerator had a bad time of it, as he got squished from both sides. "I'm so tempted to use my reflection," he grumbled, just loudly enough for the adults to hear.

"Do that and you'll probably kill both girls and destroy my car. And then you're going to pay for a new one." Yomikawa was completely straight-faced.

"Fine, fine."

They stopped at the underground mall. Yoshikawa turned her head to look at the trio. "Hakutsuki-san, do you have any other clothes besides the ones you're wearing right now?"

"Unfortunately, no."

"Alright then, we'll take you to the underground mall to buy some clothes for you. Accelerator and Last Order, do you want to come along?"

"'MISAKA wants to come!' exclaims MISAKA as she states her answer to the question."

"No way in hell."

"Well, you have to go to the mall with us, Accelerator, but you can stay somewhere else while we're in Seventh Mist."

"Fine. As long as I don't have to babysit the brat."

"Where are you going to stay then, Accelerator?"

"Hopefully a place where none of you bother me."


While the quartet of girls beelined towards Seventh Mist, Accelerator strolled around the mall, not really caring where he was heading. He occasionally looked around to find anything of interest, but there was nothing that held his attention for more than a few seconds. At least until he saw the group of men in lab coats after nearly half an hour of aimlessly walking around the mall. One of the men raised his head and looked Accelerator straight in the eyes. Accelerator nearly flinched, but he held his ground and looked back steadily. The man smiled cheerfully and turned his head back to his group.

Accelerator went over to the nearest bench and sat down, head spinning from who he just saw. It was Kihara Gensei, a scientist intensely obsessed with level 6. With him was the assortment of scientists who had taken him to the Special Abilities Institute. But why would they be in the mall? Suddenly, Accelerator got up and rushed to Seventh Mist as fast as he could in his present condition. He knew they were here to find Haruka. Everybody would be in deep trouble if he didn't alert the girls in time.


Accelerator burst into the clothing store and beelined towards the counter, where a middle-aged employee was reading. As he approached, the employee looked up with a practiced smile.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"Where are the four females that came in half an hour ago?"

"They're in the fitting rooms; I suggest you don't go i—"

Accelerator had already rushed to the fitting rooms. Sighing, the woman returned to her reading.

Once he reached the fitting rooms, he yanked open the nearest door, revealing a nearly-naked Haruka. She shrieked and hurriedly covered herself up, but it was too late. Accelerator forced a blank look onto his face despite that he walked into a very embarrassing situation.

"What the hell are you doing here? And why didn't you knock?"

"Why didn't you lock the door?"

"I thought I locked it, until you came bursting in! And turn away already, you pervert!"

By this time, the other three females had gathered around the room.

"Why are you here, Accelerator?

"We need to get away now. I saw a group of scientists. Among them were Kihara Gensei and other scientists who had taken me to the Special Abilities Institute. I think they're looking for Hakutsuki."

Haruka swore under her breath. "I should've known they put trackers on my clothes." She quickly covered herself with a jacket and examined her original clothing. Eventually, she found a camouflaged tracker on her shorts. It was impossible to cut out without ruining them. Haruka growled. "These were my favourite shorts, dammit!" With that, a small fire materialized in her hand and she promptly burnt the pair of shorts. "We need to leave now. If they find me, they'll do anything to get me back. Even if it means killing innocent civilians just to keep everything secret."

Yoshikawa nodded grimly. Taking control, she started directing the others. "We have to separate so as to not look obvious. Aiho, buy the clothes. Get out first and get the car ready. I'll come with you. Accelerator, you take Hakutsuki and Last Order and get out after we do. Take an alternate route and make sure the scientists don't see you. Last Order, don't cause any trouble."

Everyone nodded and went off to complete the instructions. Haruka hid her distinctive hair under a cap and strode out with Accelerator and Last Order flanking her on both sides. They went in the opposite way from where the two women went, and then doubled back, heading towards the exit. None of them spoke a word. They blended in with the crowd pretty well, with no one giving them a second glance. Finally, they got out into the parking lot, where the car was up and running and the adults waiting for them inside.

Yoshikawa let out a relieved sigh. "That was close. Aiho and I nearly bumped into them."

"'Nobody noticed us,' says MISAKA as MISAKA reports her situation."

"Actually, they noticed us, but they just didn't pay enough attention." Haruka had a mischievous smile on her face.

"I'm going to guess you used your telepathic ability and somehow controlled their minds, Hakutsuki."

"Guilty as charged, Accelerator. My telepathic ability isn't just being able to communicate with other people's minds, I can control a large group of minds plus I can read and control someone's mind if I make physical contact with him or her."

"That's one powerful ability. How do we know you haven't mind-controlled us yet?"

"You could probably feel me taking a hold of your mind and you can do nothing but look on helplessly. I didn't really control the crowd's minds; it was just the subtle suggestion of not noticing us."

"You seem to know a lot about this ability despite saying you only acquired it for a few days." Accelerator observed.

Haruka shrugged. "I don't know myself. Instincts?"

"'Actually, MISAKA wants Hakutsuki-san to demonstrate her mind control.' States MISAKA as MISAKA expresses her curiosity."

"Alright then. Accelerator, mind being an example?"

"No way. The brat wanted you to demonstrate, go do it on her."

"'MISAKA won't mind,' says MISAKA as MISAKA states her opinion."

"Hold out your hand then. It's perfectly painless."

Haruka gripped Last Order's hand and closed her eyes. Suddenly, Last Order's eyes glazed over and she started poking Accelerator hard in the arm. Accelerator shifted away to avoid the unending pokes.

"Hakutsuki, stop that already."

"That was fun though." However, she let go of Last Order's hand. The young girl's eyes un-glazed and she grinned happily.

"'That was so fun! Although I didn't like that cold grip on MISAKA's mind.' Exclaims MISAKA as MISAKA recalls what happened.

"Only because you got to poke me, brat. You made the brat poke me on purpose, didn't you, Hakutsuki?" He addressed the last part to Haruka, who had an evil grin on her face.

"That's barely half my revenge for you walking in on me in the changing room, perv."

"Not like it was intentional. Again, why didn't you lock the damn door?"

"I thought I did!"

"I so believe you. And I'm not a pervert!"

"Enough with the quarrel, lovebirds. We're at the apartment."




Ignoring the loud protests and splutters, the adults calmly got out of the car and opened the backseat door. Accelerator had another blank look on his face that was bordering on rage and Haruka's face was bright red.

Oblivious to the teenagers, Last Order hopped out of the car and glanced back at the two espers, who were looking away from each other.

"'MISAKA thinks that Accelerator-san and Hakutsuki-san should get out of the car right now.' Says MISAKA as MISAKA looks at the two."

Without a word, Accelerator got out of the car and walked into the apartment. Haruka followed after, making sure to stay a good distance away from the white-haired boy. Yomikawa stopped her at the door, leaning in close to whisper some words in her ear.

"Try to make up with Accelerator and be friends. You may be the only person around his age that doesn't hate him or fear him. I don't know much about your pasts, but Kikyou says that you two would be better off on good terms."

Haruka sighed. "I know. I still feel like I owe a debt to him since he saved my life. Still, he walked in on me like that!"

"Let's just dismiss this as an accident. Luckily for you, he never reacts whenever he's stuck in that kind of situation. He's going to be the stubborn one if you want to make up with him. Just be on good terms with him."


Yomikawa smiled. "Come on; let's take a tour of my apartment."