nightmares unleashed

I couldn't feel anything more like saying my body became numb... I was thrown into this dark room

I tried to scream ..., to break the restraints

it was too much to bear

I suddenly had an urge to fight back

to leave the prison I was held captive in

but I had no way out

I looked around only to see darkness

the room was darkly dimmed with only one candle providing a sense of light

I tried looking for my cellphone... but to no avail

I knew that know one will find me here

before I could really have time to think more

the door opened

revealing the same man I saw before I fell unconscious

he leaned closer gripping my chin

"are you as feisty in bed as you look....or maybe you're quite the opposite"

I dared not to say a word I looked at him painfully knowing this may be my end

"the creature doesn't talk? don't act dumb entertain me atleast

I promise you I didn't pay all that just to get a mute girl

so speak up before I make you"

I slowly open my mouth

"untie me "

"oh what a way to start a conversation

with just that?

no I don't think I'll untie you

I haven't even had a chance to play with you"

he drags me to the nearby excuse of a bed

tearing my blouse what a savage

without warning he traced his hands on me bare chest


"I haven't even started yet"

he swiftly removes his jacket and hovers above me

"let's see how strong you'll remain once I'm done with you"

I could feel his teeth digging into my skin leaving his marks of possession

I tried to stay quiet not wanting to give in and marking unreasonable sounds

"not fair darling I want to hear you ....I want to hear you beg and plead"

if only I could reach out and stop him but my hands remain bound together leaving me with no access

he shamelessly continued with the assault

my body being marked as his

filled with his carvings a painful reminder of the situation I'm in

he gets rid of my lower clothing tearing it away

he traces his fingers against the lacy fabric of my underwear

"well what good taste you have"

without a warning he lowers his head reaching my core

I try by all means to move away but he has me pinned down

"you have no way out just relax"

he lowers himself placing his body in-between my thighs positioning himself better...

all I could say is I tried to prepare myself for the act...

"already wet for me darling?looks like you're enjoying after all"

his thrusts got harder and rougher with time...I couldn't bare the pain as I slowly slipped into a state of unconsciousness

but he didn't stop he clearly had a motive to satisfy himself and his desires

**next morning**

I woke up feeling very sore

trying to stand up I immediately fell to the ground holding onto the bed bars which gave me no comfort