Keifer's POV
"They're ugly," Eren said.
"Why are they dressed like that? Is there a dress code for participating in a gang war?" Denzel asked.
"I want to eat!" Ci-N whined while hugging David.
"Get away..." David muttered, trying to push Ci-N off.
"Is this really what a gang war is like? I have no clue! It feels like we just gate-crashed a party!" Edrix commented.
"Ignorance about gang wars!" Blaster scoffed.
Out of all of us, only Blaster and Drew have been involved in this before. The rest of us have no idea what's about to happen. This isn't how I fight.
I only face people who actually want to fight me.
"I counted more than 120 of them," Josh said, still trying to keep track.
That's fewer than when I used to fight alongside Ram. Maybe some of his people didn't really want to be in his group. Besides, there's another faction trying to challenge their new leader. If we remove them, there are fewer than 60 left from Ram's former gang.
"Before we begin!" a man shouted, holding a baseball bat. "I want to hear Watson's answer to the invitation I sent!"
If I'm not mistaken, this must be their new leader. I don't recognize him. Or maybe I've fought him before and just don't remember.
Everyone here turned to look at us—mostly at me. They eyed me like predators circling their prey.
"He said that he is the real boss! That if we lose, we'll become their dogs! We'll have to obey them!" the man declared, and the others burst into laughter.
"FOOL!" one of his men shouted.
"YOU'RE CRAZY! ONLY RAM CAN BEAT YOU!" another added, and they laughed even harder.
Only Ram? They underestimate me too much. They talk as if they know me, but in reality, they've never even had a chance to test me. Now, I'll prove them wrong.
"Let's make it official!" their so-called leader announced, silencing everyone. "...We accept the challenge! But if you lose, you'll be our next subjects!" He pointed at us. "And your girl will be ours!"
My eyes darkened at his words. Before I even realized it, I had him by the throat, choking him. His men instinctively stepped back.
"Don't you dare mention her," I growled.
I heard a whistle.
"Woah! So the rumors weren't true after all!"
"He actually cares about her? Damn, Watson is something else!"
"Maybe they really are together?!"
"Who started that rumor?"
"Your own guys, idiots!"
"Panic! It's your group!"
"You big-mouthed gossipers!"
I let go of their so-called leader when I noticed he was struggling to breathe. I was being too obvious.
He coughed and spat out insults, but before we could exchange more words, someone threw a large rock. Others joined in, grabbing whatever they could find—bricks, bats, even chains.
The guy in front of me tried to swing his baseball bat, but I dodged. He tossed it aside and pulled out a whistle, spinning it around before attempting to blow it. I shut him up with a punch, knocking it out of his hand.
Is that all?
The battle erupted. People ran, chased, and screamed as fists and weapons clashed. I turned to Section E, who was just standing there watching. Ci-N was still smiling, clearly struggling to contain his excitement.
"Do me a favor—show no fucking mercy!" I shouted.
They all grinned, like kids about to play with new toys.
"Prophecy!" Ci-N called out.
Then they jumped into the chaos, picking their own targets. I scanned the area for that fake leader. He needed to pay for what he said earlier. As I searched, more guys rushed me. I didn't waste time. I put them to sleep with a single punch or flipped them over like ragdolls. It took me a while to find him. He was hiding behind a car covered with tarps.
"How did you become their leader? You do nothing but hide," I said, approaching him.
I could see the fear in his eyes as he backed away, eventually tripping over some scattered metal scraps.
"I-I'm not their leader," he stammered, making me stop. "...I was just following orders from Ram."
My forehead creased. "What do you mean?"
"They're looking for your g-girl. They just told me to grab your attention!"
What the fuck?!
I didn't hold back and immediately pulled him upright. I punched him repeatedly, and as soon as I let go, he collapsed to his knees. His coughing was constant, and his stomach was full of blood. I wanted to break his neck, but there were still things I needed to know.
I knew Jay-Jay was home, and Angelo was in the powder room. I was satisfied that nothing would happen to her.
"What is Ram planning?" I demanded.
"I—I don't know!" he shouted after taking a deep breath.
"What is he planning?" I repeated.
He shook his head violently. "I really don't know!"
I punched him in the face. He fell to the ground, clutching his bleeding mouth and nose.
"Where is Ram, and what is his plan?!"
He kept shaking his head, clearly struggling to breathe.
"Believe me... I really d-don't know!"
Fuck this! I can't get anything out of someone who truly doesn't know. I looked at the five men surrounding me. They had the same murderous look in their eyes.
One held a baseball bat, another a metal pipe, the third had a large rock, the fourth gripped a baton, and the last had brass knuckles.
"Ram's orders: Kill Watson and bring the woman alive!" one of them shouted.
Two of them rushed at me while another hurled a rock. I dodged it, but when the guy with the pipe swung at me, I caught it midair and wrestled with him. He refused to let go, and just as another man swung a baseball bat at me, I yanked the guy with the pipe in front of me—causing the bat to strike him instead.
I wasn't disappointed. The blow knocked him out cold. The one with the baseball bat looked stunned, unsure of what to do next.
The man with the rock came at me again, holding a new one. He aimed for my head, but I struck the rock with the pipe, shattering it right in his face. He instinctively shut his eyes, and I took the opportunity to kick him hard in the chest.
The guy with the baseball bat attacked again, screaming with every swing. I dodged each blow, waiting for my chance. When he started panting and slowing down, I punched him hard in the ribs. I could feel his bones crack under my knuckles.
Can't they give me a real challenge?
I noticed the last two men eyeing me warily. I raised my hands to show I was unarmed. They took the bait and charged.
As soon as one got close, I grabbed his wrist and used him as a shield. The guy with the brass knuckles punched him instead, the impact so strong that I heard his bones snap.
I tossed the man aside like dead weight and faced the last one. He threw a punch, but it was slow. I ducked, then landed a hard hit to his jaw—knocking him out instantly.
That's it? Can't they send someone stronger?
I turned back to the fake leader of Ram's group. He was panicked, trying to wake his fallen men.
"Get up! It's just one guy, and you still can't handle him?!" he barked angrily.
"C-call R-Ram! Ask for backup!" one of them groaned.
"He's not answering! We need to get out of here!"
I smirked. So Ram left them hanging? It was like they were just sent here to distract me.
"Tss .... So Ram doesn't care about you after all," I said, stepping forward.
The leader trembled but still tried to attack me with the pipe I had used earlier. The rest of his men scrambled to flee.
"Brace yourself. I'm about to break your bones," I warned as I strode toward him.
He swung the pipe at me, but I easily blocked it. I snatched it from his grip and threw it far away.
"H-have mercy! I was just following orders!" he pleaded, falling to his knees.
I grabbed his wrist in an iron grip.
"Don't you dare mention that girl in your pathetic excuses. She is mine. I own her. No one else can claim her," I growled, tightening my hold.
"P-please forgive me! If y-you want, I can help you get rid of those t-threatening her—AAAAARGH!" he screamed as I twisted his wrist further.
"I don't need your help! After what you just said, do you really think I'd trust you?!"
He couldn't answer—he was too busy crying in pain. I bent his wrist even further.
"Keifer..." I turned slightly. It was Yuri, standing with Rory and Edrix.
"Jay-Jay is here," Yuri said.
Panic surged through me. Did Ram succeed? Did he take her?!
"Who brought her here?!" I snapped.
"It was Kuya Percy," Felix said, walking toward us.
I felt a slight sense of relief—but she shouldn't be here. Why the hell did Percy bring her? He's leading her straight into danger. I scanned my surroundings. I wasn't satisfied. I hadn't knocked out enough of them.
"Tell me... how many did you take down?" I asked without looking at them.
I heard approaching footsteps—someone new had arrived.
"A lot," Felix answered.
"And how many is 'a lot'?"
"M-more than ten."
More than ten? Bullshit. That's not enough. How can I cover the others when we've only taken down this many?
I looked at the man who was still holding my wrist. I continued with my earlier plan—I twisted his wrist, feeling his bones crack as he screamed in agony.
This is my warning!
But it's not enough. Everything feels incomplete.
"Fuck! This is not enough!"
"What do you mean 'not enough,' Keifer? We've already taken down half of the gangs. What else is missing?" Felix asked, pointing at the bodies lying on the ground.
Just half? Does half seem like enough? No, it will never be enough. Angelo can defeat more than this. How many are there—eight, maybe nine? And yet, he could still take down more.
The thought alone makes my blood boil.
"Do you really think this will make us strong?! Huh?! Do you think this is enough?!"
"What are we supposed to do? Bring all the gang wars to us?" Edrix said irritably, making me glare at him.
"If that's what it takes, then we will."
"You're only increasing your enemies! Ask Jay-jay's cousin for help—he has more connections," Josh suggested.
No! I will never ask him for help.
"That's not an option. He'd use it as an excuse to keep Jay-Jay away from us," Yuri said.
He knows exactly what will happen if we involve Angelo.
"It's perfect!" Drew suddenly shouted. "...this way, we can make sure Jay-Jay is safe."
Yuri and I both turned to him, our eyes sharp with warning. We've discussed this too many times, yet they still bring it up.
"Oh, come on! How can you look at me like that? You're afraid of getting separated from Jay-Jay, aren't you?" Drew smirked knowingly. " did something stupid, and now you're paying for it!"
He talks as if he had nothing to do with it. Like he wasn't the one who sent Jay-Jay away to escape his debts.
Yuri lunged at him, grabbing his collar.
"Shut up, Drew," he warned.
Then, I noticed their expressions change—like they had just seen a ghost. I turned to look in the same direction and saw Jay-Jay standing there with Percy.
It's really her.
What the hell was he thinking, bringing her here? And why did Percy let her come? It's bad enough that these two are related—they're both just as stubborn.
I fought to keep my expression neutral, but deep down, I wanted nothing more than to run to her and hold her. I miss her so much, even though we see each other almost every day.
"J-Jay? H-how long have you been standing there?" Felix stammered, looking between Jay-Jay and Percy.
I could see the anger in Percy's eyes. Even Felix, who rarely gets intimidated, seemed uneasy.
Now I understand why they're here.
"Is this what's bothering you?" Percy asked, his voice calm, but I could sense the fury beneath it.
Felix didn't answer. So Percy turned to us instead.
"Is this what you taught my brother while I was gone?! You made him join a massacre?!"
Yuri and I exchanged glances. I had no interest in drama—this was a family matter. I turned my back, and Yuri did the same, hoping to avoid it. But I froze at Jay-Jay's next words.
"Don't be rude!"
The pain in her voice hit me like a punch to the gut. I don't know why, but it hurt to hear her speak like that. Maybe because I miss her too much. I forced myself not to turn around. If I did, I might lose control and run to her.
"Jay," Yuri started, but Percy cut him off.
"Damn it, Yuri!"
I don't want this to drag on.
"Your brother has a mind of his own," I said, still not facing them. "Even if someone teaches him something, it's up to him whether he follows through or not."
Then, a strange feeling washed over me—like we were being watched. And it wasn't just any feeling. This one sent a bad chill down my spine.
Percy kept arguing with Felix, but I subtly scanned our surroundings. Then, as my eyes landed on Jay-Jay, I saw it.
Someone was aiming for her.
My feet moved before I could think. At the same time, a man lunged at her, a knife in his grip.
"P-PERCY!" she screamed, making everyone turn.
But they were too slow.
Adrenaline surged through me. In an instant, I was in front of Jay-Jay, grabbing the man who had tried to stab her. I had him by the neck and wrist, stopping the blade just in time. I don't know where my strength came from, but I was ready to break him.
"Who the fuck are you?!" I growled.
Instead of answering, he laughed—a slow, mocking sound that made my blood boil. I tightened my grip, cutting off his laughter and replacing it with a pained groan.
"What the hell do you want?!" I demanded again.
His gaze shifted to my side—where Jay-Jay stood. "We... want... her... dead."
Who the hell is "we"?! Who are they, and why is she their target?!
"Who?! Who sent you?!"
But he just laughed again.
Fuck! He's still laughing despite being in pain.
I snapped. My grip tightened, and I twisted his wrist until I heard the sickening crack of bone breaking. His agonized screams filled the air. I let him go, watching as he writhed on the ground. I hate people who don't give me answers.
"It's your fault!" Jay-Jay suddenly shouted. "I'm their target again because of you!"
Maybe she's right. Maybe I'm the reason. I'm the one with too many enemies—enemies who would do anything to get to me. The man on the ground burst into laughter again, his voice hoarse from the pain. He clutched his broken wrist, still grinning like a lunatic.
"Sato," he wheezed, his eyes shifting to Yuri. "Jason," he looked at me. "And Ram," his gaze landed on Jay-Jay.
So that's it.
Wasn't my warning enough? They really joined forces just to go after Jay-Jay?
I always knew Jason was up to something. If he dares show his face, I'll burn his damn motorcycle right in front of him.
And Ram—he still can't get over what Jay-Jay did to him. A woman brought him to his knees, and he finds that unacceptable. If he knew what was really going on with Jay-Jay back then, he would have lost his damn mind.
Sato. Who the hell is he? I've never come across anyone named Sato—if that's even a name at all.
"Who's Sato?!"
"Keifer," Yuri called out to me. "I fought him before, and it looks like he's getting back at me."
What?! Then why is he also targeting Jay-Jay? This is not good. There are more enemies than allies. Jay-Jay is the target. Where did I go wrong?
Rumors about us are already spreading like wildfire. Is it because I spread a warning? But if I don't, they'll keep coming after her again and again. It doesn't matter whether they believe she's my girlfriend or not.
They have to stop!
"Call them back. Sato, Jason, and Ram—tell them to come back to me, and I will prepare them," I ordered him.
I held myself back before I broke another bone in his body.
"I didn't know this was happening here. I had no choice," a voice said.
It was Percy.
He looked at Jay and Felix. "You're coming with me back to New York."
Jay-Jay can't leave. What if the enemy follows her there? Percy's plan can't happen. I won't let him take her. We'll fight this together. I shot Percy a threatening look, but he only made things more difficult.
"Come on! We're going home!" he called to Felix.
But Felix didn't move. He turned to look at me instead.
"You go first! I can go home alone," Felix replied.
Percy's weakness was obvious, but he couldn't do anything about it. He had no choice but to leave, though he left with a bitter look in his eyes. Jay-Jay followed him, shocked by what had just happened. I have to make sure that no one hurts her—and that she doesn't get herself hurt either.
His stepbrother will keep her away.
"David, make sure they leave this place safely," I said.
Without a word, David followed Jay-Jay.
"Keifer," someone called my name.
I turned to see the bloodied leader of a gang I had fought before. He was barely standing on one foot, clearly struggling. Behind him were some of his men, just as wounded as he was. He took a few more steps toward me but collapsed before he could reach me.
"M-make a deal w-with us!" he gasped, pointing a shaking finger at me.
"For what?"
"We're ready to be your people... a-as long as you help us when we need it."
Considering how much they've fought, I can tell they're strong. I smirked, looking at them. I need people like them.
Each of his men slumped to the ground, exhausted.
"Keifer, what do we do with the fallen?" Yuri asked.
"Leave them. They're too weak—we don't need them."
"What about the survivors?" Felix asked, pointing to a group of men still on the ground, barely conscious.
I followed his gaze. Some of them were still bleeding.
"I-I challenge you... WATSON!" one of them shouted before charging at me.
I delivered a single, weak kick to his chest. He dropped like a corpse. His companions barely had the strength to react.
"If you can't come to an agreement like the others, then go back where you came from—and don't ever cross my path again," I warned.
I turned my back on him and walked away. I had no intention of waiting for them to wake up and beg for peace. I have too much to do—starting with stopping Percy's plan.
"Let's go. Help those who need it," I told them before leaving.
Yuri immediately followed.
"What are you planning?" he asked, grabbing my arm to stop me.
I reached into my pocket for my phone—my original phone.
"I'm calling Angelo. We need to stop Percy."
After a few rings, he picked up.
"Percy is up to something. He didn't come back just to say hello!" I said quickly.
["Tell me everything."] His voice was calm.
"He's trying to take Jay-Jay away!"
I heard him curse under his breath, one after another.
["Find him. Now!"] he ordered before ending the call.
If I can't stop Percy, I'll find someone who can. I won't let him take the girl I love away from me.
"We need to find Percy," I said to Yuri, and we both got into the car.
I slammed my foot on the gas, speeding through the streets. I called him several times, but he didn't answer.
Damn it.
If he thinks he can hide from me, he's wrong. I'll find him—even if I have to chase him to the afterlife.
He's probably taking Jay-Jay home.
I was about to turn toward their subdivision when I spotted his car passing mine. I immediately stepped on the gas and gave chase. But the noise from his blaring music drowned out my honks. He turned a corner—one I recognized immediately.
Felix is coming!
I swerved in front of his car, blocking him. His horn blared furiously.
"Hey! What's your problem?!" he yelled in frustration.
I quickly texted Yuri and Angelo our location before stepping out and facing Percy.
"I won't let you take Jay-Jay away from us," I said, my tone threatening.
"And how exactly are you going to stop me?" he asked, smug and irritating.
"By hook or by crook."
"Don't stop me. She has the right to see her father."
"But not now. Not when someone is after her life. What if they follow her there?"
Percy shook his head. "You think I can't protect her?"
Before I could answer, two cars screeched to a stop nearby.
He stepped out and grabbed Percy by the collar.
"I knew you weren't back for nothing," he growled.
"Woah! Relax," Percy held up a peace sign. "I come in peace."
"You're not taking Jay-Jay. Her mother doesn't agree—so she's not leaving."
Angelo shoved him away but kept his glare fixed on him.
"One wrong move…" he threatened, pointing a finger at Percy. "I'll send you straight back to your pit."
Then, without another word, Angelo turned and got into his car, driving off.
I glanced at Percy and Yuri.
Percy snorted. "Like a child… You really went and reported me?" He scratched his head. "Get back in your car."
Yuri and I exchanged a look before shaking our heads.
Now, at least, Percy knows he can't just take Jay-Jay away!