Rodger tried to prepare himself for anything that could happen, but there was really nothing that he could do. Rodger knew that when he told everything to the attorney about Stan, he would be pissed off at him, but it was better than being locked up here forever.
Rodger was trembling when he heard the bolt being drawn back and knew that he didn't have much time, so he grabbed the only thing that he had, and that was the blanket. So, he wrapped it around his arm in case they had a weapon and were going to try something.
Rodger had wondered if it would be better just to let them come in and kill him so that he wouldn't have to face the things that he had done. Or the looks on everyone's faces as they talked about it. Rodger thought that the only thing that he really had going for him at this point was the fact that any of his loved ones and his friends didn't have a clue about the things that Stan had been making him do.
Rodger thought for once that his being poor was going to work in his favor. Knowing that his wife and kids wouldn't find out anything about any of this except for the sentence, and all that should be dismissed according to the attorney. He knew that the wife and kids would be asking what he did, but he knew that he could sidestep them easily enough. Rodger felt his whole world seem to slow down as the door was preparing to open. He wanted to hide or slip out the door, pushing past them as they opened it and try and make a run for it. Rodger knew that he would not even make it down the hall before they would catch him. But he couldn't help but have the desire to run.
As the door opened, Rodger stood back and watched for an opening to see if they were going to attack him.
Rodger knew as soon as the door was slightly opened just who was opening it was the biggest guard that the place had. He was easily double Rodger's size, so he knew that there was not a chance in the world that he could even get past him. Rodger backed up against the wall, hoping that it would at least give him an edge if the guard was just letting in others to get to him.
As the door swung open, Rodger dropped to his knees when he saw that it was his wife that the guard was bringing into the cell. It had meant the world for him to see her, but at the same time, it was killing him to know that the only reason that she was there was so that she would be there for the trial. Then, the thoughts of the kids came to his mind.
Rodger started to go to her, and the guard said in the most intimidating voice that he could muster, "Keep your distance. I have not given you permission to get close."
Beth touched his arm, and with pleading eyes, she said, "Please. May I get close?"
The guard looked down at her and couldn't deny those pleading eyes; he noticed the tears in her eyes. He gave her a nod and said, "I will give you a few minutes to be alone. Remember the rules, or you will wind up in a cell somewhere in here."
She looked into his eyes and could not help but shudder at the thought of being locked up here.
The guard looked at Rodger with a sneer then glanced at Beth's ass before walking out of the room.
Rodger thought what an asshole, but even if he took his wife right there in front of him there would be very little that he could do about it. Rodger said, "Promise not to come back in here; it is just too dangerous. I can't protect you or do anything to stop them from doing whatever they want to you." Thinking about how big the guard was compared to himself.
Beth looked at him and nodded as she looked back at the guard and then down at his crotch. She started wondering just how big he was down there. She had been married a long time, and the thought of being taken by a big strong man who treated her roughly made her get a little smile. She made sure that she hid it from Rodger, but it made her blush at the same time, and she couldn't hide that.
Rodger took her blushing at the thoughts of fear of something terrible going to happen to her. He missed the look of lust that appeared in her eyes and quickly faded.
Beth couldn't believe how just the momentary thought of being wanted by a man had made her feel. Rodger had stopped lusting after her a long time ago, even before she had most of the kids, and now it was as if he was not interested in her at all. It was not that she had not seen the way that he had been lusting after Gina even though she looked so much like her daughter Katie. She had seen him looking in the bath at Gina, but she did not know what to do about it. So, she just walked on pretending that she had not seen a thing as her heart was breaking.
At the time, she wished that she could have been stronger and stood up to him. But it seemed like the only way the marriage was going to work was just to let him do what he wanted to do. She had to do her best to protect the kids the best that she could. She found herself hoping that it would be enough.
But now it was like a new world was opening up for her, making her feel young and beautiful again. Even if it was temporary and if it was just for sex. She could tell that the man was bigger than anything that she had ever experienced in her life before. She had to admit that it made it more enticing. Her mind flashed on an image of him holding her down and ripping off her clothes, leaving her totally helpless and under his control.
Rodger felt her tremble and said, "It will be okay, just don't come back. The attorney said that all I have to do is testify about all the things that Stan had me do and all the wrongdoings that I have witnessed. They will let me go because I helped."
Beth's mind came back to what Rodger was saying as soon as the door closed and the guard was out of sight. Beth realized that she had missed part of what he had said, but she really didn't care at that moment. In a way, she just wanted to go back to daydreaming about the guard and what he would do to her.
As her mind cleared, she looked into Rodger's eyes and could tell that some things had changed in him. She pressed tightly to him because she could see how much he needed it. She could feel the change in him. She could tell that he was scared and that everything in his life was now so uncertain.
Rodger asked, "Where are the kids?"
Rodger was hoping against hope that since she had come, she had left the kids behind. Then all he would have to do is convince her to not come to the trial until they had passed the verdict. He knew that he had never explained everything to her about selling her daughter Katie and what her life was supposed to be like after. He knew that she wouldn't care what he did with Gina, and if it meant that she would have a terrible life from that point on, as long as they were paid well for it, she would be okay with it, knowing that the kids would be taken care of better.
Beth said, "They are waiting at the inn. I didn't want to bring them into a place like this." Then, for a moment, her mind flashed back to the guard holding her down, and her body gave a little tremble.
Rodger started to wonder just what things she had seen on her way in here to make her tremble like this. He knew from when they walked him in that she could have seen almost anything from beatings to a prisoner being raped by the inmates or the guards. Even he shuddered at the thoughts of what the girls would go through when they were imprisoned here.
Rodger held her tight and said, "I don't want you or the kids to come to the trial."
Beth's face flashed with anger as she pulled away and said, "We came all this way to support you, and now you want us to turn around and leave without getting to help. "
With every second that she thought about it, she was getting more upset; she knew that she needed him back at home. Even though two of the children had started working at the shipping company. They were just barely bringing home enough to pay for the food that they were eating. She would have tried to find work, but there were too many small ones at home to do that. The whole reason she undertook the expense of coming and bringing the children. Was that she was hoping that whoever was going to pass the sentence on to him would have mercy on the family? Even if they didn't have mercy on him. Looking at the poor, starving children would show why he was so easily forced into doing the wrong things. If nothing else, it would show how much he was needed.
Rodger could see the wheels turning in her mind. Looking at her, he doubted that she was going to do anything that he was asking her to at this point. He had no idea of what was going to come out in the trial. If the attorney did his job, then he would make Rodger sound like the poor victim that was trapped in doing whatever Stan wanted, which in a way was what happened.
Rodger shook his head and knew that all he could do was ask her to wait till it was almost over before letting the children around, but he knew that it would not matter in the long run. Things like this seemed to spread, and they would hear enough, if not everything. Rodger resigned himself to the fact that he was totally helpless and that his wife and kids were going to find out everything that he had been hiding from them.
Rodger knew that it was going to do no good, but he said, "I do not want you or the kids in the courtroom. You know that Stan and his attorneys are going to be there, and if they see you with the kids. They could try and use you to make me say what they want."
She had never thought about that and knew part of what he was saying could be true, but she also knew that he didn't want them there, and he would say anything to keep them from coming.
She decided that she was going to have to think about it after all; she really didn't want to put the kids in danger, and if they could get ahold of one, they could make Rodger say whatever they wanted.
Rodger saw the doubt forming in her mind, and he knew that all he had to do was just push her a little, and she would do what he wanted. Rodger knew that it didn't matter to him how many of his kids they threatened that he was going to tell them whatever it took to save his own ass. It looked like it was working, so he said, "Make sure that you stay with the kids all the time so that they can't grab one or more of them. Who knows if they will be following you or them."
Just then, the door reopened, and the guard came back in and said, "Your time is up."
Beth got a hot flush just from the sound of his deep, rough voice. Without being able to control herself, she wanted him to be whispering into her ear as he forced himself on her.
Rodger saw her close her eyes and tremble slightly. He wanted to tell the guard to stay away from her because he was scaring her so badly. But all that would do would be to make him do it more. If he had done anything to make her this bad, he couldn't think of how much worse it would get for her.
Beth pulled away from him and gave him a little peck of a kiss as if he was just going to work, but there was no passion or love in it. It was almost like she didn't want the guard to see her kissing him.
Beth said, "We are here for you and will be waiting for you."
Beth made sure that as she passed the guard, she accidentally bumped into him just hard enough to check out his manhood as she was going out through the door but making sure that Rodger didn't see. She knew that it was going to be about the only time that she was going to get the chance and have it look like it was completely by accident. When her arm lightly passed the front of him, and felt that it was soft but still almost the length of her forearm. She had to wonder just how big it would become once hard.
Deep down, Beth wanted him to just take her as she passed the cells. Knowing that he could have taken her into any one of them. Beth didn't know why she was feeling her desires so intensely. It wasn't like she had not had her fantasies in the past. Especially since Rodger had not really touched her in years. When he did, it was just so that she could get him off. But even when she had little fantasies, they were never so strong or intense as the ones that she was having now.
The guard smiled as he closed and locked the door behind him. He had told her that she needed to stay close in order to bring her in, but now she was making sure that she was almost touching him. It was to the point that if he moved at all, he would be pressing into her. The guard could tell what she wanted it was not the first time that someone had accidentally rubbed his cock to check out the size of it, but it usually didn't happen right in front of their husband. As the guard thought about it, he knew that the contact that she had made would not have been seen by him, but the thought of her doing it in front of him was a turn-on.
As the lock on the door clicked home, Beth asked herself just what was she doing. She needed to be thinking of the kids and what was going to be best for them. So, she took a step away from the guard, giving him a little space. Beth thought about it and determined that what will happen, happens, and she was just going to let it happen. But at this point, she was not going to do anything to encourage it to happen. She made sure her chest was sticking out a little more than it had been sticking out before. She had started thinking that she wished that she had worn one of her more revealing outfits, but it was not like she just wanted to be grabbed and raped by just anyone after all she was going into a prison.
When Beth realized what she was thinking, she shook her head and tried once again to picture the children. Beth almost let out a scream as the guard took hold of her arm and pulled her to a stop. Her first thought was that this was where he was going to push me into a room and rip off my clothes. She looked up, surprised she had never felt someone so powerful. She closed her eyes and prepared for anything as he said, "This is where we turn."
Beth looked around and saw the stairs and, in a way, felt let down that he was not going to just take her.
The guard just shook his head, knowing what she had been thinking, and noticed her glancing down at him again. He knew what she wanted and needed, and she was just waiting for him to take her. He let go of her arm and said, "The guard will let you out once you make it up the stairs."
Beth was relieved but at the same time disappointed that it didn't happen, and with a final glance, she took the stairs up and out. She tried to clear away all the thoughts that she had been thinking, but she couldn't help but feel her body trembling. As she walked up the stairs, she heard the men and how they wanted to do things to her, but she could tell none of them were the guard that she wanted.
Then it hit Beth the thought that she did want him. As her face turned red, the guard at the gate looked at her strangely as he let her out.