Chapter 2-Forest Spirits

I was stunned and sat down immediately. I could feel the mystical aura within this forest.

"Seraphine ...."

Again, that mysterious voice called out to me. Feeling threatened, I desperately ventured out of Doomwood. I tried to avoid Stormhowl territory by going down the river near the cursed forest. However, the sky was not in my favor. The heavy rain made me feel even worse.


The river was rushing. I couldn't go along the bank, or I'd be swept away. I stare at the cursed forest with a sad heart. Should I go in there?

It is said that Doomwood takes the souls of the unfortunate who enter it. Trapped and turned into cursed creatures. They are trapped and can't get out.

My tears had mixed with the rain. My body was shivering and aching. The wolf's claw wounds kept my blood flowing. I thought about returning to Frostfur. But Draven... he killed them! My family, my pack!

Cruel! They've gone too far!


My anger subsided instantly at the sight of the flash flood, moving quickly towards me.

"Hah! Hah!"

I ran as fast as I could, away from the edge. Trees from the top of the cliff fell and were swept away by the swift current. I was forced back into the forbidden forest. My fear grew, as I continued to enter the darkness caused by the flood. The overflow of river water seemed to be chasing me.

Until finally, I found a hill. I crawled up to avoid the flood. My efforts were successful, and it seemed like the Moon Goddess was helping me this time. I found a cave and took refuge in it.

"We'll be fine. We'll leave here as soon as the rain stops. Mommy will protect you," I said as I stroked my stomach as I felt the stirrings of my fetus.

Only, the rain never stopped. I was tired and hurt. I felt my body shivering. I hugged myself, until suddenly, I felt warmth on my back.


Out of nowhere, there was a small flame behind me. Like the bud of a candle. My heart was beating fast. I looked at the cave more carefully. It was vast, and I couldn't see where it ended.

"Seraphine ...."

"Who is that? Stop calling me!"

My eyes scanned around. The voice felt so close, but there was no one around me.



My eyes rounded fully. There was a thin wisp of fog-like smoke moving beside me.

"Seraphine ...."

"Who are you?" I asked bravely.

"Aerion. I'm an air spirit."


Yes, I heard that this forest is inhabited by many forest spirits. Is... she goes to kill me?

"Seraphine ...."

Again, this time the small flame moved. I didn't even blink in surprise. Slowly, the fire grew bigger and bigger. I had to squint because it was blinding.

How many of them are there?

"I am Lyara... the spirit of light."

I could only stare at this strangeness. Amazed, and scared at the same time. Before long, the ground I was sitting on seemed to move. My eyes rounded fully as I saw the grains of sand on the ground forming a body. The pebbles merged with the ground. I was practically silent.

"I am Fenwyn. An earth spirit."


Fenwyn, she's... human-like, but... has no face.

"Hi," I greeted, not knowing what else to say.

"You're pregnant."

"You're injured."

"You're banished."

I close my eyes. They know everything. What should I do?

I hugged my stomach because I didn't want them to take it away. Then, I felt something in my body.


Again, I can't count the number of times I was surprised when I entered this forest. I saw the rainwater that dripped and pooled outside the cave move. The water carried some leaves which then wrapped the wounds on my body.

I stared intently at each movement of the spirits as they touched me.

What were they doing?

Heal me?

Their voices seemed to be whispering.

However, I did not see any lips from their unique figures.

"You can hear our thoughts."

I froze.

I... what?

"Stay here with us. Those violet and blue eyes are a gift from the Frostfur people. You are the chosen one. It was foolish of you to be banished. They do not know the special abilities you possess."

"We can guide you. You will become strong and able to control the natural elements."

"You and your future baby will be protected in this forest. The Stromhowl will not come after you. We will take care of you."

Fear now turned to indecision. Should I trust them? What if this was a trick?

But who would care if I died? No one. Yes, I should have died a long time ago.

"Why do you want to help me?" I asked, watching the movements of the three elements intently.

"You are a poor soul."

I smiled sarcastically. "Yes. I'm very pathetic indeed."

"You can stay in this cave until you give birth," the moving water said.

A new hope. Yes, that's what I want right now. I can't go back.


Maybe... I don't know.

My mind is a mess. What I need now is rest. I'm so tired.

I lay my body, now wrapped in leaves, on the ground.

I could feel the air inside the cave turning warmer than before. The ground on which I slept was molded so that it felt soft. The small fire turned into a bonfire without any wood to burn it.

"Thank you."

Slowly, I closed my eyes. I just wanted to calm down. I was too tired to rebel anymore. And before long, a quiet atmosphere reconciled my heart. It felt like all the burdens were slowly falling away. And after that, everything was dark.

"Seraphine ...."

That voice ....

"I am Thalindra. The water spirit."

"Yes. You're the one... oh! My wound!"

I sat up immediately in shock. I saw that the scratches the Betas had inflicted on me were beginning to dry. How could that be?

"You have the ability to heal yourself. Just like we said. You're special."

"Me? Do I have the ability to heal myself?"