after that the king said we must find the way to solve this problem because tomorrow the lotus will blow when it blooming it absorb the magic particles in the nature so our power was going to be low tomorrow if he plan to attack tomorrow it going to danger and addition to this the magical barriers that separated the kingdom is not solve we cannot communicate with other kings
after that the king order me to go into his problem and find any clue ask to report him and he ask one last final question that why i was doing all this to the kingdom and i replied that it because of queen order me to do and he sent the knight along me to help and we both went to the knight dinner area because we not had our morning breakfast
and it was same knight in the mountain and i finally ask his name that was "Xinu the phantom" because he was more power night and we talk and after complete the breakfast we went to church to find about the legend korra first we went to library to find an old map of church and we cannot find there when we see the caption district one we ask him because the church lie in the first district and he kind of rude but in order of king to help us he call the vice caption and ask the map of church after few hours waiting we got it. It seem that church was very big with multiple tunnels and secrets ways but during the war of korra the church was destroyed and rebuilt so many of secrets passage was forgotten and now the we got the map there is every passage there but we what know about the legend of korra and when we ask persist there who was very old and he not talk too much and we not have other choice but we need to ask him about the legend first he not reposed to us but after at last tell only one thing that the legend of korra was somewhere found in the church but where it is not known and there is true legend and there is seal of korra
after that we the church bell ring 12 times and it was already noon so we went to the lunch at the knight food centre which is located at the 2 miles away from the church and we eat the lunch and after we back to the church and we examine the church we cannot find anything and when we sit down and there is persist talking about something and they come to us and ask help that the artifact in the church was robbed and it was important to church and it was not notice by anyone but it is important that the magical lotus was begin to bloom at by tomorrow it will fully bloom at that time church will use the "the crystal sphere of none" (the name say it the crystal sphere which has negative magical conductivity it not absorb Mana but at the time blooming there is very small amount of dark magic or suffering soul will come out the lotus at that time the sphere catch the suffering soul once the lotus bloom and after 7 days the persist released the soul to the heaven and crystal sphere which stole was used from the time of first lotus bloom and never get replace.
When we heard that shin was surprised that he was found someone to help us but who after the persist we collected the information and not there everyone know that in the church use the "eye of truth"(which is used as camera to see church and prevent from the robbers)but there is a problem that the eye of truth was located at the church centre but the way to that was forgotten and luckily we have the map of church and when we open there the centre book was located at the third room of basement and in the church they is no basement and we search to find a basement and we did not find it and we come to the 12 block of church and the Xinu(knight) got tired and set at the table near him and i continuos search and the queen of cursed mountain once tell that secrete passage are behind secrete riddle so i ask the Xinu to read anything written on the map but noting and when he turn the map and shown into light we thought we see something but not and we thought that there is no use searching here and give job to any adventure and post into guild and when we leave there is a boy whose age is around 7 with his mother come to the church and smile and talking to his about the god and how god help and Xinu(knight) like child and from his face i read that he was orphan just like me and the mother read a phase that rewritten on the wall about the god and it goes like