The Path of Advancement and Unseen Challenges

Considering that the average time to advance from Rank 6 to Rank 5 was ten years, he was already in the upper ranks of Rank 6.

"Yes. I first experienced it when I was seven years old. That's why I ended up entering the Karsis Monastery. But thanks to the kind people I met there, I was able to escape safely."

Although it was two years earlier than when Shiina had experienced it, there was no reason to be jealous.

"That must have been difficult."

Fear was always greater at a younger age.

"It was terrifying. If I hadn't been able to enter the monastery, I probably wouldn't have been able to live a normal life."

It was only possible because Karsis Monastery was a gathering place for the world's greatest ascetics.

"But why are you neglecting Shirone? I know he's an intelligent child, but he has Immortal Function. It must have affected his mind in some way, and it's likely still progressing."

"There's no one who can help Shirone. Immortal Function can only be understood by those who have experienced it. Unless he seeks help first, acting recklessly could worsen his mental state. For now, we can only watch over him."

Shiina felt frustrated.

"What if something truly irreversible happens? If his mind undergoes a sudden change, by then it'll already be too late. No one will be able to take responsibility."

Etella placed her teacup down and spoke.

"We don't teach students to take responsibility for them. I believe Shirone will overcome this on his own."



Etella's gaze sharpened.

"If the worst-case scenario happens, I am prepared to atone to that child for the rest of my life."

Shiina closed her mouth.

To stake everything on giving Shirone a chance was not something just any teacher could do—it was the mindset of a true seeker of enlightenment.

Perhaps it was Shiina herself who lacked resolve. With that thought, she pressed her hands together in respect.

"I understand your intentions, Teacher."

The Paranormal Psychokinetic Research Society

As the iron door creaked open, a cloud of dust billowed into the air as Neyde and Shirone stepped inside.


While Shirone waved his hands to fight off the dust, Neyde collapsed onto the sofa.

Iruki was playing chess.

He alternated between the black and white pieces, his hands moving instinctively without a moment's pause for thought.

As soon as one game ended, he reset the board and immediately began the next.

"You're here? How was your day?"

"So-so. Nothing particularly fun happened."

Shirone sighed at the sight of his friends.

Iruki skipped class every day to play chess, while Neyde came to the research society only to nap.

"Iruki, you skipped afternoon classes again today, didn't you? What if you get suspended?"

"It's fine. As long as I raise my test scores to make up for attendance, it's the same as if I attended class."

His smug response was annoying, but Shirone couldn't refute it because it was true.

Currently, Iruki maintained his place in Class Five solely through his science scores. In other words, his humanities scores were at zero, meaning he always had at least 20 points of leeway to boost his overall average.

'Still, isn't this a bit much? I've never seen someone in Class Five slack off this much.'

Even so, he was technically managing his grades, so there was nothing Shirone could say.

In fact, Shirone ranked lower than Iruki, making him feel like the fool instead.

"Maybe I shouldn't have joined the research society."

"Hey, what's with you? You know you can't take that back."

"I just don't get it. If I stay here, I feel like I'll lose my mind before long."

Neyde rolled onto his side.

"What are you talking about? What did we do?"

"You call this a research society, but you don't actually do any research. You guys just play around all day, yet your grades are still better than mine. Hanging around geniuses like you just makes me more anxious."

Iruki turned his head.

"You think that joke is funny? You're the one who keeps nagging me, and now you're calling me a genius?"

"Exactly. When you act humble, it just makes you seem more arrogant."

Shirone extended his hand.

"No, I mean it. Starting today, I'm going to cut back on research society activities. You guys aren't even planning to do your performance assessments, right? I'd rather use that time to study instead."

'As expected…'

Neyde clicked his tongue.

He wasn't surprised. Shirone was such a model student that even going a single hour without studying seemed to make him uneasy.

"Then how about studying here instead?"

"Huh? Here?"

"Yeah. We do feel kind of bad. We want to hang out with you, but we might be distracting you. Studying here wouldn't be so bad, right? Who knows, maybe we'll get motivated too."


Shirone doubted studying here would be productive, but if his friends got motivated, that wouldn't be a bad thing.

"Fine. But don't disturb me."

"Don't worry. We've got our own things to do."

Neyde said that, then immediately sprawled out on the sofa again, yawning loudly.

"Now what? I'm so bored."

A vein throbbed on Shirone's forehead as he pulled out his book, but he suppressed his frustration. Compared to the obstacles ahead, this was nothing.

Meanwhile, Iruki, who was already on his thirty-fourth game of chess, moved his pawn and bishop swiftly.

"If you're bored, why don't you look at a picture book? I got this month's issue. It's in the safe."

"Oh, really?"

Neyde sprang to his feet and dove into the pile of junk under the table as if digging a tunnel.

'A picture book? Is it an art collection?'

Shirone found Neyde's rummaging bothersome, but since he was also interested in art, he let it slide for now.

Moments later, Neyde emerged from the pile and waved a book triumphantly in the air.

"Haha! The latest picture book!"


Shirone's eyes widened.

It was nothing like an art collection. The cover was bright red, featuring a scantily clad woman, with the title "Women's Anatomy Research Society" embroidered along the binding.

"What the hell is that weird book?"