The sun blazed, and the air was dry as a weary Aziza traveled through the desert in search of the Kingdom of Sobekana. Four days and nights had passed, and Sobekana was nowhere in sight. "Is that not the same sand dune I passed two days ago?" Aziza questioned herself. "Or have I truly gone insane? I'd kill for a hot meal and a cold bath right now." She halted and dismounted her camel to closely study the map her father had given her. She stared intently at the map, as if her life depended on it because, in reality, it did. "If I keep heading west, I should be out of this desert in two days," Aziza said confidently. She picked up the container holding her water, realizing it was less than half full and her food rations were nearly depleted. "If I can't find food and water, I may not make it out of this desert alive. I should find somewhere to camp and conserve my energy." A tired and weak Aziza set up camp as night fell.

Unlike the scorching days of the Egyptian deserts, the nights were bitterly cold, almost like a freezing blizzard. Aziza was asleep, finding the cold more bearable than the daytime heat. She was deep in slumber when a visitor appeared in her dreams. "Sister! Sister!" called a strange voice. Aziza opened her eyes and found herself in a peculiar world. The sky was deep blue, and water stretched endlessly across the landscape, yet she stood on it as if it were solid. The air was filled with the scent of morning dew. There was no sound except for the calming voice calling out again, "Sister!" Aziza turned around and saw a figure: a woman with the head of a lioness, adorned with a solar disk on her head flanked by two cobras. She wore a beautifully fitted white dress and held a scepter in her right hand. Aziza stood frozen, gazing at the graceful figure with a strange feeling of familiarity, as if she knew her. Finally, she spoke, "Who are you, and why do you call me sister?"

"I am Tefnut, Goddess of Water," the figure replied with a reassuring smile. Realizing who she was, Aziza fell to her knees, prostrating before the goddess. "Rise, my sister. You need not bow before me," Tefnut said sharply. "I have come to tell you to head east."

"But, great goddess, that is in the opposite direction of Sobekana, where you sent me to begin my journey," Aziza questioned, confused.

"Head east, sister, and you shall find what you seek," Tefnut affirmed before descending into the waters below her.

Aziza woke up in shock and confusion as the morning sun began to rise. She packed up her things, mounted her camel, and began to head east, half in doubt and half in desperation.


After some hours of wandering, she encountered a group of travelers being attacked by desert pirates who preyed on unsuspecting wayfarers. Aziza immediately dismounted her camel, sword in hand, and rushed into battle. She faced five fierce-looking pirates. As three pirates rushed at her, she unsheathed her sword. The first pirate raised his sword; Aziza dropped to the ground, kicked his feet out from under him, and struck his head with the hilt of her sword, knocking him unconscious. At that moment, the other two swung their swords at Aziza simultaneously. Without hesitation, she leaped into the air, spreading her legs and kicking both assailants, knocking them out as well. In the distance, a pirate with a spear prepared to throw it. Aziza watched intently as the pirate threw her spear; in a single bound, Aziza caught it, turned, and hurled it back at her assailant, striking her in the right shoulder. She fled on a camel, crying out in pain as she held her shoulder. Meanwhile, the last pirate held one of the women hostage, yelling, "If you move a muscle, I'll slit this woman's throat!"

Aziza froze, fearing the pirate would carry out his threat. The woman, however, struck the pirate's groin with her left hand, destabilizing him. Without hesitation, Aziza threw a dagger at the pirate, stabbing him in the left leg just above the knee. He cried out in pain, clutching his leg, but before he could recover, Aziza kicked his head to the ground, knocking him out. With that, she had defeated all five pirates.

The travelers thanked her for saving their lives and offered her food and water. They asked where she was headed. "My destination is the Kingdom of Sobekana," she replied.

"That is along our way!" one of the men acknowledged. "I am Ikubo, and I lead this traveling caravan. We are headed towards the Benin Kingdom, and Sobekana is on the way. Please feel free to travel with us; we have enough food and water..."

Aziza interrupted, "I'm sorry, but I cannot intrude on your journey, and I have nothing to offer in return for your kindness."

Ikubo laughed, "You are not intruding, and you do have something to offer in return: your protection until we leave the desert."

Aziza smiled. "I thank you in advance for your hospitality."

They continued their journey through the desert, facing some challenges along the way, but nothing Aziza couldn't handle.