The portal closed behind them with a soft silvery glow, leaving only a barely noticeable shimmer in the air that quickly dissolved like morning mist. Liara looked around, trying to understand where the transition from Veyrin's temple had led them.
They stood on a stone platform suspended over an abyss. Around them rose incredible structures—floating islands connected by bridges of light, spiral towers built from a material resembling frozen mist. Everything was bathed in a soft glow that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. The sky—if it could be called a sky—shimmered with all shades of purple and indigo, interspersed with golden and silver spirals resembling galaxies.
"Where are we?" asked Liara, her transformed body, now consisting of flesh merged with the energy of the shard, glowing with a soft pearlescent light.
Daren stood beside her, his emerald eyes reflecting the surrounding radiance.
"This is the Twilight Peak," he answered. "One of the rare worlds existing at the intersection of several realities. Here, travelers from different worlds meet, exchange knowledge, and trade rare artifacts."
He turned to her, his face becoming serious.
"And here... here we can find allies. Those who will help us stand against the Order of Keepers."
Liara nodded, feeling how the new knowledge and memories acquired after merging with the ghostly priestess and the energy cluster in Veyrin's temple were forming a more complete picture in her mind. She now remembered much more about the worlds beyond the Veil, about the nature of the shards, and about the forces affecting the balance of the multiverse.
"The Guardians of Balance," she uttered the name that came from the depths of her memory. "Are they here?"
Daren smiled slightly, clearly surprised by her knowledge.
"Yes. Their main sanctuary is located right here in Twilight Peak. I hoped that you... that your new form would help us gain an audience with their Council."
Liara looked at her hands—pearlescent, glowing from within, with fine lines resembling a map of the starry sky. She felt the power flowing through her—not aggressive or dominating, but rather unifying, connecting, healing. The power of the Eon shard, now more fully revealed and accepted.
"Let's go," she said, stepping forward. "I can feel their presence. They're waiting for us."
They moved across a bridge of light that seemed weightless yet easily supported their weight. As they approached the central island where the largest spiral tower rose, Liara noticed other beings—not just humans, but creatures whose forms challenged the imagination. Some consisted of light and shadow, others resembled crystalline structures, while still others constantly changed shape like liquid or mist.
The inhabitants of Twilight Peak, in turn, regarded Liara with undisguised interest. Many stopped, following her with their gaze; some bowed or made strange gestures that she somehow intuitively understood as signs of respect and recognition.
"They recognize you," Daren said quietly. "Or rather, they recognize the nature of your essence. Eon shards rarely appear here, especially in such a... awakened form."
As they approached the base of the central tower, they were met by a delegation of three figures. Two of them looked almost human, except for eyes glowing with different colors and slightly shimmering skin. The third was clearly non-human—a tall, slender entity resembling a statue made of liquid silver, constantly changing shape while maintaining general humanoid outlines.
"Daren Vultar, Walker Between Worlds," said the silver figure in a voice that seemed to consist of many voices speaking in unison. "It has been a long time since your last visit."
"Tella," Daren bowed his head. "Glad to see you still hold the position of Gatekeeper."
The silver figure turned to Liara, its surface changing, becoming momentarily more defined, almost human.
"And this is... interesting," said Tella, circling Liara, studying her with pupilless eyes. "An Eon shard, but not just awakened, partially reunited. I sense... three entities merged into one, yet maintaining individuality. Impressive."
Liara felt a strange kinship with this silver being, as if they were connected on a level transcending physical reality.
"You also carry a shard within you," said Liara, surprised by her sudden insight. "But not of Eon. Something... different. Just as ancient, but of a different nature."
Tella stopped, and her silver "surface" rippled, expressing surprise.
"Your perceptiveness exceeds my expectations," she said after a pause. "Yes, I carry a fragment of Chronos, The-One-Who-Controls-Time. One of the Seven Ancients, like Eon."
One of Tella's humanoid companions stepped forward—a tall man with dark skin and eyes that sparkled like stars.
"The Council will be pleased to meet with both of you," he said, his voice deep and resonant. "Especially after the news from Veyrin. The healing of the rift has not gone unnoticed by those who monitor the balance of worlds."
"As well as by those who seek to disrupt this balance," added Tella. "The Order of Keepers is already mobilizing forces. Elric has returned to Alkarion with stories of a powerful shard capable of transforming the very fabric of reality."
Liara and Daren exchanged worried glances.
"Then we truly need the Council's help," said Daren. "The situation is becoming more dangerous than I anticipated."
Tella nodded and made a gesture with her hand, which at that moment became more human.
"Follow me. The Council awaits."
They entered the tower through an archway that seemed to materialize from nowhere as they approached. Inside, the space proved even more amazing than outside—ceilings rose high, disappearing into a glow resembling a starry sky; walls consisted of ever-changing material that reflected and refracted light. Strange objects hovered everywhere—crystals, spheres, books, scrolls, some of which appeared to be made of pure energy or light.
Tella led them through several halls, each more impressive than the last, until they reached a circular room with a platform in the center. On the platform stood a table in the shape of a seven-pointed star, around which sat six figures as diverse as the inhabitants of Twilight Peak that Liara had seen outside.
"The Council of the Guardians of Balance," Tella introduced them, taking the seventh and final place at the table. "We have gathered here to hear Daren Vultar, Walker Between Worlds, and Liara, Bearer of the Eon Shard."
The figure sitting opposite Tella—an ancient elder with a snow-white beard and skin covered in symbols glowing with golden light—rose.
"Welcome to Twilight Peak," he said in a voice that seemed to come from the depths of centuries. "I am the Archivist, keeper of the memory of the Seven Ancients and the balance of worlds. We have long observed your journeys, Daren Vultar, your search for the shards of Eon."
He shifted his gaze to Liara, his eyes resembling whirlpools of galaxies, studying her with deep interest.
"And you, child of many forms, represent something we have not seen for many ages—a shard that has found a path to partial reunification without losing its individuality. This is... promising."
Another Council member—a woman with ivory skin and hair resembling living flame—leaned forward.
"But also troubling," she said. "Events are accelerating. The Order of Keepers is becoming increasingly aggressive in their searches. And now the rift in Veyrin has been healed... the balance is shifting."
"That is precisely why we are here," said Daren, stepping forward. "We seek allies, those who understand the true nature of the shards and the danger of using them as weapons or instruments of power."
Liara also took a step forward, feeling how the energy within her resonated with the energy filling the Council chamber.
"I am beginning to understand who I am," she said, her voice resonating with new confidence. "Not just a shard, not just a fragment of something greater, but an independent entity with its own will and purpose. And I feel that this purpose is connected to restoring the balance that was disrupted five centuries ago."
The Council members exchanged glances, as if conducting a silent conversation. Finally, the Archivist spoke again:
"Perhaps the time has come to reveal certain secrets that the Council of the Guardians of Balance has kept for eons." He made a gesture with his hand, and in the center of the table materialized a three-dimensional projection—a model of the multiverse, with numerous spheres representing different worlds, connected by glowing threads. "This is the Tree of Worlds, the structure connecting all known realities. And this..."
He pointed to the center of the projection, where an especially bright sphere was located, from which the main threads of connections radiated.
"This is the Primordial, the world from which all others originated. The place where the Seven Ancients dwelled before the Great Division."
Tella raised her silver hand.
"The Great Division, or as it is called in some worlds, the Catastrophe, did not occur five centuries ago, as Daren and Liara believe, but much earlier—at the moment of the multiverse's creation. What happened five hundred years ago in Veyrin was merely an echo, a repetition of the original event."
Liara felt something within her responding to these words—a deep memory belonging not to her, but to that ancient entity of which she was now a part.
"Eon," she whispered. "He was... the Guardian of Balance?"
The Archivist nodded.
"Yes. The Seven Ancients were aspects of a single reality, each responsible for their own sphere: Eon for the balance between forces, Chronos for time, Logos for knowledge and structure, Entropy for change and destruction, Anima for life and growth, Nexus for connections and interactions, and Void for emptiness and potential."
He paused, his gaze becoming distant, as if looking through the centuries.
"But a conflict arose. Some of the Ancients—especially Void and Entropy—believed that reality should constantly change, be destroyed, and rebuilt. Others, including Eon and Chronos, sought greater stability and harmony. This conflict led to the Catastrophe, which divided the original reality into multiple worlds and scattered the essences of the Ancients into countless shards."
The woman with flame-hair continued:
"Since then, the shards of the Ancients have incarnated in different worlds, in different forms, rarely aware of their true nature. But some retained a greater portion of their original essence." She pointed to Tella. "Like our sister, who carries a significant fragment of Chronos."
She turned her gaze to Liara.
"And like you, child, whose ability for partial reunification without losing individuality may indicate a new path in the evolution of the shards."
Daren listened to all this with an expression of profound shock on his face.
"I... I didn't know," he said. "Five centuries of searching, and I never encountered such an explanation of Eon's history."
"Because we kept this knowledge," replied Tella. "We, the Guardians of Balance, were created by shards of the Ancients who retained most of their original wisdom, to protect the balance of the multiverse and prevent the complete reunification of any of the Ancients."
Liara frowned, trying to comprehend what she had heard.
"You're trying to prevent reunification? But why? Wouldn't that restore the original harmony?"
The Archivist shook his head, his face expressing ancient sorrow.
"No, child. The complete reunification of any of the Ancients would disrupt the balance established after the Catastrophe. Imagine: if Void or Entropy reunite first, they would gain an undisputed advantage over the other aspects of reality. The result would be chaos and destruction of countless worlds."
"And if Eon?" asked Liara. "Wouldn't the Guardian of Balance restore harmony?"
"Perhaps," answered the flame-haired woman. "But at the cost of free will and individuality that emerged after the Division. Eon represents balance in its most rigid, controlled form. It would be equilibrium, but an equilibrium that is static, frozen."
Tella rose from her seat, her silver form shimmering in the light of the hall.
"That is why your path, Liara, provokes such interest. You have found a way to achieve partial reunification while preserving individuality and freedom of choice. This is... an unexpected turn in the evolution of the shards."
Liara looked at her hands, then at the projection of the Tree of Worlds hovering above the Council table. Conflicting feelings churned within her—part of her yearned for greater wholeness, for reunification with other Eon shards. But another part—the one that had lived many lives as a separate personality, the one that had been the High Priestess of Veyrin, the one that had found a new form of existence in Verdantis—valued the individuality and diversity that the Division had brought.
"I don't know which path to choose," she admitted honestly. "But I know that the Order of Keepers must not gain control over the shards. Their intentions... are selfish."
Daren nodded, supporting her.
"They see the shards merely as a source of power, a tool for achieving dominion over other worlds. They don't understand or care about the balance and consequences of their actions."
The Archivist raised his hand, drawing the attention of the entire Council.
"I propose a vote. The Guardians of Balance have not directly intervened in the affairs of the shards for many ages. But the situation has changed. The Order of Keepers is becoming increasingly aggressive. And the appearance of Liara with her unique path of reunification offers new possibilities for the evolution of the multiverse."
He surveyed the Council members.
"I propose to offer direct support to Liara and Daren Vultar in their opposition to the Order and their search for new paths of harmonious coexistence of the shards. Who supports this?"
Five of the seven Council members, including Tella and the Archivist himself, raised their hands. The flame-haired woman and one other Council member—a being resembling a living crystal—abstained.
"The decision is made," announced the Archivist. "The Guardians of Balance will assist you in your journey."
Tella rose from her seat and approached Liara and Daren.
"I will be your guide and ally," she said. "My knowledge of the paths between worlds and the nature of Chronos shards can complement your own abilities."
The flame-haired woman also stood, though she had not supported the decision.
"I must warn you," she said, looking directly at Liara. "The path you have chosen—or that chooses you—will not be easy. The third way, between complete separation and complete merger, has never before been followed to its end. There will be trials, temptations, and losses."
Her eyes momentarily flared like real flame.
"And remember: not all Eon shards will welcome your approach. Some crave complete reunification. Others fear losing their individuality. Still others may have been distorted or captured by forces seeking chaos."
Liara nodded, accepting the warning.
"I understand. And I am ready for this path, however difficult it may be."
The Archivist made a gesture, and the projection of the Tree of Worlds changed, highlighting several spheres with a special light.
"We have detected traces of several significant Eon shards in these worlds," he said. "Some of them are awakened and aware of their nature. Others sleep, unaware of their true origin. But all will be targets for the Order of Keepers if they are not stopped."
He pointed to one of the spheres glowing particularly brightly.
"Begin with Necropolis. This world exists on the border between life and death, and the shard there is especially powerful. It exists in a form you may find... surprising. But it may also be the key to understanding a new path for the shards."
Daren approached the projection, studying the marked world.
"Necropolis... I've heard of it but never visited. They say it's a world where the boundary between the living and the dead is not clear."
"Exactly," confirmed Tella. "And the Eon shard there has found a unique way of existence that spans both sides of this boundary. I can take you there... if you are ready."
Liara and Daren exchanged glances. In his eyes, she saw the weariness of five hundred years of searching, but also an unquenchable hope. In her gaze, he saw a new determination and confidence that wasn't there before.
"We are ready," Liara answered for them both.
The Archivist nodded, and the Council began to disperse, leaving the three of them—Liara, Daren, and Tella—by the projection of the Tree of Worlds, which slowly dissolved in the air like a dream at dawn.
"Rest today," said Tella. "In Twilight Peak, you are safe. Tomorrow, we will depart for Necropolis."
When they were alone, Daren turned to Liara, his face expressing a mix of emotions—from awe to deep concern.
"All this... is much bigger than I imagined," he said quietly. "The Seven Ancients, the Great Division, the Guardians of Balance... I've spent five centuries searching for shards, but never considered the consequences of their reunification on such a scale."
Liara moved closer, her figure glowing with a soft pearlescent light in the dimness of the hall.
"The path always proves more complex than we expect," she said. "But we are not alone. And now we have a new understanding, a new purpose."
She extended her hand, and Daren took it, their fingers intertwining—his ordinary, human ones, and hers, glowing from within, with patterns resembling constellations.
"Whatever this third path may be," said Liara, looking into his eyes, "I'm glad to walk it with you."
Outside the tower's windows, Twilight Peak bathed in the eternal glow of stars and galaxies, visible even through the atmosphere of this amazing world. New allies, new knowledge, and new trials awaited them ahead. But in this moment, standing together in the Council hall of the Guardians, Liara and Daren felt a strange peace—as if after five centuries of separation and searching, they had finally found the right direction for their journey.
At the same time, in the gloomy dungeons of the Order of Keepers' temple in Alkarion, Magister Elric stood before the Supreme Keeper Sedric and the other members of the Council. His clothes were torn, his face haggard from exhaustion, but in his eyes burned a fanatical fire.
"She has gained power that we couldn't even imagine," he said, gesturing with the convulsive energy of a man who had seen something beyond ordinary experience. "The merging with the ghostly entity in Veyrin's temple transformed her. She is no longer just a shard placed in a golem's body. She has become... something else."
Sedric, seated in a high chair, listened to him with an expression of deep concern on his wrinkled face.
"Are you certain it was Liara? Our Liara?"
"Yes!" exclaimed Elric. "The same face, the same features, but transformed, glowing from within. And the power..." he involuntarily shuddered, remembering how easily she had neutralized his artifact. "Power capable of altering reality at a fundamental level."
Sedric exchanged glances with the other Council members. Magister Taella, an elderly woman with a penetrating gaze, spoke first:
"This corresponds to the ancient prophecies about Eon's return. 'And she shall embody herself in light and shadow, and her authority shall be greater than that of kings and sages.'"
Magister Donian, a stout middle-aged man, shook his head.
"But the prophecies also speak of the reunification of all shards, of the restoration of Eon's full power. What Elric describes sounds like... something intermediate."
"That makes it even more dangerous," interjected Magister Voren, a thin man with sharp features. "Unpredictable. Uncontrollable."
Sedric raised his hand, calling for silence.
"What matters is not what she has become, but that she is no longer under our control. And, judging by your account, Elric, she is set against the Order."
Elric nodded, his face contorted with anger and humiliation.
"She directly stated that the shards do not belong to us, that we should not seek or use them."
"Rebel," hissed Voren. "Ungrateful."
Sedric thoughtfully rubbed his chin.
"And Daren Vultar? Is he still with her?"
"Yes," confirmed Elric. "He helped her in the ritual and left with her through the portal."
"Then the situation is even more complex," sighed Sedric. "Vultar knows more about the shards than anyone living. If he is guiding her..."
He straightened in his chair, his gaze becoming hard.
"We must find the other shards before they do. Activate Project 'Echo.'"
A wave of alarm and surprise passed over the Council's faces.
"Supreme Keeper," Taella said cautiously, "Project 'Echo' has not been fully tested. The risks..."
"The risks are acceptable in light of the new threat," Sedric cut her off. "If Liara and Vultar find and awaken enough shards, they could stand against the Order itself. We cannot allow this."
He turned to Elric.
"Magister, you will lead the operation. Choose the best agents and artifacts. We must get ahead of Liara and her companion, find the next shard before them."
Elric bowed his head, hiding a flash of triumph in his eyes behind his submissiveness.
"As you command, Supreme Keeper. I will not fail the Order."
Sedric nodded and rose, signaling that the meeting was over.
"Go with Eon's blessing," he pronounced the traditional formula, though his voice carried a bitter irony. "And remember: the future of our worlds depends on who controls the power of the shards. We cannot allow this power to fall into the hands of dreamers and idealists who do not understand the true nature of reality."
When the Council members had dispersed, Sedric remained alone in the dimly lit hall. He approached an ancient map hanging on the wall, depicting the worlds beyond the Veil as the first Keepers had imagined them.
"Forgive me, Liara," he whispered, running wrinkled fingers over the map's contours. "But your power is too great to leave in your hands. Even if you were once one of us."
In the depths of the Order of Keepers' temple, preparations began, artifacts were retrieved from vaults, agents received new assignments. The struggle for the fate of Eon's shards and, perhaps, the entire multiverse was entering a new, more dangerous phase.
And somewhere in the timelessness of Twilight Peak, Liara gazed at the stars, feeling the delicate threads of connections linking her to other shards—sleeping and awake, near and far, waiting for the moment when their path would intersect with her own in the infinite dance of the multiverse.