A Job fit for a bounty hunter part 1

Christopher was placed on his knees before a wooden chest. The smell of candles mixed with wet pinewood in the small hotel room didn't make him feel particularly wealthier when counting cash. Seven hundred, seven hundred and fifty, nine hundred and eighty…one thousand four hundred. Two thousand six hundred and thirty-four crowns, I need to take on bigger jobs or charge more… He sighed and rose, looking towards the clock on the tree wall. I should get ready; the customer is waiting. He went through the wooden hall that had not seen wallpaper since the seventies. Surprisingly enough, the bathroom was clothed with tile from floor to wall, which contrasted with the oiled brown wood in the living room. Whilst inspecting himself in the bathroom mirror, he swung on a winter trench coat placed on a hanger outside. The mirror revealed someone that had a boy and a man trapped in the same face. Dark, wavy hair that gave away a brown glance around the edges from reflecting light. Eyes so brown you could think they were black, pale brown skin fading from the long-gone summer before and a stubble that spoke French. He fastened a regular leather belt around the coat and equipped it with his knife and sword. He reached into the coat's inner pocket and felt with his hand. The condoms are still there, thank God.

Little did he know that the expiring date had long passed. Christopher checked the bathroom and, later, his room before heading out and locking the door. As he stepped out of the depressing room gathering black mould, he was greeted with a long fabricated corridor. Like visiting the cinema, the passage had the same red colour and well-isolated walls, both soundproof and temperature-keeping. Maybe I should sleep here instead. A window in the hotel hallway revealed a pitch-black night outside when he glanced towards it. It was cloudy outside, and although the lights from the nearby houses lit up the depressing darkness, it still breathed a deep sigh when looking out. Yet the clock was only six in the evening. This far north at this time of year, people would reach a period where they could go weeks before seeing the sun. And yet it was only October.

"The winters are only getting darker nowadays, even for Swedish standards…."

Christopher looked around to see who had said that; he looked around to find it was the bartender girl who had approached him earlier that same evening.

"You're late Christopher." She said with a grumpy tone. He glanced at her from head to toe, showing a girl of similar age, gold blonde shoulder length hair with green eyes, and about twenty centimetres shorter than him. Hmmm, yes, she's a solid eight and a half. Fuck, behave yourself! She is a client!

"Sorry, I have had some rough days as of late… Uhm, I think I forgot to ask for your name?"

She rolled her eyes, slightly amused and replied.

"Emelie, now you are a bounty hunter, right?"

"I thought we cleared this up before in the pub?"

"I don't wanna be rude, but is that a chinese-karate-sword you got there?"

This shit again. What is up with this girl?

"W-what does that have to do with anything?!?!"

Emelie put on a smirk.

"Listen, I don't wanna hire some nerd that walks around with a pointy stick they can't use. I don't want to waste money. Simple as."




"Thank you. Listen here, Emelie, I escaped the incursion of Jönköping over two years ago. That shit made me kill stuff. I didn't become a bounty hunter out of interest. So whatever rat problem you have, I think I can handle it fine."

The sudden tone shift made her stumped, causing that smirk to disappear. Maybe I was too hard on her?

"Oh-kay, but why the karate sword? Shouldn't you at least carry a gun or some shit?" For fuckssake, it's a katana. Christopher took a deep breath, closed his eyes and sighed as he opened them again.

"BECAUSE-…because guns are hard to come across in Sweden or anywhere in Europe. And you need to find bullets to use them; MUCH more convenient to use a sword."

Emelie was still visibly holding back laughter, but she managed to contain herself down to a smirk.

"mmm… but why the nerd sword?"

No, she's taking the piss. Christopher looked into Emelie's big blue-green eyes with his own wide open, trying not to smile himself.

"Because, apparently, there are a lot of fucking nerds in Sweden, so naturally, you come across nerd swords when looking for weapons. That's why Emelie."

She couldn't hold it back anymore and burst out in a burst of cheerful laughter; it was the type of laughter you would have with a good friend on a night out.

The laugh was contaminating and spread a broad smile across Christopher's face, who reluctantly admitted it was funny to himself. Emelie tried to pick herself up again and grabbed his arm, pulling him away as they giggled and started to walk towards the staircase.

"I'm just fucking with you; I didn't think a bounty hunter would have a sense of humour."

"Really? What makes you think that?"

"Well, most torpedos are just bitter middle-aged men. Murderers and rapists looking, fellas."

"And I don't seem bitter to you?"

"Haha, you don't look middle-aged or like a convict."

The stairs were like the corridor, made in fabric, although time had taken a toll on it, bare spots revealing a hard blank surface were popping up here and there as they walked downwards. The smell of firewood and baked bread increased with every step they took.

"Perhaps, maybe I should work on that murder-rapist look to attract customers."

Emelie laughed again and pinched Christopher's cheek. He could smell that recognisable wine breath on her as she turned her body towards him.

"You wouldn't hurt a fly, now would you, Christoph?"


She pinched even harder and made the formidable granny shake.

"Look at you, you are sooo adorable."

A faint, muffled sound could be heard now as they reached the bottom floor. As the last stair-step was taken, Emelie and Christopher locked eyes; playful the looks were, reminded him of playing hide and seek as a child. She released the pinch and opened the door to the hotel lounge he had napped in earlier.

Did the party start as soon as I left?

The Pub Christopher had woken up in was sleepy yet comfortably lively; the one he entered now was for the nightlife. The families and children that came along had gone to bed and were replaced with harlots and armed men. The guitarist was playing a happier, more tacky tune that you could actually dance along with. It was more crowded, and Emelie's coworkers were busy serving tables. An atmosphere of laughter where men were telling stories of ventures up north, the prettiest dimes were haggling with the thirstiest, and gamblers threw their own dimes as if their dinner depended on it, which it probably did. Emelie tightened her grip around Christopher's arm as she pulled towards the exit on the other side of the room.

"Are we heading out? why not discuss the task over some wine and dinner?"'

"You wish, don't you Christoph?"

"Have you been drinking, Emelie?"


Have I found my soulmate?

They finally reached the exit and burst through the doors to the chilly October night. The smell of salt was now more pungent than before, and the weather was more pleasing as the wind was calm.

"Well, I hope we can fix the problem now tonight. Sooo as we make it home to my mother's farm, where the problem is, I thought I could explain on the way.

"Okay then, spit it out. What have I been contracted to deal with?"

"Well. Uhm. We have… sort of a problem… at my mother's farm."


"Aaaaaand, as of late, the hens that we are feeding up have been disappearing."

"So you want me to kill a fox?"

"Well, no. We thought it was a fox in the beginning but then our family dog became scared, and before you say anything. It's a German Sheperd." Well shit.

"And as you can imagine, it must be either a wolf so far down south or something more devious lurking around. Nevertheless, it was at its worst when we found a dead cow in the barn two days ago. And we believe that it's still locked up in the barn."

"What's still locked up in the barn? The cow?" He said with a slightly bothered tone in his voice.

"Well, yes and no. We locked up the thing in the barn where the cow is. Wether the cow is still in the barn or not, depends on how hungry the creature is."

He sighed and put his left free arm behind his neck.

"Now that sounds like a complicated mess, are you sure it's not just a grumpy homeless guy?"

He got a light tap on the tummy by Emelie. Playful as it shook the butterflies inside.

"Well, if it is, wouldn't it still be a job fit for a bounty hunter, Christoph?"


"I guess, but can we go through the details then? You know, clues on what I am supposed to do and further payments?"

She smiled at him again warmly and hugged his arm more tightly.

"I'm glad you asked, we have locked up the barn where we think whatever it is dwells. So, if you wanna be extra cute. could you kill it already tonight?"

"Fucks sake, I just arrived to this fish smelling city. How much are you offering?"

"Well… If you can get rid of it with proof tonight, my mom will give you three thousand crowns."

Dafuq, this bitch thinking?

"THREE THOUSAND CROWNS? I'm sorry but I'm going to fight some unknown creature for just double what the hotel room costs? DURING NIGHTTIME EMELIE?"

People on the trail were throwing looks towards them as they were about to exit the city and join up with the high road.

"Ssshhhh, I know, I know, but we are not that rich you see." She was now putting her hand on his chest and slowly stroking him calmly towards the face.

Is she trying to seduce me for a lower pri- Oh, that hand is soft and warm like a summer wind.

"You know, maybe afterwards… we could get that wine and dinner back at the Piggy's den?"

Fucking hag managed to seduce me.

"You don't make things easy for me Emelie, you know that? Any further clues about what I'm up against then? apart from the dead cow and scared dog."

"We don't know really, it has not left the barn we think, but it's awfully quiet."

Should rule out demons since they only stop once they are satisfied.

"You think? Any signs of the supposed creature still being there?"

"Well, it reeks. And the smell can only be described as rotten eggs."

Well, that doesn't rule out demons, but it could just be the cow rotting.

"And when we discovered the dead cow, we could hear something hissing at us. We were too terrified to find out what it was, so we just ran out and closed the barn doors, simple as." She answered whilst shrugging her shoulders.

Well, it's something aggressive of some sort, that much I can figure out. But it might as well be a snake, realistically…But then again, could a snake just kill a cow like that?"

"At what time of the day did you discover the cow and the hissing?"

"Well, it was early in the morning when the sun was up. Maybe around eight?"

Yeah, I have no clue; gonna have to roll with it. If I'm lucky, it's not a demon.

"So, reeks of sulfur. Afraid of the sun, hence why it didn't pursue you. Hissing… and strong enough to kill a cow."

"Do you have an idea of what it can be?" Emelie said while looking severe and serious for once. He put on his most weather-bitten, concerned face that spoke of many winters.

"I have my suspicions on a creature I have only heard pub tales about. But I can only hope that I'm wrong…"

Yish, I have no idea. But fuck it. If it gets rough, I'll light a torch and set the barn on fire.

The pair had left the houses behind them, and only the lights from the shielding city were there to guard their backs. The wind was lightly touching them as they walked on the asphalt road. Farmlands and groves of leaf trees surrounded the road, and although the trees got more naked and the grass paler by the day, it was rather comforting to see a somewhat open landscape. Every once in a while, they met a traveller, just enjoying the night's stroll.

I can't honestly remember the last time I just enjoyed existing. Nothing to distract me, no substances, no adrenaline rushes, just being there in the silence. The clouds now split, exposing the moon that gave away a nice white light reflected on the pale grass.

"Is your farm, far away?"

"It's actually down here if you follow."

Next to the road was a trail that led into a cluster of trees and bushes. The cluster was denser and seemed to go upwards, as you couldn't see what was behind.

Emelie and Christopher walked tightly to keep warmth as they entered this new, almost isolated world. The wind was almost entirely silent, but you could hear the top branches rattle if you sharpened your ears.

"So then, I must warn you before we reach my home." Emelie looked concerned as she said those words.

"What's the catch? Does the supposed fox breathe fire?"

"What? No, not that monster, I mean my mom."

He let out a laughter of relief.

"What does your mother breath fire as well? If so, I'm gonna have to haggle the price again."

"Ha-ha, very funny. No, she can just be a little too much if you follow."

"No, not really? Do you mean just embarrassing in general? I have also had a mom so you know."

"Well, see, now you get it! Well, I just mean that I warned in forehand, so no weird looks afterwards."

Christopher finally saw his time to get some revenge for the teasing and put on a sadistic grin.

"I promise nothing."

She hit him again.

"I mean it!"


The world had suddenly shrunk around them in the darkness, enveloped by the young night.

"You know bounty hunter, I didn't think I would enjoy talking to you."

"I don't know if I should take offence?"

"I didn't think I would enjoy talking to you this much."

"That's better."

Frankly, I didn't think I would enjoy it too. It almost feels romantic. But I shouldn't say it out loud; that would seem desperate. I don't want to show my full hand.

"So… you got a boyfriend?"

Shit, I showed my full hand.

Emelie turned her entire head towards Christopher with a chocked, wide open smile and one eyebrow raised.


"O-or husband, or maybe a girlfriend, that's okay too, I wouldn't have a problem with either." Should I propose while I'm at it?

She laughed nervously and glanced at his face.

"Kill that mutant fox in my barn first of all."

Oh gods, Smithe me down and give me a sudden heart attack.

They reached a trail on the road leading upwards into some more miniature forests.

Christopher said nothing and just continued walking; he could feel a nervous gaze towards him. He was not up for the interpretation of it. The trees were blocking the calm wind, leaving a satisfying silence. The only thing that could be heard was the rattle of the leaves under their feet and their breathing as they walked through the calm night.

"And there it is! Home sweet home."

As the small forest pack disappeared, the dim shape of a middle-sized house was revealed on a bare hill. As they left the tree section and made it onto open grass geography, you could see lights from the house's windows. The place looked cosy, containing an empty fenced enclosure made of grey bricks, as it existed in peace from the rest of the world. On the top of another hill, yet another hundred meters away from the last hill, a barn, which he presumed was the barn—the barn where the supposed dead cow and fox-demon-thing-maybe snake was resting.

Looks cosy.

When they arrived nearby the door, barking could be heard. Emelie took out some keys from her pockets and opened the door. And out there came one excited and happy German shepherd. Christopher had never grown up with dogs, so the loud barking and aggressive greetings always caught him with tightened nerves. He reached out an arm so that the dog could sniff him out and make a judge of character. And as any dog would, it went straight for a sniff on the crotch.

That one is reserved. Dog. He petted the dog on his head and crouched to his knees to let it lick his face.

"What a cute dog you guys have, does it have a name?"

"Olof, and he really likes you."

Christopher was tucking his lips in so that they wouldn't touch dog tongue.

Suddenly from the door frame, yet another head was sticking out. An older lady in her fifties with brunette hair, reading glasses and what he assumed was Emelie's mother.

"Emelie, I didn't know you were bringing a boy home." He didn't expect Emelie, with such confidence before today, to look embarrassed and flushed now. Would you look at that, Satan isn't the only one with red skin.

"Mum, he is a bounty hunter… which has agreed to help us out with the thing that's locked up…." Emelie made a nodding gesture towards the menacing hill. The mother looked shocked and had her mouth gaping as she gazed between Emelie, Christopher and the Barn.

"But he is so young! I don't believe he would go and kill dangerous stuff. You wouldn't, would you?!" Christopher gave the mother a flattering smile. While Emelie looked like she wanted to dig herself six feet under the ground. The mother leaned towards the daughter.

"And he is cute to Emelie; you really hit the jackpot with this one, Emie!" The mother irritatingly poked her daughter.

Christoffer let out a chuckle. I would have snapped my own neck if I was in her place.

"Mum, can you just go inside." Emelie began pushing the mother inside the house again.

"Oh come on now Emie! I just know that you think he's cute."

Emelie began pushing the giggling mother inside again. All whilst it happened, Olof looked confused with a wagging tail.

"No you don't mom."

"Yes, I do! Emie! I can take him instead if you don't want him!"

He couldn't hold it back anymore as he laughed audibly whilst Emelie, in a panic, pushed her mother inside the house again.

"She thinks your cute! She would love to get to know you more! We are making dinner! you should stay over!" Emelie was closing the door in her face as the teasing and laughing faded inside the door. The sudden joy and warmth from that hut were disappearing and changing into a more serious tone.

"Not a word. Now do you need anything before you go up there."

"Cookies from your nan wouldn't hurt Emie." A light punch to the stomach quickly followed that response.

"Cunt. I'm being serious now."

A peal of laughter, combined with air from the hit, left him as they looked at each other like children in a playful manner.

"Lighter fluid and something I can make a torch with, like a stick and some cloth. And maybe something I can shot. Otherwise, that should be enough." I hope, at least.

Emelie went inside with a smile she tried to force away as he was left with the dog. He was finally somewhat alone and could gather his thoughts as it dawned upon him what danger could actually be up there. Because if it was a demon, he could only hope that it was a stray from the ravaging hordes up north. The dog Olaf was right now the only calmness Christopher could feel as his nerves were tightening and his stress hormones were exploding. Caressing that soft brown, black fur whilst the dog looked at him with big dark eyes calmed the anxiety somewhat. But it didn't do enough as the dog placed a heavy paw on his knee while making a wimpy sound. He gave it some reassuring pets and looked towards the menacing hill where the barn was rooted like a five-hundred-year-old oak.

"What do you think, Olof? Should I pray a prayer before I walk in?"

The dog licked his lips and looked quietly at him as if it knew his intentions. However, it was not his first job regarding plausible demons. He had still witnessed the vast difference each encounter could have. Perhaps it's the day I die.