The girls made their way back up to the deck. All Gina could think of was that she was glad that it was not her who was dressed that way as every sailor took notice of Katie. Katie didn't mind the attention at all; the more they seemed to stare at her, the more she seemed to like it. Gina could easily tell that she was sticking out her chest, trying to make it look as big as she could.
Mia was glad that she was just out of the way, and it meant nothing to her having Katie take all the attention of the guys. She made sure that she stood behind Gina so nobody would notice her.
As they made their way onto the deck, Katie took the place where snow had been tanning. She made sure to show off her body as much as she could by wiggling her hips as she walked. Katie was all smiles; she loved every second of the attention that she was getting.