Strategy and the Art of Laziness

The days of training continued, and the challenges for the cadets grew increasingly difficult. The training dummies, which initially seemed like ordinary wooden figures, now felt like unbeatable enemies. Ryn and Kael, who had previously been full of confidence, began to feel frustrated.

"This is absolutely ridiculous! I've hit this dummy more than twenty times, but it's still standing strong!" Ryn complained while wiping the sweat off her brow. Her hands were numb after repeated attempts.

Kael, slumped against a tree with a defeated expression, stared at his greatsword in despair. "I thought using a big sword would make me look cool, but all I got was an aching back and trembling hands."

Deren, lounging under a tree with half-closed eyes, let out a small chuckle. "You guys are using too much brute force. Wouldn't it be better if you used your brains a little?"

Ryn and Kael turned to Deren with disbelief written all over their faces.

"Use our brains? We're fighting, not taking a math test!" Ryn scoffed.

Kael added, "I agree! In battle, the harder you hit, the greater your chances of winning, right?"

Deren let out a long sigh before slowly getting up, stretching like someone who had just woken from a nap. He walked toward the training dummy, casually spinning a small pistol in one hand and twirling a dagger with the other.

"If you keep using raw strength without thinking, you'll just tire yourselves out. Watch this."

Deren raised his pistol, aimed at the dummy's joint, and fired a single shot. A faint click echoed before the dummy lost its balance and toppled to the ground.

Ryn and Kael gawked.

"Wait... that's cheating! You shot it in the joint!" Ryn protested.

"It's not cheating," Deren smirked. "It's efficiency. I don't have to waste energy striking it a hundred times. Just one shot to the weak point, and problem solved."

Kael rested his head against the hilt of his sword, deep in thought. "So... you're saying we should use our weapons in a smarter way?"

"Exactly," Deren said as he sat back under the tree. "The smarter you fight, the less energy you waste. The less energy you waste, the longer you can fight. And most importantly..." He closed his eyes lazily. "I can keep being lazy without working too hard."

Ryn crossed her arms. "But this isn't just a training dummy, Deren. We'll be facing Metavores! Real monsters! You really think that little pistol and dagger will save you?!"

Deren cracked open one eye and glanced at Ryn with a relaxed expression. "Do you think I chose a pistol and dagger because they look cool? No, I chose them because I don't have to carry heavy gear. I can move fast, strike at weak points, and finish fights without wasting energy. In short, I can win battles without even breaking a sweat."

Kael scratched his head. "So basically, if we find the easiest way to win, we can fight more efficiently?"

Deren nodded in satisfaction. "You finally get it. You don't always have to be the strongest. You just have to be the smartest."

Ryn and Kael exchanged glances, then started attempting Deren's method. Ryn tried piercing the dummy's joints with her spear, while Kael experimented with shifting his sword's balance to deliver faster and more effective strikes.

After a few attempts, they began seeing results. The training dummies that once seemed impossible to defeat were now falling one by one.

"Holy crap, it works!" Ryn exclaimed excitedly.

Kael laughed triumphantly. "I feel like a strategist!"

Deren simply yawned. "See? Now you understand. Use your brains, and you won't have to waste your energy."

However, before they could celebrate their progress for long, the sound of a bell rang out, signaling the end of their training session for the day.

As they made their way back to the barracks, they noticed several instructors gathered at the watchtower at the edge of the training field. Their expressions were serious, and some of them were speaking in low, tense voices.

"What's up with them?" Ryn whispered.

Kael squinted. "They look like they're discussing something important."

Deren glanced at them briefly before shrugging. "Maybe they're thinking of new ways to make our lives more miserable."

Ryn swallowed hard. "You don't think this is about our next exam, do you?"

Kael clicked his tongue. "If the instructors are discussing it like that, then it's probably not just any ordinary exam..."

Deren simply smirked, returning to his usual relaxed demeanor. "Well, whatever it is, we at least know one thing..."

Ryn and Kael turned to him, waiting for his answer.

Deren stretched his body and said, "I can still sleep soundly tonight."

And with that, the next chapter of their journey at Nova Academy drew closer, with new mysteries lurking behind the secret conversations of the overseers.

Nova Academy's Main Conference Room

In the main conference room of Nova Academy, a group of important figures sat around a long table. The dim glow from the Etherion crystal lamps illuminated the room, creating a serious atmosphere. Those present were no ordinary individuals—they were the lead instructors, several high-ranking officers of the Aether Corps, and the headmaster of Nova Academy, Grand Marshal Reinhardt.

Grand Marshal Reinhardt, a man with silver hair and a well-groomed beard, tapped his fingers against the table. "So, how are the preparations for the Metavore simulation exam for the cadets?"

Captain Vargan, who was in charge of overseeing the training, responded in a firm tone. "We have prepared two phases for the exam. The first phase is the solo test, where cadets will face Metavores from Tier 1 to Tier 3, depending on their training performance. If they manage to defeat a Tier 3 Metavore, they will receive the highest score. The second phase is the team test, where they must form groups and battle Metavores ranging from Tier 1 to Tier 5."

Lieutenant Seraphina added, "We will also ensure that each cadet is tested not only on their physical strength but also on their strategy and teamwork. This exam measures more than just power—it evaluates their combat intelligence as well."

A man in a black Aether Corps uniform, Commander Drex, crossed his arms. "That's the standard procedure, but are you sure all cadets are ready? I've seen many of them still struggling with basic training. They lack the potential to fight on the front lines."

A woman with glasses, wearing Nova Academy's administrative uniform, Professor Elina, shook her head. "We can't judge them based solely on the early stages of their training. Some of them have shown significant improvement. Besides, our job isn't just to train them as ordinary soldiers—we are here to find hidden talents."

The discussion grew more intense when the topic shifted to promising cadets.

"What about the list of standout cadets?" Grand Marshal Reinhardt inquired.

Seraphina opened a digital document in front of her and began reading. "Based on our observations, a few cadets show exceptional potential. There's Renard Asval, a heavy weapon specialist with incredible physical strength. Then Selene Ardent, who has demonstrated remarkable speed and agility. Some of them are even comparable to Aether Corps Rank A soldiers."

Drex nodded. "I've heard some of them are quite promising. If they keep improving, they might even reach Rank S someday."

However, when the discussion reached Deren's name, the atmosphere slightly shifted.

Captain Vargan smirked. "And then, there's one particularly... unique cadet. Deren."

Several people glanced at Vargan with curiosity. Professor Elina raised an eyebrow. "Deren? I've seen his records. He completes all training with good results, but he never shows any fighting spirit."

Seraphina nodded. "He finishes every task efficiently, but after that, he just lazes around. Physically, he seems average—there's no significant improvement compared to other cadets. However, he rarely makes mistakes and completes his tasks quickly."

Drex looked unimpressed. "What's the use of someone who lacks the will to fight? We need soldiers ready for the battlefield, not someone who just looks for ways to do the bare minimum."

Professor Elina smiled slightly. "Or maybe he understands that efficiency is the key to survival. Not all soldiers have to throw themselves onto the front lines. Strategy and intelligence are also weapons."

Captain Vargan chuckled. "That's what makes him interesting. I want to see how he handles the upcoming exam. If he's really that smart, he should be able to find a way to win without exerting too much effort."

Grand Marshal Reinhardt finally spoke. "Very well. If he has talent, this exam will be his defining moment. But if he fails to deliver satisfactory results, he will undergo additional training like everyone else. No exceptions."

Everyone in the room nodded in agreement.

However, their discussion was far from over.

"What about those who fail the exam?" asked another Aether Corps officer. "Will we have them retake the training? Or will there be eliminations?"

Reinhardt responded calmly, "We need every capable fighter we can get. Those who fail will be given the chance to retrain their skills. However, if they continue to fall short, they will be assigned to other roles that still contribute to the fight against the Metavores. We can't afford to waste manpower."

The discussion continued, analyzing the cadets' potential and how some of them might eventually reach the highest ranks of the Aether Corps if they continued to improve. However, there was also an undercurrent of skepticism—not all cadets would make it to that level.

Seraphina sighed. "I still have doubts whether this generation can match the previous one."

Drex crossed his arms. "In that case, we'll just have to see the results of the exam. That will be the real test."

And with that, the discussion came to a close, leaving behind many questions and rising tension about the upcoming exam.

Outside the Conference Room

Someone stood motionless in the hallway, pressing his ear against the door with a tense expression. Kael.

His face was full of concentration, though beads of sweat had started forming. "Oh... oh no... this is bad... we're really going to face real Metavores?! I thought this was just normal training!"

He started pacing back and forth in the corridor. "A solo exam against a Tier 3 Metavore?! A team exam up to Tier 5?! I can't even swing my sword comfortably without getting sore!"

Kael frantically looked around before letting out a long sigh. "I have to tell Deren and Ryn... or... no! If I tell them, Deren will just yawn and say, 'Don't use unnecessary effort, Kael.' Damn it!"

He stared at the ceiling in despair. "Or worse, Ryn will get even more excited and drag me into extra training sessions! I am NOT ready for this!"

With a face full of anxiety, Kael finally made his way toward the barracks, his mind filled with worst-case scenarios.

And so, the exam day drew closer, bringing both uncertainty and hope for the cadets of Nova Academy.

Inside the Cadet Barracks

The atmosphere was slightly calmer than usual. Most cadets had already gone to bed, trying to conserve their energy for the exam tomorrow. However, in one corner of the room, three people were still awake. Deren, Ryn, and Kael sat in a circle on their beds, discussing the exam they were about to face.

Ryn leaned back with her hands behind her head, a wide, excited grin on her face. "Finally, we've reached this stage! Tomorrow, we'll be in real combat, and this is our chance to prove ourselves! I can't wait to take down some Metavores and rack up high points!"

Kael, sitting next to her, only let out a long sigh. "I still can't believe we have to fight real Metavores. I mean, sure, it's a simulation, but still! And worse, we have to survive the team exam afterward!"

Deren, who had been silent the whole time, lying on his bed, finally spoke up in a lazy voice. "I just had a thought... what if I just fail on purpose?"

Ryn turned to him, eyes wide in shock. "What? You're joking, right?"

"No. I'm serious," Deren replied, still staring at the ceiling. "If I fail, maybe I'll get kicked out of the academy and live a peaceful life without having to deal with fighting. Imagine how nice it would be—no more running from monsters, no more exhausting training every day, and no more instructors yelling in our ears."

Kael looked at him in disbelief before suddenly chuckling. "Heh... you really don't know, do you?"

Deren raised an eyebrow. "Know what?"

Kael flashed a victorious grin, like someone who had just figured out a way to torment his friend with bad news. "If you fail... you won't get kicked out of the academy. You'll be assigned to the cleaning division."

Deren frowned. "Cleaning division?"

Ryn, already understanding where this was going, burst out laughing. "Yes, Deren. Cleaning. If you fail, you won't be lounging at home enjoying a peaceful life. You'll be ordered to clean up Metavore corpses after the exam ends."

Deren let out a long sigh, staring blankly ahead as his mind wandered. I'm used to Metavore corpses. I even harvest their cores and just leave the bodies behind. But... having to constantly clean up those remains? That's a different story. This isn't a quick and clean core hunt—this is endless, exhausting labor...

"Hey, Deren! You're zoning out again!" Kael slapped his shoulder hard enough to snap him out of his thoughts.

"Hah?! What?! I'm still here!" Deren quickly refocused, looking at Kael and Ryn, who were watching him with amused expressions.

"We were just talking about how your fate will end up in a pile of rotting slime if you don't start focusing," Ryn teased with a small laugh.

Kael shook his head, barely holding back his laughter. "Yup. It's academy policy. Anyone who isn't good enough to fight still has to be useful. And one of the most hated jobs is cleaning up the rotting Metavore remains after the exam. Just imagine the smell, the slime, and the body parts that still twitch..."

"T-Twitch?!" Deren looked at him in horror.

Ryn nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, some Metavore body parts can survive for several hours after death. Sometimes, they still twitch and try to attack with whatever energy remains. The cleanup crew has to make sure every part is completely destroyed, or—worse—ensure that no parasites are still alive inside them."

Deren remained silent for a few seconds, then covered his face with both hands. "So... if I fail, not only will I NOT get kicked out of the academy, but I'll actually have to work even harder in the most disgusting conditions?"

Kael patted his shoulder with a satisfied smile. "Welcome to reality, Deren."

Deren let out a long sigh. "I thought this would be the perfect escape... but I was wrong. Again."

Ryn laughed while patting Deren's back. "Look on the bright side—now you have a reason to put in some effort! You just need to score enough points to pass, and you won't have to touch a Metavore corpse at all!"

Deren stared at both of them with a hopeless expression. "So if I want to keep living a relaxed life, I need to reach the minimum passing score?"

Kael nodded. "Exactly. And according to the academy rules, you need to collect 100 points to pass."

Deren suddenly opened his eyes and turned to Kael. "Wait... you mentioned points. Do you know the exact minimum I need to pass safely without exerting too much effort?"

Kael thought for a moment, then nodded. "In the solo exam, you can earn points by defeating Metavores:

• Tier 1: 10 points

• Tier 2: 30 points

• Tier 3: 70 points (maximum in the solo phase, so anyone who reaches this must still proceed to the team phase)"

In the team exam, the points are distributed based on difficulty:

• Tier 1: 5 points

• Tier 2: 15 points

• Tier 3: 35 points

• Tier 4: 70 points

• Tier 5: 100 points"**

"So basically, you can pass by defeating a single Tier 3 Metavore in the solo exam or a combination of multiple ones in the team exam," Kael explained.

Deren immediately smirked. "So I still have to move on to the second phase? There's no way to skip it?"

Ryn eyed him suspiciously. "You really want to do the bare minimum, huh?"

Deren shrugged. "Of course. Why waste more energy than necessary? If I can pass with the minimum requirement, why overdo it?"

Kael sighed. "Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts, Deren. You still have to participate in the second phase. This exam is designed so that every cadet contributes to their team."

Deren grinned in satisfaction. "I'm not avoiding effort, Kael. I'm just practicing the art of efficiency."

Kael and Ryn exchanged glances, then burst into laughter.

Kael stretched his body. "Well, now that you know the harsh reality, we'd better get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day."

Deren sighed again, closed his eyes, and tried to sleep—even though his mind was still filled with images of himself stuck in a team full of overenthusiastic cadets, running around dodging Metavore attacks, while all he wanted was to sit still. Fate always seemed to be against his wishes.

And with that, the exam day drew even closer, bringing new tension to their journey at Nova Academy.