Chapter 277 - Give Up

Keifer's POV

"You're as bad as Yuri. That's called being a coward," Percy said, taking a sip from his glass.

I just shook my head. I'll just pretend he's drunk. His answer is far from what I was asking.

How did I become so gullible?

"I don't care about Yuri's cowardice. I'm here for My Jay-jay's phone number," I said, signaling the bartender for another round.

"I have a lot of concerns, and I'll tell you about them before giving you her number."

I massaged my temple as a headache started creeping in. Why did I even bother sitting next to him?

"You know what? I think I'll just find another way to get her number," I said, reaching for my wallet.

"Okay... I'll just tell Jay-jay to change her number," he said, smiling like a lunatic.

I can't believe it. One of them actually wants to make this difficult for me. I put my wallet back.

"Fine. Tell me all your concerns. You still have a lot of nerve!"

Percy suddenly dropped his glass on the counter, making a loud noise. The bartender glanced our way. His serious expression was back.

"I just don't understand why you let Aries suffer like that," he said with a bitter chuckle. "You should have been the first one to stand beside him, but instead, you were the first to leave."

I frowned. "Don't talk as if it was all our fault. If you had let us know you were alive, none of this would have happened to us."

"If you still don't get it, my mom never let me contact anyone here! Not even my own family!"

"You should've at least tried. Just one freaking sign that you were alive!"

"And then what? I still wouldn't have been able to come back. It was useless!"

"But we could have searched for you. Aries, Yuri, Angelo, and I—we could have looked for you."

I can't believe I'm saying this. I didn't expect this conversation to turn into a lecture. I know Percy realizes how much I want to scold him. And I know the others feel the same way.

"...But obviously, there's no point in fighting about it now. What's done is done, and there's nothing we can do," I added, taking a sip from my glass.

He shook his head. "That's how big the damage caused by my 'death' was."

It was so big that it ruined the name of Fer. Corp. Everyone knew Fernandez was Aries, and after the accident that involved the four of us, many investors and stockholders pulled out.

That was the start of their downfall. They tried their best to save the company, but they ended up in even bigger trouble because of Hanamitchi.

Poor Angelo.

"Too big..." I whispered, taking another sip. "So, what's the real reason for your return? Because it's obvious you're not here to get your life back."

"I plan to take Felix and bring them to the U.S. My crazy father left them some money in case they couldn't be claimed, since the insurance company couldn't track them down," he explained. "...And I'll also be taking Jay-jay to his father."

"Are you going to tell her?"

"Tell her what?"

"That her father has cancer."

He stopped and looked at me, shocked that I knew. When I said I would help Jay-jay find her father, I meant it. But unlike what she thought, I never stopped looking. I used whatever little resources I had to track him down. It was even more difficult because her father was based in another country.

Mariano is too private. They use different names in their business ventures. There are barely any photos of their family out there. I can't believe someone like him managed to stay hidden from the business world. Back then, Rory and Edrix were lucky to dig up even a little information about him and Percy.

"Wow..." Percy said sarcastically. "...I'm really impressed with what you can do. You even found that out?"

"My lawyer discovered it. He was in New York looking for someone who could help me. Then, he saw Mr. Fernandez at the hospital undergoing chemotherapy."

"How did your lawyer meet him?"

I cleared my throat. "I was looking for him for Jay-jay. When I got his photo, I gave it to my lawyer to find additional information."

"Wow! You're really willing to do anything, huh? Is that love?"

Yes. It is.

I ignored him and continued drinking. Once my glass was empty, I ordered another. Percy did the same.

"Can I have her number now?"

"Kiss first!" he teased.

I almost threw my glass at him but held back.

"Just tell me if you're drunk," I said, almost like an order.

"Not yet! Maybe you are—maybe you'll pass out before me."

I shook my head and took another sip. It takes a long time for me to get drunk. I must have inherited it from the Watsons. When did I realize that trait ran in our family? I used to think my body had just built up a tolerance for alcohol.

There are so many things I still don't know about the Watson family. It's terrifying to uncover those secrets, but it's even scarier not to. At least I know one thing. What else are they hiding? I don't want to know, but at the same time, I do. I feel like I could use it against them.

One dark little secret.

"Freya..." Percy suddenly said.

I had been waiting for him to ask about her. Once I answered, I could finally get Jay-jay's number.

"Was she happy when I disappeared?"

I swirled the drink in my glass. I hated to say this, but there was no point in hiding the truth.

"She didn't even cry when we thought you were dead. At first, I thought she was just putting on a brave face, but I was wrong," I said, taking another sip. "...I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I will. She was never really into you back then."

I heard his weak laugh, followed by the sound of him gulping down his drink like it was water.

He signaled to the bartender. "Give me something strong."

Give him a solid earth rock

The bartender lowered a glass of ice in front of him. It had been filled with liquor before being pushed closer to him.

He drank it before speaking again.

"Because she's into Yuri," he said and took another sip. "...I didn't see it back then, but I knew she had a hidden crush on Yuri."

My forehead creased. "Did she date you just to get closer to Yuri?"

He shook his head. "I don't know, but..."

"That's what it looks like," I finished his sentence, and he nodded.

He obviously couldn't continue his words—probably because it was too painful.

"She had her chance with him, but Yuri screwed up."

"He's a fucker!" he shouted and slammed his glass onto the counter.

"He took advantage of my Freya! If he didn't really want to, he wouldn't have done that!"

He slumped onto the table, mumbling words I couldn't understand. I signaled for another glass from the bartender. He looked at me as if he knew my condition.

"You're not drunk yet, sir?" he asked while pouring wine into my glass.

"Nope. Still not drunk," I said proudly.

Percy suddenly sat up. I thought he had fallen asleep or was too drunk to continue. But he looked completely awake.

"How did you and Freya get together?" he asked in a serious tone.

"I really liked Freya. So when I saw her crying after their breakup, I took advantage of the situation and comforted her," I admitted, shaking my head.

Remembering my actions makes me regret our past. I shouldn't have approached her then. I should have let her sort herself out first. She was a mess, and starting a relationship in that state was a big mistake.

"Did you take good care of her?"

"With my best," I answered shortly before taking a drink.

"Did you make her cry?"

I did…

I didn't know if I should answer. I was ashamed of what I had done to her in the past.

I had promised myself I would take care of her—for Percy, whom we had thought was dead. But I couldn't keep that promise because of my anger management issues.

"Silence means yes," he said.

The next thing I knew, I was on the floor, a stinging pain spreading across my cheek.

He punched me! He actually fucking punched me while I was lost in thought. Is this why he came here? Just to hit me?

"That felt good," he said, looking at his fist.

He returned to his chair, and I stood up. I grabbed my glass and pressed it against my cheek. If I didn't need him, I might have fought back. I sat back down, still holding the glass against my face.

"Why did you hurt her?"

"It was an accident," I said, rubbing my face. "...I was furious with jealousy. No matter who I saw her with—even if she was just talking—I couldn't control myself."

"So you punched her?"

I looked at him in shock. "What? I never punched her!"

"That's what she told me."

"I pushed her too hard against the wall, then punched the wall beside her! I would never do that to her!"

I couldn't believe this. No wonder the rumors had spread in so many directions—people twisted the truth. Some even called me a sadist. I chose to ignore them.

"...And it only happened once!" I added.

I swallowed my drink. I regretted that fight. That was the beginning of our problems. If I hadn't pushed her so hard, she probably wouldn't have been so afraid of me. I couldn't even bring myself to punch the wall with full force that day.

I knew she was hurt, but she chose to cry silently. I was so stupid. If only I had given her the freedom she was asking for, things would have turned out differently.

I tried to fix things between us. I bought her a penthouse, a car, and gadgets—things her parents couldn't afford. She accepted them, and we made up. But I didn't know she was already planning something else.

"So, who's to blame and who's not?" he asked, sounding uninterested.

"It's useless to point fingers. Think whatever you want to think."

He took out his phone. "As I promised."

I reached for it, but he pulled it back slightly.

"I'm telling you, Keifer, if Jay-Jay ever runs to me crying because of you again…" He pointed a finger at me. "…I will report you to her father."

I quickly snatched his phone from his hand. As I unlocked it, Jay-Jay's phone number appeared. I immediately sent it to my own phone before handing his back. My phone rang. I stared at the number on the screen. I wanted to press the call button.

But I was scared. Fuck this!

I'm Keifer Watson, and for the first time, I'm afraid to call a girl.

I thought Watsons were supposed to be beasts. Why is mine upside down? Why do I still feel like a coward? I'm starting to hate this feeling. Is this what love does? It confuses you? She's not like Freya and Ella. Maybe because she's is different.

She's different.

I put my phone back in my pocket. That's good—I might have been tempted to call her otherwise. It's not good for her to know that I have her number. I glanced at Percy and noticed he was holding the same bottle of wine. I shook my head.

I'm actually jealous of him. He's close to Jay-Jay. I used to envy how he could make people laugh—how even my own problems disappeared because of his ridiculous antics. That's why I preferred being with the four of them back then. It was an escape from my problems at home.

I bit my lip. Running away had made me neglect Mom and Keigan. If only I had been stronger back then… And now, I hope I can do what I couldn't do before—to protect the ones I love and not be weak.

For my brothers....And for her....

"You think I'm weak?" I asked Percy, almost whispering.

"Why did you ask?"

"Because I can't protect her without hurting her feelings."

"That's not weakness; it's called stupidity."

I wasn't sure if he was teasing or not. I told him,

"Everything I do is stupid."

I wished he were drunk. It felt like he didn't know what he was saying anymore.

"Thanks," I said sarcastically. "Not to mention that I'm also suffering."

He laughed while shaking his head. "You're just choosing the easiest option."

"It's not an easy option. It's actually the hardest—for both me and her."

"By hurting her? Bullshit," he said calmly.

"Easy for you to say."

"Yet you still haven't let her go."

I looked away. Because I fucking can't.

All of this is just temporary. This is what my opponents should see, but that doesn't mean I'm really letting her go.

"What am I supposed to do? I can't let her go forever. That will kill me!"

"Don't you think what you're doing now hurts more? You're showing her that you're not really in love with her, yet you still keep her." He chuckled bitterly. "It's like you're putting an invisible rope around her neck—and that rope will soon kill her!"

"I won't let that happen!"

He put down the bottle. "It already has! That's exactly what you've been doing these past few days!"

I ran my hands over my face. His words were true.

"You're fucking killing her inside."

"Do you think I don't know that? It hurts me too, but I have no choice!"

He suddenly stopped and looked at me. He motioned to the bartender, who turned to us. I didn't like the way he was looking at me.

"Leave us," he said, and the bartender walked away.

"What was that for?"

"Tell me, Keifer. Who exactly are you trying to protect Jay-Jay from?"

I looked away. I had no intention of telling him the truth. I didn't want him to know more.

He shook his head. "Did you get into trouble and feel sorry for her?"

"No. It's not like that. I'm trying to protect her from my old enemy."

"From your father?"

I nodded briefly. I wasn't lying. He was one of the people I fought hard against—for myself and for my brothers.

"Fuck! Isn't your fight over yet?" He sighed. "I've missed so much about you."

My lips pressed into a thin line. "Yeah, I think so."

He grabbed the nearly empty bottle again.

"If you truly want to protect her, I suggest you let her go for real. You'll be noticed—not expensive, but not restless either."

I held onto my senses. He was drunk; it was obvious. His eyes were closing. As soon as he emptied the bottle, he suddenly laughed out loud.

"I have a joke. Do you want to hear it?" he asked, still laughing.

Oh, fuck.

"No," I said and was about to leave, but he grabbed me.

"Wait... No one will listen to my joke. Too bad!"

I forced his hand off me. "Save it for later."

He shook his head violently. "I don't want to."

I pulled out my phone and dialed Felix's number. He picked up after a few rings.


"Pick up your brother. He's here at KingsGround."

"Hey... listen to my jokes. Jay-Jay really likes my jokes," Percy begged.

["Are you drunk? Oh! Get lost on the highway."]

I shook my head. I couldn't believe he was rejecting his own brother. Who would want to take this drunk home? Full of corniness.

"Just pick him up," I said before ending the call.

"I have soooooo many jokes."

I held my breath. I couldn't stay here any longer. The bartender Percy had fired earlier returned.

"There's the bartender. He's ready to listen to your jokes."

Percy let go of me and greeted the bartender, who looked surprised. I placed some cash on the counter before leaving. I quickly walked to my car, surrounded by people eyeing it like they wanted to steal it. I approached and pressed the unlock button right in front of them. They scattered. I got in and sped away. I liked talking to Percy, but I didn't like his advice.

Let go of Jay-Jay for real. Seriously!

How? Isn't it enough that I pushed her away? Do I have to let her go completely?

I pressed the gas pedal. My car sped up, and I realized I didn't even know where I was going. Before I knew it, I was in the business district. My grip on the steering wheel tightened.

Is it time to tell Yuri? I don't want his sympathy, but I'm running out of choices. Even a simple piece of advice would mean a lot right now. I just needed someone to listen.

I turned the steering wheel and headed toward Yuri's building. I drove straight into their basement parking lot. The guard let me in as soon as he recognized me.

After parking, I went straight to the elevator. Unlike other buildings, this one didn't allow direct access to Yuri's place. Someone from security had to process a face scan. If you weren't familiar or permitted by the Hanamitchi family, you couldn't just walk in.

Thankfully, I visited Yuri often, so I didn't have to go through the security process anymore.

When the elevator doors opened, Yuri's mother greeted me—which was kind of weird.

"Tita..." I said, giving her a short hug.

She smiled. "Visiting Yuri?"

"Yeah. Is he home yet?"

She shook her head with a gentle smile. "Maybe he's on his way."

She held my arm. "Come, I'll take you to his room."

Her walk is slow, and I try to keep up with her. I'm restless. I don't like the way she holds me—it feels awkward.

"You and Yuri have been friends for a long time. I still remember how you and Angelo got angry in front of us. It was quite painful because I never want to see my son hurt or insulted. But I suppose it had a good result," she said, forcing a smile. "I don't want anyone else to scream at or hurt him. When he's in pain, I feel it too. Especially when he cries... it breaks me."

That's what every mother feels for their child. But I don't understand why she's telling me all this. The last time she spoke to me like this, it was about Ella. Who is it now?

"That's why I regretted it so much when I saw him cry because of Ella. I thought I was doing the right thing for him. But then, I watched him change. My sweet son became someone I barely recognize. I can't afford to see him like that again."

I stop, letting his hand gradually slip from my arm.

This is about Jay-Jay.

"I know you understand what I'm trying to say. That girl, Jay-Jay—she has to be with my son," she says, her eyes welling with tears.

"No," I reply shortly, turning to leave, but she stops me again.

"I'll tell the Watsons the truth!" she shouts.

I turn back to her in shock. How on earth does she know about the Watsons?

"There have been multiple calls from the Watson company. At first, we thought it was about your investment in us, but it was more than that." Her teary eyes harden into a fierce glare. "They keep asking about Jasper Jean. And we keep giving them the same answer—we tell them she's my son's fiancée."

Damn them! They're already making their move. I tried my best to stay composed, but inside, I'm fuming.

"But I know your cousin Clyde is waiting for a different answer," she continues. "And I can give that to him."

My fists clench. I don't want to say anything bad about Auntie—she's been so good to me that I almost consider her a mother. But my patience has limits.

It's true—Yuri's mother is a genius. She knows exactly when to use her resources against someone's weaknesses.

"Alright. I'll do what you want," I say, and she exhales in relief, smiling.

"I'll tell your child, what you want to hear," I say as I step closer to her, lowering my voice. "...But if Jay-Jay marries Yuri before I receive my inheritance, I will burn your family alive and turn them into ashes." 🔥

Her smile vanishes. "You can't do such a thing."

"You don't know me, Mrs. Hanamitchi. I'm a Watson. And I'm more powerful than you think."

She shakes her head, smiling smugly. "Not without your inheritance. You're still a kid, claiming to be powerful." She points at me. "They can still get married before or after you receive your inheritance. The headmaster of our family wants to meet her, and that is not a good sign for you."

I smirk. "Do you think I'll let that happen? I assure you, someone will be in checkmate—and it won't be me."

I walk past her and head straight to Yuri's room. I never expected Yuri's mother to find out. But I don't give a damn.

What I said will be done.

The person she tried to threaten? She chose the wrong one.