Mutual Spark

"Amaya wanted to make something for you since you gave us those brilliant cookies. I must admit, I'm already a fan of your baking!" he said with a smile.

Meanwhile, I continued struggling to retrieve the documents from the cabinet.

Finally, my hand found its way to the papers, but to my surprise, I felt something else inside.

It seemed to be some kind of pest, causing me to gasp and back away, losing my balance in the process.

Luckily, Mr. Darkwood rushed toward me just in time to catch me, while my mom was busy in the kitchen dishing out the cookies.

In that moment, I couldn't believe that I was in his arms. He effortlessly carried me, making me feel weightless.

Our eyes locked, and I could sense the intensity in his gaze. It felt as if his entire body burning.

Still maintaining eye contact, he gently placed me back on my feet, helping me regain my balance.

Just then, my mom's voice interrupted this beautiful moment as she shouted from another room, asking if we had found what I were looking for.

"You pulled my heart out!" he whispered, causing me to gasp in surprise.

"What?" My eyes widened.

Quickly realizing his slip of words, he nervously scratched his neck and clarified, "I mean, I was afraid you might fall!"

Unable to contain my smile, I replied, "How could I? You were there to catch me!" Blushing, I left the kitchen, leaving him there with an equally silly grin on his face.

He then helped my mom in finding what she needed and even brought a jar with a rat inside.

"I hate these little guys, but I must admit, he was guarding your papers!" he chuckled, and my mom joined in on the laughter.

"It bit me though before I could put him in there you know! Not that I will turn into a wererat or something!" He added showing of small bite mark on his finger.

"Or you could transform into a bat because they are genetically related!" I mentioned before turning to a cabinet to grab an anti-infection spray.

"They are not!" He quickly responded.

"Then how do vampires have the ability to shape-shift into bats, rats, and wolves?" I inquired.

It was all in good fun, not meant to be taken seriously.

As we continued walking, he explained, "In ancient times, there was a belief that vampires could control these creatures with their minds to spy on people. In some regions, it was said that vampires who refused to feed on humans turned to rats, bats, and wolves for sustenance." He shrugged. "Everyone believes what they want to believe!" He buried his hands in his pocket.

"Do you believe in all of this?" I stopped as I looked at him.

"It depends on what you're asking. I do believe in the supernatural, in things that surpass our understanding.

We all have something extraordinary within us, a unique ability that we can harness like a power.

Take a ballerina, for instance. Have you ever seen the incredible flexibility they possess? An ordinary person couldn't achieve unless they are capable of pushing themselves to the limit.

Our most valuable gifts are our hearts and minds. When we learn to intertwine our emotions and thoughts, only then can we create a beautiful tapestry of dreams, that will to fulfill your dream and touch the sky?

That's what I believe the supernatural is. But as for vampires and such, no, I don't believe in it," he said with a smile.

"You know what sets you apart as a great teacher?" I remarked with a smile. "Your poetic way of describing things so beautifully that even the most boring subject could become fascinating."

"Well, not everyone would agree to that," he replied with a shrug as we continued our slow walk toward the door.

"I'm not everyone," I declared, then after a brief pause, I lowered my gaze and asked, "And what about God? Do you believe in God?"

"It doesn't matter if I believe it or not, there's someone who made those clay pots no matter I believe the one who made those exist or not!" He pointed toward the entrance of the door of the house in front of us.

"Even if we say we fell from the sky and we came into being because of a collision of atoms floating all over the galaxy then, there still must be someone who created those atoms, or that vast galaxy!" He made me get lost in my thoughts.

It's unbelievable how wise someone can be at such a young age. "Are you really the age you claim to be? Because it seems like you've experienced the entire universe!" I smiled.

"I'm actually 20!" He whispered. "I had to get a fake ID and documents to secure a job. My uncle, who happens to be the principal of Shadowbrook High, helped me with it.

I've never shared this with anyone before, but I am telling it to you." He winked.

As he was leaving, I spoke up, "I apologize for what happened in class."

"It's not me that I'm concerned about," he looked down. "I hate it when people defame others without any reason, just for fun. Especially... especially when it's you..." He said, then realized he may have revealed something he wasn't ready to share.

I gazed into his eyes, making sure he meant what he said, and then he cleared his throat. "I mean you or any other women."

"I understand what you mean," I smiled.

He couldn't maintain eye contact.

"Have a nice day!" He turned around and left me standing there.

I wished I could show him the impact he had left on me, but I had no choice but to watch him go.

Later, I helped my mom pack; she could be out for more than 1 or 2 days. I kissed her goodbye in the evening, and then night fell.

My friends came over, and we settled into our house. We started by watching movies, and then we moved to the bedroom.