Chapter 1: A Change Has Just Begun

In the serene of the full moon shining brightly as the shadows which reflected through the moonlit shadows danced, alive with a subtle, eerie movement, while the sounds of hallowing winds could be heard as the trees and grasses fluttered indiscernible...

Inside a room in an apartment which at the very least is a two bedroom apartment, a young lady in her late twenties with reddish dark hair and yellow eyes like that of a miniature sun, with a slender figure that makes her look fifteenth years of age along with a rounded face that says the same

could be seen laying slightly on her bed with her light blue night wear and her reddish dark hair packed up and her back rested slightly on the wall behind her as her bed was close to the wall

On her right hand was a feather dipped in ink while her left hand was holding a hard cover with a name ' Against All Odds ' written on the hard cover with goatskin parchments stacked together within the hardcover and they seemed to be words written in each of the pages made of goatskin,

beside her on the right side of the bed was a stool with a lamp that dimly lit a yellowish orange glow that lit the room as if fighting with the darkness of the night as the light in the lamp shone on a pile of books not too far from it on the stool as the books were stacked on top of each other, only a few names could be seen like --: Romeo and Juliet, Snow White, The Dark Tower, The Stand, The Detective Of Mystery, Darksouls, Pet Cemetery, IT, Mirrored Personality, Humpty Dumpty.....

"phew"..... Writing on the last page on the book she is holding on her left hand, the young lady with child-like face couldn't help but exhale as she dropped the feather dipped with ink in the ink cup and closed the book as her right thumb caressed the tip of the book and her head were slightly raised looking at the window as she was lost in thoughts while the full moon shone brightly and the shadows of the window structure could be seen plastered on the ground in her room

Is this really the end?....She muttered inwardly as it has been eight months since she have been writing a detective type novel filled with mysteries and supernatural elements as each of the characters plays the role as paranormal hunters fighting against the threats and madness of the world their in

Snapping back from her thoughts she glanced at the clock hanging on the wall in the room as the time showed

11:48 in the night

It's late night again..... She mumbled as her thoughts raced as to how she still has a case to solve the next morning

She got up from her bed, feeling the weight of yet another late night as she walks slowly to a desk where papers regarding the investigation of missing people and their faces could be seen on the papers scattered on the desk, she drops the book 'Against All Odds' she was writing on the desk and walked back to the bed hurriedly like a child running to hug their parent

The bed made a soft squishing! sound as she collapsed face-first, her eyes blinking closed as she drifted off into a deep sleep...


9:35 in the morning a young lady with red hair and yellow eyes like that of a miniature sun is seen wearing a white long sleeve and a short black knot tie with a black trench coat and a half top hat along with a long black skirt reaching the knee length or even longer and along the skirt she wore a black hose and on her feet were pair of black cover shoes fitting for walking or running,

with a hurried Tap! Tap! sound, the young lady comes out from the two bedroom apartment hurriedly as she started running forgetting to lock the door and moments later she came back and locked the door with the key on her right hand and with a Click! sound the door locks and she started running again but this time even more faster that not even the wind could be able to slow her down


"To Yantin Station"....After successfully being able to board a private carriage only then could she breath a sigh of relief

but am still late anyways, I wonder if they would wait for me.... Her hand was wrapped on the carriage seat tapping on it to calm her nervousness having full belief that someone has replaced her in the mission they have regarding the case of the mysterious disappearance of the missing people,

after her thoughts raced as to what kind of punishment she would receive and not wanting to receive any she finally came up with a plan as her lips curled up slightly

I wouldn't attend work today pretending that I had a fever, that way I would be able to meet the publisher this afternoon for the book I completed, but if I go this afternoon my colleagues at work will notice my absence and will surely come to see how am doing in my house and then I will be exposed that am not home,

They will surely be troubles when I get to work tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, going this morning to the publisher for serializing will be better and in that way I'll just come home earlier heh heh now that's better..... She lampooned inwardly as she told the carriage driver to change its destination to Namjak Novel Company


Outside Namjak Novel Company

Time 10:40 In the Morning

standing outside of a two story building with the name 'Namjak' was a young lady with red hair and yellow eyes like that of a miniature sun.

It was none other than Jian who has been standing outside staring at the company and thinking if the publisher will like the novel as she only brought a few copies of the pages along with her as the publisher told her only a few important pages of the novel is recommended so as to know if it's marketable or not,

Even if I brought the whole book, he wouldn't have read it and he would have told me that he wouldn't be able to finish the whole book in time as they only need just a few important copies of the pages to know if the story is good..... She couldn't help but feel nervously tense as she lampooned inwardly

I can't stop wondering, of how today might be... She took a deep breath, putting her hands in her trench coat pocket and with a tired voice she silently said "here goes nothing".... She opened the main door to the company with her right hand which she extended out from her pocket and entered before tucking it back in her trench coat pocket and headed directly to the reservation hall as she attained a meeting with the publisher through the female attendant in the hall

"I suggest you head upstairs and wait, he will be right with you, as you may know he is having meeting which will end 11:00 "..... A woman In her early forties wearing a white long sleeves which the ends is tucked in a black long skirt as she is sitting at the attendance sit with a desk separating her and the people

Jian replied the woman frankly "ok".....While trying hard to put up a smile on her face Jian hurried upstairs to where she will wait,

as she entered she heard a familiar voice

"good morning Miss Jian"...a young man who seems to be in his early twenties with short dark blue hair and light blue eyes like that of a shimmering pearl said to Jian while she was walking to the room that is reserved for people waiting to meet with a publisher in the company,

his figure is sturdy, yet he wears a nerdy eyeglasses which doesn't affect his appearance much,

she shot a glance at him as she calmly responded with a smile


his name is Yona, 23 years of age and he is the publisher's personal secretary, he is kindhearted and easygoing as well as very very handsome with his silk masculine jawline and his whole appearance that makes him look like a prince who is on disguise,

"good morning Yona Sir".....She replied as her smile widened

"Miss Jian please I will prefer you stop with the informality, just call me Yona"...He said that while scratching his head, smiling with a nervous expression

aww what a nice guy If only we met on a different occasion I would have fallen for you..... Opening her mouth she said. "Ok Yona, I'll take that into consideration but firstly I also have similar request, so please call me Jian"..... She gave a thumbs up and winked with her right eyes and continued,

"well enough of that let's just leave informalities out of business"..... She paused as scrambled through her trench coat pocket a brought out pages of goatskin parchments,

It was the copies of her novel she just completed

holding the paper in her right hand she continued "this is the copies of the important pages from the book I completed, I came so I can show it to him if he will be interested In the finalization and serializing of the novel".... She said with a stern and nervous look on her face as she handed it to him

"Oh yes about that"..... He took the copies of the pages made of goatskin parchments from her hand as he continued "I will give the pages to him when the meeting is o.....",

a loud Bang! interrupted before he could finish

as the building rumbled with intense pressure like it was going to collapse any seconds from now, Jian lost balance and fell straight to Yona, as he held her tight,

moments later the rumbling stopped as the pressure was gradually subsiding

" are you alright Mi... Jian ".. Yona asked while still holding Jian from falling as his hands were crossed on her waist holding her from falling

"...."..Jian was speechless as she didn't know when she fell

wait where did I fall to..... She thought inwardly as she straighten her head as it was plumped against something strong like a wall,

straightening her head Jian couldn't help but scream inwardly

She just realized where she landed,

She landed right on Yona's chest,

holy crap, I could stay here forever.... wait, what am I thinking?....

" Jian-? ".... Hearing Yona call she got called back into reality while still dreaming as she said in a somewhat disgraces tone "oh, sorry I fell on you Yona, am a little bit clumsy you see".....While she got up from him, she turned to hide her face as her face was flushed red like a watermelon

"No it isn't your fault Jian, you just lost balance that's all "..... He smiled nervously, as if trying to console her from being disgraced

he so cute when he does that,

wait what am I saying all a sudden, no no , Jian get back to your senses.... She inwardly thought as Yona voice snapped her back to reality

"what do you think just happened Jian"

how would I know, I was here too so there is no way I will be able to know what happened....

Maybe it's an earthquake or maybe a bomb exploded nearby,

if it's a bomb then we wouldn't be alive now or maybe this is a declaration of war, you know like in those war novels,

no, am sure we will be able to leave on time before something like that happened

oh, I know maybe it's the end of the world or something like that,

anyway just forget about it... After lampooning as they survey the surroundings she spoke, calmly . "maybe it's an earthquake Yona"

"Maybe"..... Yona answered still in doubt that of what she said


As they made their way down the stairs, Jian who was walking sides with Yona was lost in her thoughts puzzled of how sudden everything happened

when a sudden silence fell, time seeming to freeze. Then, a blinding flash illuminated the room, followed by a piercing Beeeeeeep! sound followed by a Pop! and the lights flickered off.

Then a voice was heard

a voice that seemingly sounded like that of a little child,

and that voice said:

[ Testing..... 1..... 2... Testing

oh it's already started,


and a bloody hologram screen appeared in front of them as texts started displaying on it

[ registration complete ]

[ subjects -- found ]

[ lights --- set ]

[ stage ---- ready ]

[ the game has just BEGUN ]

this was the moment she knew

A Change Has Just Begun.....