Chapter 275 - Hold

Keifer's POV

"Ci..." I called out in a low tone.

He turned around to face me. "What?"

"Let's talk," I said before walking away from the clinic.

Almost everyone was inside, waiting for the nurse's update. I chose to stay outside, away from them. That's when I noticed Ci-N, who couldn't enter because our friends were blocking the door.

He followed me as we moved farther from the clinic. I stopped once I was sure no one could hear us.

"What is it?" he asked innocently.

"How long are you planning to seduce Jay-Jay?"

"Until she forgive me," he answered immediately, smiling slightly.

He looked proud of his response. I couldn't help but smile as well. I had definitely chosen the right person to talk to.

"I'm leaving."

His smile vanished instantly. "Huh?"

"I have to go back to London. It's about my inheritance," I explained briefly.

"What?! What about Jay-Jay?" His eyes were still wide in shock. "...You haven't even apologized to her! What if she finds someone else? Then she'll get pregnant! Then they'll fight all the time because she's cursed! Then they'll break up! Then her child will grow up without a father! Then we'll see her again! Then the kid will come looking for you because she still loves you, but she can't be with you because you're already married to someone else!" He blurted out in one breath.

[For a moment I thought Ci-N is speaking my mind] - Comment from @dj_peace 😂

I crossed my arms, staring at him in disbelief. Where did he even get that idea? His imagination was running wild. Like I would ever let Jay-Jay be with another man. And why would I end up marrying someone else?

That was impossible.

I would never agree to marry anyone if it wasn't her.

"Wow... You're so smart you even predicted the future," I said sarcastically.

He flashed a peace sign and grinned. "Maybe because—"

"That's why I'm leaving her in your care. Make sure she's safe and that nothing happens to her," I sighed. "...I already have enough headaches dealing with Yuri and David. I don't need any more when I leave."

I watched as he lowered his hand.

"Why David, too?"


He had no idea that his so-called partner in crime had been giving Jay-Jay heart eyes? And they were always together! The three of them were practically inseparable.

Maybe he was too preoccupied to notice.

"Nothing," I replied in a plain tone.

He looked down, playing with his fingers. I noticed his lips pouting slightly.

"When are you leaving?" he asked in a sad tone.

"Probably after your birthday," I answered, and his mood immediately brightened.

I knew he was worried about whether I'd be there for his big day. I still remembered how he was the first person to call me, reminding me about his birthday party.

I suddenly recalled the first time I spoke to him. He looked like a lost puppy in our classroom. It seemed impossible that he had ended up with us just because of a simple accusation.

And because of his height, the boys decided to mess with him. They also took advantage of his intelligence—he was the one doing all their assignments. At first, I didn't care about him. But watching him every day reminded me of someone.

He reminded me of Percy.

The childish behavior, the sharp mind—it was as if I had found his reincarnation. Maybe it was because I missed my friend, the one I thought was dead, that I couldn't stop myself from approaching Ci-N. Even Yuri had been surprised by my actions.

And then we became friends. He started idolizing me—which I found weird. He even followed in my footsteps, thinking he could become strong like me. When he found out I knew taekwondo and karate, he started training as well. He learned how to fight and eventually joined us on the streets.

His older brother disapproved completely, but he couldn't do anything about it. Ci-N was determined to belong with us. We grew closer, and sometimes, he even reminded me of my younger brother, Keigan. I would even mix up their names when calling one of them.

"You really love Jay-Jay, don't you?" he asked, pulling me back to reality.

I gave him a small smile as my answer.

"If you love her so much, why did you do that?"

"I can't explain right now. But you're the safest bridge of communication I have with her."

He scratched his head. "What if she asks about you? What do I tell her?"

"Don't you know how to lie?"

He bit his lip, grinning. "Nope."

I should've known. He was too talkative. He'd definitely tell Jay-Jay everything. The only thing I could say to Ci was that it was already too late.

"That's fine. As long as I can trust you, I won't care how you keep secrets."

"You'll come back soon, right? Poor Jay-Jay if you're gone too long," he pleaded.

I nodded shortly. "I'll talk to the others about my departure, but I'm giving you a special job. Keep your phone on at all times so I can call you anytime."

He suddenly straightened up and saluted like a soldier.

"Yes, sir! Yes!" he shouted in a baritone voice.

I turned to see our friends approaching. Rory was leading, with Edrix and Blaster following behind.

I looked at them blankly.

"I hope nothing bad happens to her," Edrix said. "...I feel like it's my fault."

Rory just nodded at me while Edrix continued, his head down. Blaster glanced at me briefly before continuing to walk. I noticed that the others were also getting closer—Kit trying to stay away from Mayo, followed by Eren.

They looked at me for a moment and then at Ci, who still hadn't moved from where he was standing.

"Is Jay-Jay pregnant?" I heard Denzel ask.

I raised an eyebrow, noticing that everyone else was looking at me.

"Why are you asking me that?" I asked, sounding irritated.

"Who else here would be waiting for her?" David asked sarcastically.

"Nothing happened between us, if that helps you sleep at night."

"Gago, Pre... What made you think she was pregnant?" Felix asked Denzel.

"Grace used to act like that too. We had a fight, and then she passed out," he explained.

Everyone shook their heads, probably thinking Denzel's idea was ridiculous.

"Maybe she's just not feeling well. I'll cook something for her so she can eat when she wakes up," Eman said before walking off.

The others followed him, with Yuri being the last to leave. He shot me a few meaningful glances before heading back to the room.

I was about to walk to the clinic when I realized Ci was still beside me. He hadn't moved from his spot.

"Ci, go back to the room," I said, waiting for him to walk away.

He stood rigid, his arms lowered, but he walked with long strides—marching like a real soldier.

I just shook my head at his rudeness. I'm telling you, he's gotten worse ever since Jay came into our lives.

I continued with my plan and walked to the clinic. There was no one else there except the nurse, who was writing something on a piece of paper at her desk.

She looked up when she sensed my presence.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I'm not feeling well. I have chest pain," I said, pointing at my chest.

She raised an eyebrow. "You don't look like you're in pain."

"B-because I can still bear it, but it's making me uncomfortable. I might suddenly faint on the way," I explained.

Although she didn't seem convinced, she took her stethoscope and placed it in her ears. She was about to press the diaphragm against my chest when I instinctively moved away. I looked at her cautiously, trying to think of a way to convince her.

"A-aw... It hurts again. I'm feeling dizzy," I said, acting as if I were about to pass out.

Wow… worst acting skills.

I stepped back until I was sitting on one of the hospital beds. Then, I lay down and looked at her.

"I'll just sleep for a while. Don't disturb me," I said, pulling the curtain closed.

I heard her put some things away on the table and pull up a chair. I knew she could tell I was faking it—probably assuming I was just another student trying to escape class.

After a while, I carefully sat up and peeked through the curtain to make sure no one was watching me. When I was certain it was safe, I got up and moved to another bed.

There she was.

Fast asleep, her left hand resting on her stomach, her brows slightly furrowed.

I adjusted the curtain to ensure we wouldn't be easily seen by the nurse. Once I was sure, I lay down beside her, on her left side. I curled up slightly, trying to fit in the bed, using one hand to support my head. ❤️

I hope she doesn't wake up soon.

I'm worried about her condition, but this is the only way I can be with her for a while. I miss her so damn much.

I took her right hand, which was resting beside her, and placed her palm on my chest.

"Can you feel it? I'm in pain too," I whispered.

It was true—I did have chest pain. Not from illness, but because I couldn't do anything to ease her pain. And worse, I had only added to it.

I'm good for nothing.

"But it's okay… because it's nothing compared to what you're feeling," I added before pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

I gently lowered her hand back to its place and brushed a few strands of hair from her face.

"I know it's hard for you. But please, hold on for us..." I whispered again and kissed her forehead. "...It's okay if you curse me out of anger, but I swear, I will make up for all the pain I've caused you."

I can promise to heal from my own pain, but I can't promise I won't hurt her again.

Because that's what love is.

Pain isn't the opposite of love. Just because you love someone doesn't mean you'll never feel pain. Pain will always be there—it's part of the process of love. It either destroys you or wakes you up.

How would you even recognize love if you've never felt pain?

That's why I don't believe it when people say, 'I won't hurt you.' The person you love will hurt you, whether intentionally or not.

But what matters is knowing how to ease that pain, how to heal from it, how to endure it. How to recover and learn from it.

Use pain as a life lesson, but never as a weapon to hurt others.

Love may bring out your best, but pain will make you better—especially when you overcome it.

And that's exactly what I'm going to do. I will learn from this pain, and when I do… it's you, Jay. We will take back the pain in your chest. And I will never stop. Even if it costs me my life.

I kissed her forehead again.

"I love you… I love you… I love you..." I whispered. "...I love you, and I will love you until scientists find the end of the universe. I will never stop loving you, and I will never get tired of saying it." ❤️

Just my Jay-Jay.

I let out a quiet sigh as my gaze fell on her lips. I traced them lightly with my thumb, biting my own lip.

I know it's wrong to kiss her while she's asleep… but I miss kissing her so much.

Just one....And then I'll leave.....Just one.

I brought my lips to her and was about to kiss her when I heard a familiar voice.

"Could you please give this to my friend when she wakes up?" It was Eman.

He probably brought food for Jay-jay. I didn't move at first, listening to their conversation.

"Which friend? Because there are two students resting here," the nurse responded.

"The girl. The one we brought in earlier."

"Ahh... She's at the end. Do you want to see her?" the nurse suggested.

I almost panicked at what she said. I immediately looked for a place to hide in case they came in.

"No need. Just give it to her for me. Thank you," Eman replied, and I heard his footsteps fading away.

I held my breath. I even considered sleeping here next to Jay, but it didn't seem possible. One of our friends might suddenly come in and catch me.

So far, Yuri was the only one who could hear what I was up to, while Ci-N understood my situation even though he didn't know the full story. The rest of them still resented me but were trying their best to understand.

I looked at Jay-jay, then quickly kissed her lips. It was just a light kiss, but she suddenly stirred, making me panic. I dropped to the floor, barely managing to steady myself with my arms, though my wound throbbed in pain.

Peeking at Jay-jay, I saw her frown as she began to wake up. Fear took over, and I quickly backed away, forgetting that she was on the other side of the bed. I just pulled the curtain aside and walked out.

The nurse raised an eyebrow as she looked in my direction.

"How did you get here?" she asked.

"Sleepwalking," I blurted out and walked away.

I heard her calling after me, but I ignored her and returned to the classroom, where the teacher was standing at the front, writing something on the board. All eyes turned to me as I walked in, but I just went straight to my seat.

"Where were you?" Yuri asked, irritation clear in his voice.

"Outside. I was talking to someone," I replied.

"And who was that someone?"

I frowned. "Are you jealous that I was talking to someone?" I teased.

"No. As long as you weren't talking to Jay-jay while she was unconscious."


"Because you're an idiot. You'd definitely take advantage of the situation and steal a kiss from her."

Yup. He's definitely been my friend for a long time—he knows me too well. A wide grin spread across my face. I couldn't help it.

"And you really did," he said in defeat.

I said nothing, just turned my attention to the board and tried to read what was written.

As expected, the teacher left early, so we had an early lunch. They chatted while eating, mostly talking about Jay.

After finishing his meal, Yuri stood up.

"I'm going to visit Jay," he said without looking at me.

I let him go. We weren't the same. He wasn't the type to steal a kiss from someone sleeping.


I stayed behind, watching our friends. Felix was selecting a group to warm up to, everything being recorded on a phone camera. The footage would be sent to all those who challenged me, serving as yet another warning to them.

I took a deep breath. There was so much to do. And soon, I had to leave.

Damn it! I didn't want to leave.

My thoughts were interrupted when Yuri suddenly burst into the room, sweating and out of breath.

"Jay-jay… took a taxi… and left," he gasped.

Panic spread through the group. I tried my best to remain calm, but my heart was racing.

"What? She doesn't even have a phone!" Edrix said, pulling out his laptop.

"I'll try to track her using the street cameras."

"Maybe she went home!" Eren suggested, though I could sense his concern.

"But her bag is still here," Blaster pointed out.

"Where could she be going?" Mayo asked Yuri.

"This could be bad," Ci-N muttered before turning to David. "David, it's Jay-jay!"

"I know. I heard," he replied.

Everyone started throwing out guesses about where Jay-jay could have gone. I strongly doubted he went home—Angelo would be furious if he found out she skipped class.

"Felix!" I called. "Call your brother. Ask if Jay-jay is with him."

Felix nodded and immediately dialed his brother's number.

I turned to Drew, who was looking at me. "Call Tiger. Ask if Jay-jay paid him a visit."

Drew nodded and did the same. Those were the only people I could think of that Jay-jay might be with. But my hopes were crushed when they both shook their heads. She wasn't with Percy, and she wasn't in the Kings Ground either.

Where the hell are you?

I looked at Edrix, who was still focused on his laptop. He and Rory were our only chances of finding Jay.

"Edrix," I called, keeping my voice steady.

"I lost the taxi at the intersection," he said, sounding worried.

"What's the name of the taxi company?" Rory asked.

Edrix provided the company's name, the license plate from the video, and any other details visible on the taxi door.

Rory picked up his phone and made a call.

"Hello, is this Fast and Go Taxi Company?" he asked, and we all listened intently. "Can I get the contact number of one of your drivers?" He read out the plate number and taxi number. "I think I left some stuff behind and was wondering if I left it in his taxi."

He glanced at us, and I could see the relief in his eyes.

"Thank you, I'll wait."

Not long after, he received a message. Without hesitation, he called the number.

"Hello? Is this Mr. Carlo Simson?" He paused, listening to the driver's response. "Earlier, you picked up a student from Higher Value School. Where did you drop her off?"

His expression darkened.

"I'm from a private investigation company," he said, his voice firm. "That student's life is in danger, so we need to know where she is."

Rory's father was a well-known private investigator. Their company was huge, extending to other countries, giving them wide-ranging connections. But I hadn't realized Rory could be just as relentless as his father.

"Alright. Thank you," he said before ending the call.

"He dropped her off at Benedict Hospital," Rory announced.

I shot up from my seat.

"She's going to visit Kiko," I said.

Everyone nearly knocked over the tables in their rush to leave.

What are you up to, Jay-jay?