Rodger had heard the whispers through the other prisoners saying that someone was really throwing money around to the guards, and that was making them want more money for everything that they were sneaking in. Rodger knew that there was only one person that it could be and that was Stan. It was just like him making things easy for himself, not caring how bad he was making it for everyone else.
The only thing that Rodger could think of about it that was good was the fact that all of the other inmates would be pissed off about it as much as he was. Rodgre was hoping that would mean that they would try and jump him or something, but all it probably meant was that Stan would have to pay them off too. Rodger knew that he was helpless and trapped and there was nothing that he really could do to Stan except make sure that once he is in front of the Judge that the whole story comes out and they see Stan for what he truly is.
Rodger knew that the hearing that he was going to be having was only 3 days away, and he couldn't wait for it. According to the attorney he should be set free since he was testifying against Stan. He knew that with everyone knowing what he had done, it was still going to be rough, but it was going to be better than being in prison. No matter how bad it was, he just kept in mind that it was only 3 more days.
Stan looked around and the cot that they had snuck into his cell was a lot more comfortable than it looked. But anything was better than the stone floor that he had been sleeping on. They had some nasty dirty straw in there for him to sleep on, but it was worse than the plane stone. Now that he was a little more comfortable, he still had not gotten what he was really after, which was to talk to his team of attorneys. He knew that it was not enough time for them to come, and he was wondering which one of them was going to be coming first. In the letter he sent, he instructed them to drop everything else that they were doing and fix his issues first.
Stan knew that it was going to take a few days for them to gather all the proof that he had so that they could clear him. Not to mention that it was going to take a day or two for the letter to get to them. Then it was going to take a day or two for them to arrive back here. Stan was glad that at least he had been carrying enough money on him to bribe the guards and get the few things that he needed right away.
As Stan sat there, he was unsure what to do. He was not used to being so far out of the loop with nothing to do but sit there and think. He started wondering how the company was doing without him there making all the important decisions. He had his assistant there when he was away to do it normally, but that is when he kept in constant contact with him. It was really him making the call; it was just the assistant verbalizing his orders. He was usually a good puppet that he controlled, but he had too many morals to leave in charge for too long. Stan couldn't count on him to make the right call or what was worse to keep his mouth shut and hide secrets from the ones that he didn't want them to get out to.
When Stan thought about it, he wanted to see someone, at this point anyone that was going to bring him help. He knew it was coming, and they couldn't keep it from him. He knew that they should be there late tomorrow, or at least they had better be if they knew what was good for them. One reason he had so many powerful attorneys on his side is that he had info on them that, if it got out, would ruin their careers. It seemed to him that the more powerful they were, the more that they would be hiding. So, all you need to do is dig up their past or do just a little setup on them to get them to do whatever you want.
Stan knew that if they didn't come through for him that even if he was in prison that he would ruin their lives and at least part of them would be joining him in there. Stan knew that they would do anything to keep that from happening. Including doing anything that he wanted to help save him.
Stan was noticing that the guards were hovering around him and more than willing to do whatever he wanted. He was very tempted to have them pulverize Rodger for his betrayal, but he didn't want any reason for the judge to have mercy on him. There would be plenty of time to have him beaten and tortured for years while he is locked up.
Just then Stan had the idea of how to torture both the girls and punish Rodger for defying him. Once he gets the company back and has control of the girls. He would bring them back down here so that Rodger would see him use both of them right in front of him. Stan thought that would be a fitting punishment for them all and as greedy as the guards were he was sure that they would not try to stop him. In fact, he might even allow all the guards to take turns with one of them.
As Stan thought about that he smiled at the thought of one of the girls being used by all the nasty guards as the other girl was tied and helpless watching it happen. With special delight as it all happens right there in front of Rodger. Having him locked in a cell unable to do anything but watch. Thinking this way delighted Stan, he loved nothing more than to torture the ones that he felt had betrayed him.
Rodger was glad that all the inmates were locked in little cells. Where they didn't come in contact with each other. Rodger thought how he would have liked at least a little time with Stan so he could get a few hits in. Rodger thought that he could have done some damage to Stan, even if he couldn't have beaten him. Rodger thought about how good it would feel to at least get some hits in. Even though he realized that Stan would probably have paid the other inmates to protect him or even maybe some of the guards as well. Rodger thought that it would have been worth whatever the other prisoners would have done to him. Because he knew that they would be looking to do some damage to him because Stan would be paying them to do it.
Rodger had a nasty thought now that Stan is paying the guards to get things there was nothing stopping him from paying the guards to let a big inmate into his cell to beat him up or even kill him. Thinking that way made Rodger jump at every noise he heard. He was so glad there were only a few days to go, but he knew that he was not going to be able to get much sleep. The bad thing was he had absolutely nothing in the cell to even try and make a weapon out of so that he could protect himself. The only thing that he even had access to was the nasty blanket, but if they came in with a knife or something sharp, at least he could wrap it around his arm.
Rodger went back to wishing that he had never met Stan and never got pulled into all the things that he knew Stan had entrapped him with. It all just kept pulling him in deeper with every deed that Stan had him do and made it all the easier to convince Rodger to do the next one afraid if he didn't then Stan would turn him in. It was not like he wanted to do all these nasty things, but Rodger felt like there was no way out. With every task, Stan forced him to do Rodger felt even more trapped, but he knew that it was the money that always motivated him more than the fear of punishment.
Rodger knew that his biggest weakness was the greed that he would feel, but it was not just for him; he did have a large family. It was true enough that he did think about his wife and kids. Just like everyone else, he wanted to do nice things for his wife and get things for his kids that they wanted. But most of it came down to the fact that he wanted more than he had. For the most part, truth be told, he didn't care what he had to do to get it.
As Rodger sat there thinking, he realized what the true punishment was. It was that he had to sit there with nothing else to do; all he could do was sit there and think about all the mistakes that he had made. He knew that Stan would be in the same boat, only he knew that Stan would be blaming all his misfortunes on him and the girls.
Rodger started to wonder how much different and better things would be if only the girls had not run off, or if he could have caught them before they had gotten away. Deep down, he knew that it was not a great solution, but it would make everything in his life better. Starting with the fact that he would not be in prison waiting to go to trial. The house would have sold, and he would have claimed all the money and the stipend for the girl's care. Even if Stan had them it was not like he was going to be getting it for treating them as his slaves. He knew that he would never have to worry about money again, and neither would his wife or children. Well, all except for Katie, and that was partly her fault for getting so close to Gina's family to the point that they took her on as one of their own.
Rodger knew that Beth would have a hard time letting Katie go that way, but when she saw how much money and how easy their lives would be, he had no doubt that Beth would come around.
As Rodger sat there thinking, he heard the door at the end of the row open, which meant that someone was coming. He didn't hear the guard calling the inmates up for inspection or them to bring their buckets forward. As he heard them getting closer, he could tell that it was not just the guard, and all the inmates had been silent. Just the fact that everyone was quiet was unsettling, and as the footsteps got closer, Rodger wanted to hide away until he saw who it was, but there was nowhere to hide.
Rodger took a deep breath and prepared for anything as he grabbed the blanket off the floor and wrapped it around his hand. The door rattled as the lock was turned.