
By Biplob Kabiraz

They fall away, the moon is concealed,On the unfortunate's brow, darkness is sealed.The dreams once seen on a colorful eve,Now drift away, washed by rain's reprieve.

No mother's love upon his brow,Father's hand never touched him, anyhow.In the light of dawn, tears start to fall,I've realized life is nothing at all.

In the courtyard, I once used to play,Happiness was near, but would not stay.But those days have vanished, lost in time,Life has shifted, trapped in a mirage's climb.

Like a river, I move on with no regret,Drowning in sorrow, in its grip I'm set.I wanted nothing, but pain found me,Never did I see peace's decree.

The one I loved, gave my soul to keep,But they gave me only sorrow so deep.In the eyes of the unfortunate, hope once shone,But that love shattered, and now I'm alone.