I've been pondering all night on what to do to escape this stupid marriage and as well escape the control of my father, I want to be an independent woman, making choices for myself, making mistakes, except I've already made a very big one that'll probably cost me my life if it's ever heard of.
It's Saturday and I have just one day left before my so called wedding, meaning I didn't have time to come up with a master plan but I can probably just come up with an ordinary plan, even if it means gaining my freedom temporarily, along the line I'll think of something and make it my master plan which will make me completely independent.
There was a knock on my door, I open it to see Bianca standing at my door with a tray in hand and beaming with a very awful smile
"Good morning my lady!" She says as she makes her way into my room to place the tray on my table
"What's with the awful smile and the drama this morning Bianca?" I ask her still standing at the door
"It's a happy day, you're leaving this mansion in the next forty-eight hours why shouldn't I be happy?" She responded while digging into the breakfast she supposedly brought for me
"Think you've won right? But I have sad news for you" i say as I walk towards her and lean on the chair making sure my mouth was as close enough to her ear as possible, then I whispered "My father will never love you" and I took the tea from the tray she brought earlier and poured it on her head while smiling and watching it drip down.
She didn't move an inch, she looked shocked and was as though she was paralyzed
"That being said, you can shamelessly take yourself and your tray back to where you're coming from" I said to her and went back into my bed not minding or acknowledging her presence, few minutes later I heard the sound of my door opening and closing which indicated that she was gone. I stood up to make sure that she was and began to get ready for work.
It was time for breakfast with my father, I was dressed and ready for work but I couldn't skip the family breakfast as it's a tradition in my family to have breakfast together, although I never enjoyed it. Since my grandparents were put to rest when I was ten years old, family breakfast took a boring turn and I never ate more than two spoons because being alone with my father wasn't enjoyable, I hated being in his company, I didn't hate him but I hated the decisions he had taken that has affected my life.
I began to remember when my grandfather would make sure I ate to my full before going to school, he was a joyful and happy old man but the moment his wife died, he lost his zeal to live and also died the next month after his wife's death, he was buried beside her at the family tomb.
I walked down the staircase making my way to the dinning room, but I noticed how busy the house was, usually there weren't these much people in the mansion and for some reason they all seemed to be busy. I walk into the dining room and the table is covered with a lot of food, I could see baskets of warm cornetti, some filled with custard, some filled with jam and some filled witch chocolate. I could also see platters of cheese and cured meat, there were also freshly baked bread on the table and a frittata.
A woman walked into the dinning table with a plate in hand, the moment I looked at her properly I realized she was aunt but before I could speak she ran towards me
" Finalmente! The bride is awake!" she announced with a grin, pulling me into a tight embrace. "You are glowing, seraphina! Are you excited?" Before I could provide an answer to her question, her husband my uncle walk in, followed by another of my aunt and her husband, followed by yet another aunt and her husband and in a short while the dinning room was filled with family members
"Oh, mamma mia! Seraphina! Come stai?" Zia Livia said which means "oh! My! Seraphina! How're you?"
"Sei cresciuta!" Zio marco added it means you're all grown up
"È ancora più bella!" Zia Silvia said
"Alright, alright let's have breakfast and give our bride some space to breathe!" Zia Clarissa announced while pulling me away from the crowd of aunts and uncles and taking me to seat at the table. In a few minutes everyone was settled down and ready to eat, including my father and we began our breakfast.
It was a warm and lively breakfast unlike the one's I usually had in that large and empty dining room with my father. I would admit that I enjoyed today's breakfast but it wouldn't change my mind on not getting married to a stranger so the moment I got to work I got settled at my desk and began my plan.
The bookstore was not a very large one, it had a reception and a few tables were people could seat to read books, there were teas and snacks available on the counter incase anyone wanted to read and eat, I had a receptionist who was oblivious to what the bookstore was actually for, all she knew was that I sat at my office all day and only came out when I needed something or when she called me concerning an issue.
The reception was just one big hall filled with tables and chairs and then there were two doors one was were the books were stored and the other was were was believed to be my office which was true to an extent but within the office of mine was a secret passage to the illegal art gallery and there was also a back door where the art works purchased passed through to get to the buyers.
I sat at my table and I began going through all the information and documents I could use, I searched for all the data of the buyers and for some proof to show that my father was the overseer of the dirty business, the moment I had gathered all the information I needed I began printing them out and once they were ready, I took a file, arranged them in an orderly manner and made my way to the police station.
On getting there I saw some officers and requested to see their chief because I know this wasn't a job for a lowly officer, the officers initially disagreed to let me see their chief but the moment they found out who I was, they let me through and I sat in the office of the chief, waiting for his arrival.
"It's a pleasure to have you here, miss Montanari" the chief of police said as he came in
"Thank you" I responded
"Sorry for keeping you waiting, I had something to deal with" he said before taking his seat
"Its fine, chief" I responded with a fake smile
"So, what brings you all the way to my office" he asks returning the smile
"I'm here to make a report"
"Okay, and what may this report be of?"
"Of money laundering and illegal practices in the city" The chief's eyes widened the moment I mentioned money laundering
"Miss Montanari, these are serious crimes, may I ask who may be involved?" The chief asked and I brought out the file I had organized in my office, confirmed if they were still the way I arranged them and dropped it on his table.
"I have enough evidence, there'll be no need for further investigations, just swing into action with your team" I said while he picked up the file and went through them with keen interest
"Alright. I'll go through them and get back to you" he said while still going through the files I had brought
"Thank you" i respond as I stand to my feet and take my leave.
Phew that was bold of me, hopefully by tonight or tomorrow my father should be in jail, alongside with the mayor and the so called marriage wouldn't hold, meaning I could begin planning my total freedom from my father once the marriage is off sight. I go back to my office in the best mood I've ever been and hope for a call from the chief of police sooner or later.
I've been waiting all day for the call from the chief of police but there was none yet and it was time for me to go back home after the day's work, I liked the fact that the bookstore was the illegal art gallery's cover because I had the choice of reading whatever book I wanted, it allowed me to live in a world full of fantasy and that feeling was one that couldn't be explained, nothing could beat that feeling in this world, there was nothing like reading a book and imagining yourself in the storyline, imagining yourself in an awesome romance, imagining yourself in the hands of a mafia boss, allowing him to be in control of you. Oh! The pleasure of reading a book.
I drove into the parking lot of my father's mansion and got out of the car, making my way to my room, the moment I get to my room, I wasn't even settled down yet there was a knock on the door, it was Bianca.
"Your father requests your presence" she spoke from the door without entering. She's probably just being calm because of how the mansion is full of family members and how easily she could get kicked out of it's found out that she has an affair with my father.
I walk to the door of my father's room and I knock
"Come in" my father said from inside
I opened the door and walked in, I sighted my father at the couch located at one part of his room and made my way to him, seating opposite him, after seating my eyes fall to the table in front of us and I see a file, it looked familiar
"Seraphina" my father began saying "is this how you pay me for all the good I've done for you?" He asks and then it dawn on me, what was about to unfold. I decided to act ignorant hoping that it wasn't what I was thinking
"What is the matter pàpa?" I ask back feigning ignorance
"You don't know?"
"No, papa" i insist
"Seraphina! I'm so disappointed at you, I never expected my only daughter to do this to me" he said and stood up from the couch
"Do what papá?" I continue to feign ignorance, at this point it was too late for me to confess to my wrong
"From now on you're not allowed to leave the confines of this mansion or even the confines of your room until the wedding! " he yelled in anger and begin to walk away, I hold onto his shirt stopping him but he flung my hand away from his shirt and continued walking away "Take the file with you and burn it!" he said before he walked out of the door
I picked up the file, opening to make sure it wasn't the one I had handed over to the chief of police but it was, everything was the way I had kept it and then it dawned on me that everyone in a high position in the legal system of this city was aware of what was going on and none of them were ready to loose their positions.
Goddamn palermo! Fucking ass city. Now I'm stuck in my fathers control and still with an unwanted marriage. I'll have to think of another idea and I'll have to think fast.