Chapter 9: The Immortal

The morning light filtered through the curtains and across Kaelon's face, warming his skin until it felt like it was burning him. Kaelon woke with a start, patting his face. The half-light of the day-cycle he was familiar with was nothing like this harsh sun.

 Bleary-eyed, his vision rapidly cleared.

 "What happened?" he asked himself in his own language.

 The last thing he remembered—

 The nanites worked quickly, he knew that much. They'd knocked him out with only a moment's warning. Kaelon certainly didn't want to experience that again. Blinking, he saw that everyone else was gone but he could hear muffled shouting coming from outside.

 Jumping up, he dashed out the door.

  I'm late for training!




Outside in the main yard, all the boys were freshly washed and fussing with their clothes as they stood in two neat rows. Hall Master paced back and forth brandishing his horsetail whisk like it was a sword.

 "All together now!"

 "Welcome to Feixing Martial Hall!" the boys shouted in unison.


 "Welcome to . . ."

 Kaelon hurried over and stood in next to Fatty who shook his head at him in exasperation.

 "I tried to wake you, but you wouldn't stir. You have a gift for sleeping," Fatty whispered.

 "What did I miss?"

 "Nothing yet, but—"

 The Hall Master charged over. "You two! Stand straight! Chin up! Shoulders back! Repeat!"

 "Welcome to Feixing Martial Hall!" they all shouted once more.

 Kaelon lent towards Fatty. "Who are we welcoming?"

 Fatty waited for the Hall Master to pace the other way before leaning in. "Don't you remember? I told you that—"

 The Hall Master hurried to the centre of the yard, the boys lined up behind him. "The immortal comes!" he shrieked.

 Kaelon craned his neck, looking at the sky.

 High above, the clouds drifted lazily across the azure blue. It was so different from the half-light of the day cycle.

 Fatty smacked Kaelon across the back of the head. "What are you doing?" he quipped.

 "Looking for the immortal—"

 Turning Kaelon's head, Fatty pointed at the gate of the Martial Hall, which seemed to frame the Hall Master. Beyond him, stood an old man in a turquoise robe. The old man's eyebrows were like big thick white caterpillars that accentuated his kind expression, his hair neatly combed and tied. Everything about him looked tidy from his open cross-collar robe to his shoes.

 The Hall Master bowed low as he cupped his hands with a dramatic show of formality. "Li Xiang greets Master Yi," he said solemnly.

 "Greetings, Master Yi!" the boy said in unison, bowing low and cupping their hands.

 Kaelon winced at missing the cue and mumbled along.

 Master Yi walked leisurely into the yard, nodding with the same pleasant expression.

 He acts like Old Ma . . . Doctor Dou! I have to tell him there's an immortal!

 Kaelon switched his weight from foot to foot, anxious to find an opportunity to tell Dr Dou about the immortal. There didn't seem to be a moment to sneak away, the space was too open.

 There was an exchange of words that didn't reach the ears of the boys. The nervousness in the air was palpable.

 The Hall Master clapped his hands, and the boys ran about like a hornet's nest that had been kicked.

 Fatty grabbed Kaelon's wrist and pulled him along.

 He's so strong.

 They stopped at the archery targets where bows were handed to the first row. They knocked arrows at the Hall Master's command, aimed and fired. The arrows all hit their targets, and one even came close to the centre. The boy who had made that shot puffed out his chest with pride.

 Kaelon could tell that a lot of effort had gone into this show of training. The next row was up and Kaelon found himself standing across from a target with a bow pushed into his hands. When he was handed an arrow, he felt at a loss. Looking at Fatty, he tried to copy him. Fatty's arrows flew over the top of the target. The other boys didn't fare better, it seemed this batch were not as good as the first row. Kaelon did his best, his arrow flying an arm's length to the ground.

 The Hall Master's face screwed up like he'd just been fed something vile. Quickly, he turned away and gestured to Master Yi to turn towards the wooden dummies where the first row of boys had already lined up.

 Fatty looked at the arrow on the ground and patted Kaelon's shoulder in sympathy before gesturing with his double chin to head over to the dummies.

 Whatever he was shown, Master Yi simply nodded politely and smiled.

 The Hall Master was starting to sweat, dabbing at his brow with his sleeve.

 With a unified cry, the boys struck their wooden dummies. The top performer in archery even managed to crack the wood. He folded his arms and grinned as those around him congratulated him.

 With an urgent wave, the Hall Master had Fatty and Kaelon's group line up.

 Kaelon looked at his dummy with misgiving. When it came time to strike, Kaelon made the loudest shout. He also merely tapped his dummy, earning a glare from the Hall Master.

 The Hall Master quickly turned back to Master Yi with an ingratiating smile. "Shall we have the boys spar?"

 Master Yi waved his hand dismissively. "No need. No need."

 The Hall Master could only nod helplessly while the boys all looked at each other with uncertainty.

 Fatty elbowed Kaelon in the ribs, "Here it comes."

 Kaelon scowled at him. He wasn't fond of being elbowed.

 "Line up!" the Hall Master ordered.

 The boys scrambled like ants, lining up with Fatty and Kaelon last.

 One by one, Master Yi checked the pulse of each boy with two fingers to the wrist. It only took a few moments before he'd shake his head and the boy he tested would be directed to move off to the side.

 As they line grew shorter, more boys assured the top performer that he'd be chosen.

 "No one has performed better than I and my pulse is strong. I'll be picked, you'll see!" he said.

 Many nodded, but Kaelon and Fatty just exchanged looks and shrugged.

 When it came to the boastful boy with his big shoulders, he offered his wrist with pride but when Master Yi shook his head it was final. Shocked, the boy could only stand off to the side with others. The Hall Master looked at the ground, his expression bitter.

 Finally, it was Fatty's turn.

 Fatty offered his wrist.

 A quick check and Master Yi opened his eyes wide. "Good. Very good. You have a wood spirit root. I shall make you a disciple of my Ash Temple."

 Fatty grinned and looked at Kaelon, nodding. Standing to the side of the old man, Fatty ignored the stunned and jealous gazes of his peers. Folding his hands behind his back, he straightened and did his best to look aloof and wise.

 Kaelon shook his head at him.

 The top performing boy's expression darkened yet he could say nor do nothing. Since Fatty was chosen, he was untouchable.

 Kaelon stepped forward and offered his wrist.

 Master Yi was still nodding at Fatty with pride.

 The Hall Master was beaming as well and swishes his whisk in the way he did that always told the boys he was in a good mood.

 Having his pulse checked was baffling for Kaelon. It seemed like such an inaccurate way to examine someone. A strange chill ran up his arm, making him feel cold for a moment.

 This is like The Exam! This is unexpected . . .

 Kaelon felt his skin alight with goosebumps.

 "Hmm, withered but a wood spirit root nonetheless. Good! Good! Come," the old man said, gesturing for Kaelon to stand beside Fatty.

 The boys wore ugly expressions, which vanished the moment the Hall Master glanced their way.

 Fatty gave Kaelon a big smile and nodded at him.

 Discreetly, Kaelon pinched his thumb and finger. The body diagnostics showed him that in his abdomen a frail looking nerve root had formed. He looked at it in consternation.

 [Spirit root formation in progress . . .]

 Kaelon noted a progress bar was a quarter full but wasn't filling any further.

 I'll have to figure out why it didn't fully form.

 One last boy was checked but he too turned out to be a dud. Still, Master Yi was in good spirits and cupped his hands giving the Hall Master a slight bow. In returned, he received a deep bow from all those around him.

 "You have provided Ash Temple with two good seedlings, we will remember this, and I shall grant you a favour," Master Yi said solemnly.

 "I, Li Xiang, am grateful," the Hall Master said, bowing low.

 Following the old man in his turquoise robe, Fatty and Kaelon exited the gate of Feixing Martial Hall. Master Yi directed them to a wagon drawn by the most bizarre pair of quadruped creatures Kaelon had ever seen: donkeys.

 The donkeys brayed loudly, one biting the ear of the other.




The wagon ride out of Gu Town was quiet. It was like the town was deserted. Even windows and doors were closed despite it now being the hottest part of the day.

 Fatty seemed unusually alert. As they passed a small hamlet where a pen filled with little pigs was being tended, Fatty sat up. A muddy man with a waist even wider than Fatty's looked up. For a moment, it seemed like he would approach but instead he turned his back rigidly.

 Kaelon watched Fatty let out a forlorn sigh and look away. No matter how he tried to cheer him, Fatty seemed unwilling to engage so Kaelon left him be. A light breeze rustled their clothes, carrying the scent of citrus, jasmine, and osmanthus.

 Master Yi was the most carefree person Kaelon had ever seen. He smiled and looked around at the vast fields of wheat, the receding forests and the blue sky. In the distance, a mountainous plateau stood out. A great stone walled city sitting atop it. Kaelon couldn't help but want to go there. His curiosity tugged at him.

 Nothing much seemed to happen besides the distant buzz of cicadas, the road was compact and only a little bumpy. For Kaelon, he felt a little ill. This was far more movement for a transport than he would have liked. He found himself missing the smooth motionlessness of shuttles, the distant glitter of stars and the shimmer of graceful hulls across the expanse of the Inner Orbital Ring of the Lunar Assembly Hub. Those wonders felt as fleeting as the dying sparks of a campfire rising toward a sky they can never touch. He sighed wistfully He felt an affinity with such sparks.

 The road twisted and cut through a cover of brush and trees. It was at this point that the wagon stopped. Ahead on the road, stood three men that Kaelon recognised: the Black Rat Gang. They were armed and their rotten smiles told him everything he knew about what they intended to do to them.

 Master Yi seemed as pleasant as always. He didn't even jump down from the wagon. Instead, he turned slightly to address Fatty and Kaelon. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," he said simply. Master Yi raised two fingers in a sharp gesture.

 Moments later, the Black Rat Gang members were kneeling or crawling on the ground vomiting until their stomachs were empty. Yet still, they continued to vomit.

 Sitting on the wagon, Master Yi could only laugh and pat his knee. It was so very strange to see such joy from a man who seemed so peaceful. Snapping the reigns, the donkeys continued forward. Before them, the gang members scurried out of the way in terror. One man was too slow and was trampled, leaving him trying to howl in pain but unable to stop retching. All the while, Master Yi laughed like someone had told him a good joke.

 Fatty and Kaelon looked at each other with misgiving. Another gesture, circular this time, and three pouches swished through the air. One fell in Fatty's lap, one in Kaelon's, and the largest one vanished up Master Yi's sleeve.

 "Consider this my gift to you since soon you will both be disciples of Ash Temple."

 Kaelon looked to Fatty who gulped.

 Fatty lent closer to Kaelon and spoke in a low voice. "I think I just remembered that Ash Temple specialises in curses and hexes . . . i-it's a sect of the demonic cultivation path."

 "Oh," was all that Kaelon could say.