Vale's boots echoed with a resounding crunch as he trudged through the city marketplace, walking the cobblestone thoroughfares. The air was heavy with the scents of roasting meat, spiced loaf, and the faint background of sweat and filth. Vendors called loudly across the stalls, selling everything from magical swords to protective talismans that guaranteed immunity to the spreading touch of the Abyss. Despite the energy that filled the streets, a repressed tensity hung in the air as a reminder that this city hung precariously on the edge of the Abyss.
Ever since he left his village, the enormity of the capital had taken a heavy toll on him. The structures loomed over him, their stone fronts worn by centuries of war. Teams of armed patrols of guards marched through the streets, wearing armor bearing the symbol of the Martial Superhero Guild. Cabals of assassination and raids from the Abyss waited in the shadowy recesses of every tavern.
Life was marked by difficulty here; however, it was necessary. Lacking his parents, the one place that could serve as his home to return to was now gone. This unfriendly city was his only hope of advancement. Clenching his fist, thinking of the oath that had been taken: "I will grow strong enough to defend what matters."
The Lightning Dojo was more than a place to practice; it was a field of battle. After the completion of the entrance examinations, Vale had hardly had a chance to catch his breath. The day began with demanding endurance exercises, running along thin walkways above lightning crackling across lightning-filled fields, and it was followed by hours of sparring with other recruits.
"Again!" Instructor Raiken's authoritative tone echoed across the walls as Vale dropped to the ground a second time.
Pain shot through his side; however, Vale clenched his teeth and stood up. His adversary, a boy called Korin, had a smug look on his face, his smile hardly hidden. Korin's lightning-augmented blows had made Vale's muscles ache for days. Vale wiped his lip clean of blood and took up position again. This time, he was determined not to fall to Korin's arrogance.
"Draw closer now, country youth," taunted Korin. "Will you lie down again?"
"Under no circumstances," replied Vale.
With the signal provided, Korin moved forward quickly. Vale easily dodged with a quick step, barely avoiding the crackling fist that was meant for his ribs. Focusing on his Lightning Affinity, Vale felt the energy building up inside him. His fingertips buzzed as spiky, unstable sparks traveled along his skin; however, he diverted his energy, focusing it into the palm of his hand. As Korin came forward to strike again, Vale sidestepped and delivered a quick jab to the side of his opponent, releasing a burst of lightning that sent him crashing to the ground.
"Hmph," Raiken muttered, unimpressed. "Sloppy, but effective. Korin, learn to watch your opponent better. Vale. you're improving." The slight nod of approval was enough to leave Vale grinning despite his aching muscles.
Days turned into weeks, and the development of Vale moved forward rapidly. Vale poured all of his energy into refining his Lightning Arts. At the late night hours, as his classmates slept, Vale trained alone in the courtyard. Thunderous crackles of lightning echoed through the air as he tried out new methods, sometimes finishing practice with burnt fingertips owing to wayward sparks. Every failure only fueled the passion of his resolve.
One night, Vale's training was suddenly interrupted by a guest — Instructor Raiken.
"You're still here?" Raiken's voice was low, almost surprised.
"I cannot afford to fail," Vale responded, his breath coming in gulps.
Raiken folded his arms and considered him for a moment before speaking. "Strength is not always a question of stubbornness. Please follow me."
Despite being curious, Vale was too exhausted to confront him outright and so chose to trail behind him quietly. Raiken led him to a secluded room inside the dojo. The walls of this room bore stone inscriptions of the old Martial Legends legendary figures who, centuries ago, saved humankind from the Abyss. At the room's center stood an old, weathered practice dummy, disfigured by the presence of multiple scorch marks.
"This belongs to Thalrik the Stormbreaker, a great Martial Legend who defended the western wall of the city ten years ago," Raiken explained. "To achieve such mastery, one needs to hone one's craft as opposed to relying on one's instincts."
Raiken stepped back. "Strike the dummy."
Vale released a bolt of lightning aimed at the dummy. The lightning traveled through the dummy's structure and left a burnt surface with little to no mobility.
"That's unacceptable," Raiken growled. "Again."
As the hours wore on, Vale struggled—though this struggle was ultimately futile to retain mastery over his lightning. His body ached with great discomfort, and his mind grew darker with anger. Raiken sat quietly in the corner, watching intently.
Eventually, Vale dropped to his knees. "No use," he muttered.
"It is because you insist that it happens," Raiken stated. "Lightning is chaos, unbridled but you try to use it as a sword. Lightning thrives on freedom; one has to trust it to follow one's will."
Drained but determined, Vale rose again. This time, closing his eyes and remembering the fierce storms that had before ravaged the village fields. He pictured those wild sparks dancing inside of his fingertips and instead of trying to harness them letting them dance as they pleased.
When he hit the dummy this time, a bolt of lightning shot out of his hand. The blackened outside of the dummy cracked, and sparks twirled through the resulting fissures.
Raiken smirked. "Now that. is power."
Weeks into the mission, the reputation of Vale began to travel throughout the dojo. No longer viewed as the quiet newcomer, now the young man was valued as a rising star. Korin's offending remarks had also eased. Vale realized, though, that he could not assume anything; there was much more to prove.
The Martial Superhero Guild stood as a known entity on the skyline, hailed as a greatly valued group of fighters that dedicated themselves to the defense of humanity. Joining the guild was the only way to seek retribution for his family and secure his future.
Despite that, the opportunity came sooner than expected.
That night, as Vale was walking home to his dormitory, a warning shout echoed across the city. The screams echoed in the distance, and out of the western gate, the shadows materialized the figures of the Abyss beasts. These monstrous and shadowy creatures, with razor sharp claws, moved across the streets, cutting through the air with hideous screams.
"Take your positions, all of you!" ordered Raiken.
Vale's heart pounded with urgency. He hadn't expected this moment; still, no choice existed to hesitate. Gripping his training sword, he charged into the chaos.
The cobblestones burst into flames, and the people ran in all directions. A monster out of the Abyss a massive beast with glowing red eyes attacked a running child. Vale moved without hesitation. He moved quickly as energy of lightning ran through him. He launched a bolt of lightning at the monster, who was then hurled to the ground.
To safety! he urged the girl, who barely managed to nod before she hurried away.
More and more creatures appeared deformed goblins with crooked teeth and terrorizing shrieks. Vale gritted his jaw, standing between the disgusting creatures and the defenseless citizens. "I won't fail," he told himself. "Not now."
The air was charged with the electrical energy of the lightning, lighting the field. Vale moved forward bravely, ready to face whatever the Abyss could throw its way.
The next day, Vale was lying in the dojo's infirmary, his body covered with bruises. Despite the pain he was in, he could not help but smile. Word of his bravery had spread far and wide, and soon a representative from the Martial Superhero Guild came to offer him a place among their illustrious ranks.
You have more strength than you know," Raiken said, standing by his bedside. "Don't waste that strength." Vale smiled, his determination shining in his eyes. "No, I won't." His mission had only just begun, and he would never stop until humanity's fate was secured.