Keifer's POV
"…Are you sure about this?" Yuri asked me.
I looked at him while putting on my school uniform. I had decided to go back to school. Staying in the hospital any longer would only make me feel worse.
"Yeah, I'm feeling fine now," I replied.
"The doctor said one week. It hasn't even been a full week yet."
"The doctor's job is to treat me, and my body's job is to heal itself."
He threw his hands up in surrender. I knew he couldn't handle my stubbornness. Once I finished changing, I picked up my things.
Keigan had sent them over, though he wasn't exactly thrilled about me leaving. But in the end, he didn't stop me either.
"Why didn't you ask Keigan to send your car?" Yuri asked again.
"I'm not sure if I can drive yet. My wound still hurts when I raise my arm."
He raised an eyebrow. "Then how do you plan on getting to school?"
I looked at him and smiled. "Well, you're already here, aren't you?"
He smirked, shaking his head. "Tsk… What are friends for?"
He helped me carry my stuff, and we left the hospital room. We headed straight to the station, where the doctor was waiting for me.
"Mr. Watson, do you realize that your condition could worsen?" the doctor said.
"Thank you, Dr. Peralta, but it's my body. I know its capabilities," I said with a smile.
He handed me a pen and a waiver to sign. This was the only way they'd allow me to leave without the doctor's official approval.
"I'm sorry. He's really stubborn," Yuri said, bowing his head. "I'll bring him back if things get worse."
His posture reminded me of a chicken—his red hair, the way he bowed his head—it was like a chicken pecking at the ground.
I held back my laughter. If he found out what I was thinking, he'd definitely get mad.
I focused on the waiver, signed it, and handed it back. The staff gave me some medicine to help with my recovery.
After Ci-N's dad gave me his final instructions, we left immediately. Yuri still had to go home to shower and freshen up. It was early, so he had plenty of time.
"Ci-N's dad is a great doctor," Yuri commented as we got into his car.
"Yeah, all the Peraltas are," I replied, feeling bored.
We kept talking as he drove. The sky was still dark, and there were only a few cars on the road.
"Do you think Ci-N will become a doctor like them?" he asked.
I glanced at him before turning my gaze back to the road. "If he stops acting rebellious, he definitely will. He might even surpass his brothers."
Yuri chuckled. "Maybe."
We continued chatting until we reached his building. He parked the car and stepped out. I decided to stay inside and get some rest.
I slept for almost an hour until he woke me up by knocking on the car window.
Something was off. He looked restless.
"W-would it be okay if someone else joins us?" he asked nervously.
"It's your car. Why are you asking me?"
He scratched the back of his neck, avoiding my eyes. He didn't say anything else and just started the car. He stayed quiet even after we left his building and the business district.
I was getting comfortable when I suddenly recognized the route we were taking.
"Y-Yuri… where are we going?" I asked, my voice laced with horror.
He bit his lower lip, and I could see the unease on his face.
"Yuri," I said, this time more firmly.
"Look, this wasn't my intention! I really just need to pick her up because Angelo asked me to," he explained quickly as we pulled up in front of Jay-Jay's house.
The moment I realized I was just a few meters away from her, my whole body tensed. It was true—I wanted to see her. But I needed to set boundaries.
Even though I wasn't sure what those boundaries were.
"There's no harm in letting her join us, right?" Yuri asked with a nervous smile.
I shot him a glare. "You're doing this on purpose."
"N-not really… It's just a coincidence."
"Just go. Let's get this over with."
He got out of the car and entered the gate.
Even with the air conditioner on, I could feel sweat forming on my forehead. My hands clenched into fists as I stared at the gate, feeling like I was preparing for battle.
I couldn't help it—just the thought of seeing her again was enough to drive me crazy.
How long had it been since we last met? Only a few days, but it felt like years. And then my world stopped.
She walked toward us, her expression grumpy. I couldn't stop my lips from curling into a smile as she got closer— But then I noticed Yuri's red hair.
He ruined it.
I leaned back against the seat, ignoring the sharp pain in my wound. The back door opened, and I could tell she hesitated before getting in. But she had no choice.
Yuri glanced at me when he sat beside me. I shot him another glare.
"Jay…" Yuri said, looking at her through the rearview mirror. "…Sorry, I didn't tell you that Kei was with us."
She cut him off immediately. "Yuri." Her voice was flat. "Please, just drive."
She was definitely pissed off.
I saw the pain in Yuri's expression before he started the car, while I, on the other hand, still felt tense. My palms were sweating as I wiped them dry. I chose to look at the road, but there was no point.
I could feel with my whole body that she was close to me, as if I wanted to jump into her seat and hug her tightly. That thought irritated me.
I knew Yuri didn't do it on purpose, but I wished he had—so I could have an excuse to spank him. I was restless in my seat.
I needed a distraction.
Without informing the owner, I opened the glove compartment. That's when I was caught off guard by what I saw inside.
I glanced at Yuri, and he did the same. Then I quickly looked at Jay-jay. Thankfully, she was focused on the road.
Why the hell does he keep a gun in here? I chose to ignore it and focus on my real purpose.
I knew Jay-jay didn't like it, but I needed it. I fucking needed to calm down. If not, I might end up grabbing Jay-jay for a hug.
After closing the compartment, I quickly took a stick and lit it. I forgot to open the window, so I hurried to crack it open. The smoke had already spread through the air conditioner.
Yuri didn't seem bothered, but Jay-jay was different. She started coughing hard because of the smoke.
"What the hell?! He's still smoking inside the car!" Her voice sounded annoyed.
I slapped my forehead before opening the window wider. Yuri frowned at me. I gestured toward the road, signaling him to focus on driving. I was so distracted that I didn't even think about what I was doing.
Stupid Keifer.
When we arrived at school, Jay-jay got out before Yuri even finished parking.
"That's dangerous," Yuri muttered after pulling into the spot properly.
I was about to step out when he child-locked the door.
I frowned. "Seriously, Yuri?" I pointed at the locked door.
"Do you want Jay-jay to die of lung cancer?" His irritation was evident in his tone.
He snatched the remaining cigarette from my hand and tossed it out the open window.
"I'm fucking tense, okay?!" I snapped. "You know how I get when I'm tense!"
"Yeah, right," he said sarcastically. "And yet the window was within reach of your hand."
"Don't you dare accuse me," I glared at him. "By the way, what's up with the gun in your compartment?"
I reached for the glove compartment again, but he immediately stopped me, even slapping my hand away.
"For protection!"
"Protection, my ass! Don't tell me someone's trying to kill you."
His forehead creased as he pointed to himself. "Do I need to wait for death threats? I'm an heir of the Hanamitchi clan."
He finally unlocked the door, and we both stepped out of the car. He reached out, probably to help me walk, but I quickly pushed him away.
He just laughed, shaking his head.
"Suit yourself," he said with a grin.
He knew I could walk just fine, but thanks to my injury—flaring up with pain every now and then—I had to slow down.
I reached the classroom without waiting for that redhead. In my head, I could already imagine him laughing at me while I walked.
Inside, I spotted Jay-jay sitting at the first table by the door. Next to her, Ci-N was trying to get her attention.
I kept walking until I reached my desk.
"I thought you weren't supposed to be out yet," Edrix commented, observing me.
"What are you, a doctor?" Rory scoffed. "That's Keifer. Smarter than any doctor." He chuckled.
The class didn't feel the same anymore. Not exactly how I imagined it, but close enough. Jay-jay was doing her best to ignore Ci-N and everyone else.
After the morning classes, Eman prepared a special meal for Jay-jay. He had taken care of everything this morning—thought it through, planned it carefully, and even bought expensive ingredients. Denzel, who helped him, confirmed as much.
But Jay-jay chose to eat outside instead.
I saw how much it hurt Eman. He was the kind of person who didn't like seeing his efforts wasted.
"That's okay! She will eat with us next time!" Ci-N tried to cheer him up. "Just a little patience!"
"Ci's right! Next time, we'll make her favorite—something she can't refuse!" Eren added.
Eman forced a smile. He was one of the people who had gotten close to Jay-jay. I knew how difficult this was for him. While the others ate, Eman sat near me. I heard him mutter under his breath.
"Maybe this is my karma for joining the bet," he said.
I glanced at him but chose not to say anything. I didn't want them to figure out my problem or the real reason behind what I did. For now, all they knew was that we were protecting Jay-jay. Nothing more. And that was for the best.
"Oi! Oi! You idiots!" Drew came running toward us, shouting. "Jay-jay and Yuri are fighting upstairs!"
Everyone rushed outside—except me.
Maybe I'd just ask Yuri when he came back. They must have been out there for a few minutes already.
I was about to close my eyes for a nap when I heard footsteps. I looked up— And our eyes met.
Her cold stare sent shivers down my spine. This was my fault. I deserved her coldness.
She turned away and immediately sat at her desk. Not long after, a few of our classmates returned. No one spoke. Even Rory and Edrix chose to stay silent.
One by one, the others entered, whispering to each other so as not to make too much noise. Yuri was among the last to come in. When he sat down, I looked at him.
He took his book out of his bag and started reading it. He didn't seem to want to talk either, so I chose not to ask.
I looked at Jay, and Ci-N was still trying to get her attention. I sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of my nose.
This is not going to be easy for anyone.
Our afternoon class ended without me even noticing. I was too lost in thought, thinking about Jay-jay.
Speaking of Jay-jay, I overheard Ci inviting her, but she was stubborn and refused before leaving.
"That's fine, Ci-N! As long as we don't give up!" Eren said, trying to cheer him up.
Ci-N just smiled and nodded. I glanced at Yuri when I noticed him hurrying out.
"I'll just drop Jay-jay off first and then come back," he said before walking out of the room.
I held my breath. "Felix!"
"Yes?" he answered with a bright smile. "Need something?"
"Don't leave yet. Let's meet," I said authoritatively.
Everyone else returned to their seats, texting those who had gone out with us. We were just waiting for Yuri to come back—okay, he's back.
"I thought you were going to take Jay-jay home?" I asked.
He shook his head. "Percy's with him. Looks like he's going to handle it." He spoke in a low voice.
I nodded while forcing myself to stand up. Sitting at my desk, I looked at them all.
"So, how was it?" I asked. They gave me confused looks.
"…I'm talking about Jay-jay."
They all started complaining at once, filling the room with noise.
"She's so cold to us! I didn't know she could be like that!" Blaster exclaimed.
"It's true! She always looks exhausted whenever we run into her!" Calix complained.
"It's actually scary how angry girls can get!" Rory added.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"As long as we don't give up on Jay-jay!" Ci-N declared as if starting a campaign.
"She was hurt, so we need to understand her!" Eren added.
"Let's make an effort! Everyone has their own way!" Felix said enthusiastically, and the others agreed.
"Let's give flowers!" Edrix suggested, but I immediately stopped him.
"What if she hits you with the flowers?"
Everyone froze and turned to look at me.
"You're so pessimistic!" Yuri said. "It's just his way, isn't it?"
"I'm just stating the possibilities," I replied before turning back to Edrix. "What if she really does that?"
"Err… I don't know," Edrix admitted, scratching the back of his neck.
"How about giving her clothes? Those are trending right now, and girls are crazy about them," Drew suggested.
"What if she turns them into rags right in front of you?" I asked again.
"Shoes? High heels?" May suggested.
"What if she kicks you in the face?"
Almost everyone looked down, rubbing their necks as if they were running out of ideas.
"So… food," Ci-N said, making everyone chuckle. "We all know how that works, right?"
He had a point. She's a food lover. It's unlikely she'd refuse food.
After discussing their plans to court Jay-jay—something I badly wanted to disagree with but couldn't—we moved on to the real reason I called this meeting.
"What response did the gangs give?" I asked them.
"They're getting bolder. Some have already started asking for fight dates," Denzel answered.
"I've talked to two groups who are willing to negotiate with you," David added.
It seemed they were scared of the threat I made.
"The others haven't even responded yet. That's the dangerous part," Rory said, worried.
"For now, we can keep some of them away from Jay-jay, but not all," Kit added.
This is exactly what those Gagongs want. They're trying to start a war so that I, or rather, we, will be forced to fight back. They're leaving me no choice.
"Edrix, send them my response," I ordered. He pulled out his laptop.
"…My first warning was just a warm-up. Are you ready to see the second one?"
I let him add the message.
"Rory! Find a group we can use as a second warning."
"I'm on it!" Rory grinned. "Thanks!"
If they don't know how to stop, I'll show them how.