far away somewhere in the universe known to be the darkest side of the universe ..."not because there is no stars it because it is the most dangerous sides of the universe"
In the middle of that universe there is a galaxy called the Sartar galaxy in this galaxy there is a crusade followed by the rainheart Royal family they want to conquer the galaxy to expand their territory and their rules they either force theirs lows by using power or using another peaceful method like diplomacy
Somewhere in that galaxy the rainheart royal fleet called the 8th division its known to be the strongest fleet ever been in that galaxy they crossed path a huge abandoned planet
The commander ordered to scan the planet to see if there is any civilization or life source
After hours of scanning and gathering information they found that this world doesn't have a single life source and the commander of that fleet saw an opportunity to make it part of the empire territory
He send troops there to see if this wasn't a trap or anything and if this planet safe to make it rise with new civilization he will be seen as Worthy in the eyes of the royal family but little he know that this gonna be a bad day for the royal fleet .
In the space outside of the abandoned planet there is the royal fleet of the rainheart empire their commander optimister saw this planet while crossing path going to another world to conquer he saw that this world is way bigger than any planet he saw he walked to the window to see the world and said
optimister said this is gonna be good day "he have happy vibes"
assistant 1 said how so ?
optimister said cant you see it this is the biggest world I have ever seen it will be one of the greatest conquest I have ever made when we take this world it will make a huge advantage to our crusade and from her we build a new civilization
optimister was optimistic for the invasion as another glorious battle a waits him
than he took a deep breath than walked back at the commanding room as he was happy that he saw a massive planet he thought that this world would make a plaything for his strategy.
optimister said to the assistant who was with him assistant what's the status
assistant 1 said everything good sir we scanned the entire world and the good news is that it doesn't seem to a have any kind of civilization or any life source .
optimister seemed surprised and sad he looked at her and asked doesn't have any life source ?
assistant 1 said this planet doesn't have water nor mountains nor dirt nor atmosphere nor origin life nothing ... in another word this world is dead from the inside and the outside.
optimister was amazed and surprised by what he heard yet he was worried at same time but he was still persistent to make this world a part of the empire territory one way or another.
optimister said i never heard of such a thing like this anyway it doesn't matter what the world situation is we will use the gravity machine to change the world core and by that change it will make life .
optimister was ignorant he didnt know what the consequences for using a gravity machine in a dead world because there is a slight chance for that to revive the core of the world and make life and if that didnt work the planet will explode due to the pressure that was put in the core that if there is a core to begin with .
assistant 1 said with worry sir there might be a consequences for that if I am not mistaken its a slight chance that will work that mean there is 90% chance it will fail
optimister said its fine nothing gonna happen beside its a dead planet and the machine will work by itself
assistant 2 said in hurry sir you gotta see this
optimister walked at her and looked at her screen
assistant 2 said we received the data of scanner 298 he detected some wired structure it looks like some kind of ruins ..
optimister looked at the screen and he knew what it was he felt something off about this world at the same time he was concerned if there is might be something hidden in this world he was suspected that there might be danger there
optimister said this is not ruins this is a destroyed battleship... damn there is a lot of them "as he scrolls between the pictures" this might be a battle from a very long time ago
assistant 2 said should we send a scouting squad for that ?
optimister didnt want to waste any time he knew that there is something off about this operation there might be a consequences for the decision he will make and that decision might be at the cost of the 8th fleet division
side note : optimister is on a hurry because the faster he conquer or take over the world the faster he got the attention of the royal family it isn't about his solders its about his career and his own desires In another word he would sacrifice the entire 8th fleet for his promotion
optimister said with confident no need for that we will continue the operation as it should be
assistant 2 was worried as the scanner also discovered something else way bigger
assistant 2 said with hesitation sir not just that the scanner also detected these things ..
she revealed an image of 3 pillars each one has a different color at that moment optimister felt something really bad and off about these as his suspension was on spot there might be danger out there after all
optimister said with worry as his heart beating fast put it in the big screen
when she did everyone looked at the screen and everyone in the Room felt something really bad they got the chills they were both amazed and scared for what they saw
assistant 2 said as she had bad vibes Sir are you sure about this? The chills running down my spine are killing me, I can tell you now this operation is a failure before it begins
optimister knew that something is wrong yet he was persistent to continue the operation its not about being brave its just him wants to show the royal family that he can do it and he will be a victorious
in what cost that will that be it sure will be at the cost of his division
optimister said it doesn't matter we will continue the operation and we will take over the world and make part of our territory whatever happened there it happened and its over if there anything threatening us we will eliminate them
assistant and the others wasn't fond of this because whatever happened in there it was terrible as they looked into the pictures of the destroyed ships and machines they were afraid that the same thing gonna happen if they are not careful
assistant 2 said sir there might be another way we should not send our army there as there is no life source or danger it will be a waste of time
optimister understand the consequences and the fear of losing his men but his desires is way stronger than his feelings
optimister said as he start getting pissed off no Need now stop asking questions and start working on looking for a good place to land
the assistant felt that the commander is somehow afraid and he will do anything to eliminate that fear
assistant 2 said sir yes sir
optimister grabbed the mic and opens the speakers on all the fleet
optimister said all units personal prepare yourself another planet ready to fall I repeat all units personal prepare yourself another planet ready to fall
assistant 1 said to himself this is gonna be a bad idea
everyone in the ships who heard that they start preparing as fast as they can in 30 min they were ready to go and waited the orders in the ship docks
optimister did go to his room and looked to the mirror he was sweating and worried he said to himself "i got this i got this"
than he washed his face and prepared himself then he left his room and go to the docks the army were ready and they were standing in lines as he looked in their faces
he saw each one of their faces he didnt see fear he saw glory yet he was worried for what they gonna see down there
optimister said with loud voice and through the mics to the other destroyer ships this is gonna be your greatest moment in your life
this time this moment is gonna be yours you go down there bring glory to the name of the empire and the name of the Queen
anything unusual you see you have the green lights and free well to do what is necessary to eliminate that threat , we will be your eyes we will be your ears anything happen we will send signal to you at any time remember boys the 8th fleet division got your back you have nothing to worry about one last thing give them hell boys urraaaa
than the entire army screamed uraaaaaa optimister returned to the commanding room and the units were going inside the transport ships with everything they can carry and with every equipment they can use under 10 min they were all ready to move out
optimister said through the speakers all unit personal prepare to take off
the transport ships and the fighters were ready to move out from the destroyer than optimister gave the green light to take off and about 300k transport to fighters ship took off from the docks going down to the planet
meanwhile in the planet somewhere behind the pillars there was someone watching them as hundred of thousands of ship going down to the planet yet the stranger didnt move and waited the army reached the ground as soon as they reached the ground they start making formation and other start making bases
they marched with confidence while they singing and cursing the enemy , they have one mission to go to that area where the pillars are and destroy them as the optimister ordered them
when the army reached there they saw 3 pillars one has color of blue one has color of purple and one has color of red they were making sounds like transition
and the solders were amazed by what they saw than something between the pillars start moving as he was going out to face the army the leader of the ground forces ordered to stop as he saw someone reaching out from the pillars
leader said with loud voice hold your position , prepare yourself
he looked at the pillars and saw someone moving
leader said whoever in there show yourself
the stranger who was between the pillars did go out and faced the army they were shocked by what they saw they saw a huge man wearing full body armor holding shield which has somekind dark Ora it was overflowing
his blade which was glowing purple his eyes were glowing as well with small electricity with every step he made the ground was shaking as his footsteps been heard from a very far awag
then he stops riggt in front the pillars and face to face against the army in the distance the leader was amazed by his size and his fancy look
leader said who are you ? identify yourself to the queen army at once
the knight didnt answer as he showed no interest the leader asked again and again yet no answers so he got pissed off as he moved towards the knight
leader said while walking towards the knight say who you are you piece of metal or I will have your head on spe.....
a lightning strike hits the ground making a small line between him and the knight
knight said with deep voice cross that line and I am gonna cut your head off
his voice been heard all over the place the army weere stunned and for once they felt something really bad gonna happen some of them called the commanding officer and others called the operators
assistant 3 called the leader with loud voice sir .... sir you need to see this fast
optimister rushed to her and looked to the screen
optimister said with worry what's going on ?
assistant 1 : there is a knight standing in front the pillars facing the army
he saw a knight with his wings glowing with small purple electricity than the knight looked at the same direction of the camera is when he did that optimister for once he was about to falls apart chills took over his body as he never seen someone like that ever In his life
optimister asked the assistant you said there is no life source in the world ...
assistant 1 said thats correct sir there isn't
optimisiter said with louder voice than what do you call that thing ...
he looked again to the screen
optimister said through the radio officer 303 you have to fall back I repeat you have to fall back at once
he repeated that multiple times but it seems the leader cant hear him
optimister asked with confusion cant he heard me , what going on
he start checking the mic
assistant 2 said with hesitation sir something is jamming our calls we can't call them and they can't hear us we can't do anything also our signals is completely gone from the Map
optimister was worried more than usual yet he couldn't do anything
leader said while being sarcastic ohhhh your a threatening me so scary ... hey you piece of metal look at me while talking to you
leader said what you gonna do metal boy you gonna cut my fingers with that knife of yours
the knight showed no Interest at all
knight said with stronge tongue you talk to much for a leader you should have been in circus instead the army
leader got really pissed off as he walked towards the knight with faster footsteps
leader said with intimidating voice ohhh really I am gonna show you what this circus boy gonna do to you metal rust
he draw his sword and kept moving forward the knight kept looking at him
knight said with calm voice I am gonna give you and your army a chance to live go back to your families to your home there is no glory in death turn around and leave , never come back
the leader stops as he heard him he felt like he was looking down on him while the army behind him
leader said chance to live .... "he starts laughing" ... you can't be serious can you ..."continued laughing"... you see those men behind Me they are here to destroy those pillars and taking over the world weather you like it or not you wouldn't stand a chance against them
knight said while looking at their faces I am looking at their faces and I see fear is taking over but yours is not fear it is greed
the leader couldn't handle to hear any farther insult he start charging at him while screaming you are gonna Die
meanwhile the knight said with low voice you have been warned
while charging the leader was close to cross the line that the knight made and the knight prepared himself
after the leader crossed the line the knight moved faster than the light in a glimpse of an eye the leader heads was cut off as he falls down to the ground
the solders didnt see what happens as the knight moved so fast that they couldn't see anything they start saying that he cheated , he used magic and than they all charged at once the fighters in the back start shooting missiles and machines on the ground start marching
the knight made a huge wall barrier made from lightning that make every bullet and missiles ashes before it hit its target but it dosent affect the living one
than a dark massive clouds start to show in the Sky from nowhere as the sounds of lightning raging I'm between the clouds
the solders couldn't care as they kept charging the knight looked at the sky and than huge lightning strikes start to hit the fighters and transport ship one strike hitting target the same strike making a connection with another target and goes on and on making a huge line between the ships taking them all down at once
the sky start raining fighters after the strikes hits them the knight saw the army is getting close 3 solders reached him as there were running faster than the others the knight countered the first one breaking his sword as he cuts the 2nd one heads off with the slash he blocks the 3rd attack and than he cuts both the 1st and 3rd one throats
meanwhile in the ship outside the planet they couldn't see anything as the dark clouds took over nearly the entire world they start panicking than the knight saw the army getting closer he made a single step forward as he hits the ground with his foot making a huge massive shockwave that knocked everyone on the ground
the ground start cracking and between the cracks lightning was coming off it was purple color the lightning from the sky and from the ground it killed them all making them all ashes in total the ground forces with sky loses reached nearly 3 million
than the knight pointed his swords to the sky and the sky start focusing all the lightning strikes on the swords consuming the clouds
in moment the clouds disappear , in the space they start to have a visual of the planet as they didnt detect any life source moment ago they had 3 million signals now its nothing
as they were panicking the knight looked at the sky looking on the royal fleet the sky got cleard from the clouds his sowrd was glowing and raging with lightning
he thrown his sword like he throw a spear the commanding ship saw something coming they ordered all the fleet to prepare to engage but they didnt see it coming as the sword was so fast the machines couldn't lock on it it hits on of the destroyer ship making it explode
than something else was coming it was the knight with wings on his back he reached the middle of the fleet as the destroyers were shooting at him he was dodging them right and left flying in between the ships making others hitting each other
than he slap his hand making lightning shockwave turned off all the fleet power down as he start destroying the fleet using lightning strikes and sword
the commanding ship couldn't know what to do with the power off they tried everything to turn the power on
after couple tries while optimister ordering the crew to look for the power supply and restarted it
it somehow worked and the ship is online and operational they got the knight attention as GE was destroying the ships
the destroyer commanding ship start blasting and shooting towards the knight direction the knight start dodging and flying between the destroyed ships to take cover from missile barrage the knight while dodging start to get close to the destroyer as the commander ordered all fire power towards the knight
the knight used his shield to deflect every shot and than he punched the ship making the ship fly towards nothing the ship kept moving and moving as the punch turned the power off again the crew were working to get the power on again
meanwhile the knight said to himself while looking to the destroyed fleet they won't stop coming I have to end this at once
he returned to the destroyed fleet searching for his sword
optimister said we have to get the power on again
assistant 1 said sir the power supply is damaged we have to turn the 2nd power supply off
optimister said than do it ..
assistant 1 said that will turn the gun power down we can't shot anything if we did that
optimister had no choice but to do that and if he did that the power will be defenseless
optimister said do it what's good of the guns if the power is off anyway we need their power to move the ship
assistant 1 said sir yes sir
as they turned off the 1st power supply they turned on the 2nd one which caused the gun to shut down for good after they did that power got on again
assistant 3 said while she was happy sir the power is on we can move the ship
optimister said good
assistant 3 said but there is a problem
optimister said it can't be worst than this can it
assistant 3 said not sure sir but our scanners are completely destroyed as well as the radar plus the speed power has been shut off
optimister said well this is worst than I expected can we move on the normal speed
assistant 3 said yes sir we can but fuel tank is damaged so we don't have that much we must find another source of fuel acap
optimister said send the scouts out let them search for anything good
assistant 3 said yes sir
optimister couldn't believe that all this happend in under 5 hours the entire 8th fleet division was completely destroyed
the commanding destroyer ship was the only one left from the royal fleet which was consider to be the strongest one they were alone on the space with half gallon of fuel
one of the scouts ship found there was 3 warship in the space he came back as fast as he can to the destroyer as he reported to the commanding room
scout solder entered the room and said sir I got news for you
optimister looked at him and said whats the status solder
scout solder said I have detect 3 warship coming towards us
he showed him pictures of the warship
optimister was excited for this as he saw an opportunity to leave this place and go back the empire to report about this cursed knight
optimister said with excitement mercenaries ...
scout solder said your order sir
optimister said gather the pilots to the speech room now
scout solder said sir yes sir
optimister said assistant tell the all the units available to be prepare at the docks
assistant 1 said yes sir
optimister left the room and goes to the armory to check the equipment and the available androids there wasn't much but it will do the job than he go to the docks to cheek the solders they were prepareing themself and they were fixing the damged ships
assistant said in the speakers to all available unit prepare yourself an enemy is approaching
the scout came to optimister and said sir all the pilots are in the speech room they are waiting for you
optimister said alright go prepare yourself solder
scout solder said yes sir
optimister left the docks and reached the speech room there were 6 pilots in total the pilots stood up and salute him he salute back and they set
optimister said as he was looking on them we have one final mission to do and you all what left from the air superiority
pilot red said what about the scouts sir
optimister said they are not trained to fight red their mission is to scout only
pilot zorn said so we are the last transport pilots left from the entire 8th royal fleet ?
optimister said with sadness yes you are
zorn looked down as he seem sad
optimister said the mission is this..." turned the tv on " ... you have to deliver our army to the warship once we land there they can't fight us 1 on 1 as their solders are weak as much as their equipments
pilot red said the normal transport ship can't reach there without a fight
optimister said thats why we have the first prototype of the new battle transport ship
pilot kina said with confusion battle transport ship that seems interesting
optimister said it is ..."he changed the TV from picture of warship to the transport ship.." this is combination of battleship and transport ship as this one can hold up to 10k solders
pilot red said thats impressive we can reach there in no time if we fought through our way using this it will be easy
ootimister said there is 3 warship we got 6 from these prototype each warship need 2 transport and your mission is to reach there take over the ship transport the fuel and plant explosive anyone left there alive just execute him
all pilots said sir yes sir
optimister said dismiss
they left the room and optimister stayed for a while he was excited to leave this place as he can't wait to report for the empire his plan was to bring the entire crusade army on the knight and destroy the pillars
than he left the room and assistant followed him she was said that the army is ready to move
optimister said order them to go to the transport battle ship I will be there in a minute
she left to the commanding room and he was moving reaching the docks .
meanwhile in the mercenary ship
helper said my lord our radio detect a single reinheart destroyer
mercenary leader said a destroyer ho ho ho this gonna be the finest treasure we will have
helper said what are we gonna do my lord
mercenary leader said what do we do we should prepare to fight off course .."he opens the radio channel"... all unit prepare for the treasure hunts
the mercenaries start preparing themselves as they were hyping for the expensive equipments they have
the rainheart army were ready to fight them the ship got close to the warship
mercenary leader said with excitement its showtime , all unit open fire
the warship start shooting the destroyer with everything they got
mercenary leader said send the gold digger "fighters" out I need that ship down we're gonna be rich boys
the destroyer were taking so much hit from the warship as the last remaining barrier holding them off the barrier power was on 3% the solders were ready inside the transport ship
than optimister gave them the green light to move out the 6 transport battle moved out fighting their way off the mercenaries they start shooting them down and the mercenaries fighters focused all fire on the transport ship
mercenary leader said focus your fire on those ships destroy them before they reach us
helper said yes sir
all the shots was going to the transport ships but the transport ship had strong armor and the bullet of the mercenary weapons they had was weak compared to the rainheart fleet
so as the 6 transport ships while moving they were dodging the fighters and shooting them down while crushing on others
the first 2 transport ship reached they got inside the warship and the warship docks the mercenary solders were waiting for them as they prepared a heavy defense
as they landed they waited them to open the doors when they did they start shooting them the rainheart was taking lots of casualties and the solders start shooting them back the first transport ship had solders the other one had machines
optimister was one of them as he orders to clear the way to the hall way the machines got to the front start shooting towards the mercenary and on of the mercenary side one of them shot from the canon blaster taking down one of the machines
yet the rainheart kept pushing optimister throw a smoke grenade to cover a path to the hall way and one of the solders shot a blaster towards the canons making the canon explode due the ammunition that was beside the canon taking down many other mercenaries
a group of the mercenary when they saw them pushing one of them said alright boys let's see how good they are on melee
he start charging while shooting and most of the mercenary followed him both sides took a lot of casualties yet the rainheart kept pushing
one of the mercenary throw a grenade and one of the machines punished the grenade to the sky and explode than the mercenary shot a blaster to the machine chest taking him down
the reinheart nearly reached the hallway as the mercenaries charging the rainheart solder was about to open the hallway door only for the mercenary jumped from his left and punched him in the face when he falls the mercenary shot him in the head
the fight turned melee as the mercenary throw knife to one of the solders eyes and than optimister draw his sword so did the mercenary as well the mercenary made the first move slashing his sword optimister countered the attack and punched him in the guts than slashed the his throats cuts him off
the mercenary final word was well fought
as the reinheart cleared most of the dock area the mercenaries who fought melee pushed a little but ended up in the Crossfire they all died so the mercenary leader said hold the hall way do not let them get to this room fight back
the hall way door was shut off and behind it mercenary solders holding and waiting and in the middle a machine holding the path
after seconds the door explodes and from the fog optimister cut through the fog walking he shot the machine with blaster than throw it to the guy on his right he turned around draw the sword and cuts the left guy heads off than shot the right one using his pistol
the mercenary behind the machines start shooting and the rainheart solder start shooting as well they cleared the hallway after a couple of resistance the door of the commanding room was shut
one of the wounded mercenary laughed And said let's see how you will get through that rainheart dog
one of the solders shot him in the head they put sticking bombs on the door and then the door explode everyone inside start shooting towards the door the rainheart throw couple stun grenade and then they pushed in killing all in the room and they kept the leader alive
mercenary leader said reinheart dog ..."spits on ground"
optimister said don't worry we are not here for your treasure we just need a littile fuel and we will leave
mercenary leader said want for me to believe that shit you will kill us all you dog
optimister said yes and I am gonna enjoy it , red put these guns to the work and shoot down All these insects
pilot red said I got this sir
the weapons was turned on and start shooting the mercenary fighters
optimister said while laughing .. damn I thought this gonna be hard but no it wasn't because how damn weak you are
all the solders start laughing
solde one of the solders came from the outside said 60% of the ship is ours sir
optimister said good keep going and take everything Down no survivors
mercenary leader said you monster you murderer
optimister said the irony isn't it
Mercenary leader said at least we dont kill civilian we never do
optimister said and I do kill civilians how about that .."he got close to the mercenary" you All gonna die soon when I reach the empire you and the rest of the mercenaries you all gonna be dead "he whispered"
after a small conversation the solders were happy and their moral went up to the small victory when they thought they gonna win optimister was looking throgh the window to the destoryer
the destroyer explode and from the explosion the knight came through and smashed the commanding room landing inside
the emergency windows closed and the mercenary leader looked surprised and laughed he said y'all are doomed
optimister said with hesitation what do you mean
the mercenary leader said you made a mistake Kiddo now you pay the price "continue laughing"
the knight stood up slashed the 2 solders in the door cutting their heads off and pulled his gun shot 2 solders behind the commanding weal and throw his sword to the solder who held the blaster canon the sword hits his guts the knight moved fast hold the sword and cuts him in half
the machines start shooting the knight but the knight moved so fast they couldn't see him he destroyed the machines core without noticing it
and the only one in the room was optimister the mercenary leader and the knight
optimister said while draw his sword you gonna pay for what you done
he charged at the knight and the knight dodged his sword and kicked him using his wings optimister flied over the room hits his head to the wall his head start to bleed and the knight was behind him when he stood up and holds his throat
optimister said who are you damn it ...
mercenary leader said my lord please leave him for me I want to put his head to the speer
the knight said fine , do as you please mercenary
he let's his throat and he falls to the ground a start taking his breath back
the knight asked is there lot of them ?
mercenary leader said yes there are
the knight said fine when I done leave this place
mercenary leader said yes my lord
mercenary solders ruched to the room the leader was surprised he asked
mercenary leader asked how did you pushed them back ?
mercenary solder said with happiness he helped us.." pointed to the knight"
mercenary leader said with happiness trying to ignore and keeping his cool no worry now take this scum to the cells we will have his head later
solder said yes my lord
optimister start screaming to the knight
optimister screaming who are you damn it ... speak
the knight was about to fly he stopped and Look at him from the side of the eye
the knight said I am the Warden
than he flies off making another hole to the room the 2nd emergency windows closed and the mercenaries were celebrating meanwhile the warden was flying towards something in the space he said to himself now I end this crusade for good
flied like lightning strikes through the space
in the rainheart planet were the royal family there they were celebrating for the victory they made through out the galaxy they were doing air showdown and army march there was a small neighborhood in the capital not far from the main street
there was a bar which there making slave trade and other stuff there was 3 guys a cowboy looking guy a huge rock lady and a hacker they were trying to buy a slave girl from sea he made online
cowboy said partner how much this girl cost
slave trader said 5000 coin
rock lady said with shock 5000 coin isnt it that high for such smal girl
hacker said done
cowboy said good deal partner , hey small lady move out "took the girl hands"
they took her to the room upstairs and start asking her some question
Rock lady said what's your name ?
slave girl said while she was scared sa.. sa... sa...
rock lady said with confusion sa ??? that's weird name
cowboy said give the girl some space she needs to breath
they gave her some space and some water to drink but some slave traders tried to attack the bar as they want her back
hacker said we got company
rock lady said I knew this was a bad idea
cowboy said let em in this day is bad enough for All of us
they breaked the door and the cowboy shot them in the head while hacker was drinking his cocktail juice and Rock lady was ready to attack yet she was surprised for this out come
cowboy said told ya I got this gotta have faith in me lady
rock lady said do not call me a lady
cowboy said now back to the subject what's your Name pretty lady ?
rock lady said not sure that's how you ask someone their name
slave girl said Sarah ... my name is Sarah
cowboy said well that did work ain't it " looked at rock lady".. dear Sarah whatever happened be sure I am here for ya alright ..
Sarah said with happiness yeah .... thank
the empress was in the carvan in the middle of the army march with Fancy looking car and than from nowhere something from the sky hits the ground so hard that shakes everything
it falls down In front the car everyone panicked and start running the cowboy crew panicked
cowboy said now this is new
the rock lady said come see this
they ruched to the window and Saw someone was in front The empress car
cowboy said well thats pretty bad we gotta leave now back up everything hurry
while the army pointed their gun and the fighters to the area where the thing hits after minute he stood up he was the Warden with his wings in the back raging with electricity he looked at the empress in the eyes
the warden said with angry voice "so you are the one responsible for all this massacres"
the empress said while smiling not knowing who he is "didnt your mother teach you to introduse yourself before speaking to someone with high status like mine ??"
the warden said in angry voice "she teached me plenty .... and one of them is how to treat a fakers ,,,"
the empress said with smug in her face "fakers huh ??? that was weak ... no matter is that how you talk to royalty ?? ..."
the warden said "royalty ??? hiding behind your status and army wont help you , you are lower then a rat in swears ...."
royal solder said "inculant scum ... you don't talk to the empress like that everyone prepare yourself to shoot"
the empress said "show him no mercy ..."
the warden said "this where all things ends"
he made one step and smashed the ground making a huge shock weave knocked everyone to the ground than he flies to the air while other People were evacuating and escaping the World he looked at them
the warden said farewell people of rainheartay your corruption ends here
he pointed his hand to the air and the sky start to be covered by a dark clouds the clouds start striking lightning on the warden hands making his hands glowing with purple lightning
than he flied down with full speed while saying no more suffering
he hits the ground making a massive hole he was going to the planet core while the empress was screaming in fear as she seeing the hole
the cowboy and the others escaped in Time they weren't far away
the cowboy said "I didn't expect something like this to happen"
rock lady said "agreed"
after couple minutes they start seeing the world cracking
rock lady said "what the ...."
the world explode making a huge weave that sends everyone flying in the space
the world and the other moons close by have exploded than the warden watched the world where the crusade begins shattered
the warden said "i feel that this is just a beginning ..... and maybe it Is"
he felt something gonna happen while looking at the people who escaped ...
( end of chapter 1 : a tale of a legend )
( chapter 2 : a new start )