
"What am I going to do tomorrow at the test? I don't know anything. Maa and Paa will be so disappointed in me..." [A knock on the door could be heard.] "Yeah, come in..."

"Are you ready for your test, Kabir?"

"Yes, Maa..."

"Then get up and get ready for school."

"Yes, Maa..." [I knew that I was not prepared for the test, but I couldn't tell them the truth.]


"Yes, Paa..." [as he took a sip of his chai, reading the newspaper on the sofa.]

"Are you prepared for your test? I hope you haven't forgotten the conversation we had last night?"

"Yes, Paa, I know..."

"That's good to hear. Now go get ready." [As I entered the bathroom, removing my shirt, seeing all the scars on my wrist... touching them, realizing the emotions filled inside me...]

"Kabir! Come fast, otherwise you will be late for school!"

"Yes, Maa!"

"What's taking you so long? Go get ready. There is food on the table. Me and Paa are going to the office. You reach school on time, do you understand that?"

"Yes, Maa..." [As they both left the house, leaving me alone.] What's the time? It's 7:45 AM.

15 minutes later...

Same as yesterday, people on the street doing the same thing over and over again. [As I once again looked over the marine, seeing the vast horizon of water, just one step and I will be part of this horizon... As a bark could be heard from a distance.] "Huh?... Oh, it's you! What are you doing here, buddy?" [Bark... bark.] "Here, take this biscuit. You must be very hungry." [As the dog devoured the biscuits in a blitz.] [Laughing] "Wow, calm down, little fellow, you'll choke on the biscuit! What should I call you?" [The dog looked at him in confusion.] "What about Doggy?" [The dog barked in aggression.] [Giggle] "Understandable, I would also be mad if someone called me that. What about... Sheru?" [The dog looked at him with an unfazed look.] "I'm sorry, okay? I'm not good with names. Okay, last try, third time's a charm..." [Closing his eyes and thinking.] "What about... Mirror? How's that?" [The dog jumped here and there.] "See, I knew you liked that." [Kabir picked the dog up in his arms, looking at the horizon.] "See, Mirror, look at this." [The dog saw the ocean for the first time. His tail wagged in joy.] "You like that? You know, today is my test, but I haven't prepared for it, and I will fail. If my Paa and Maa saw the result, then..." [Sensing impending doom...] [Mirror barked and licked his face.] "Yeah! What are you doing?" [Mirror looked over the distance.] "Huh? You want me to run away?" [Barked!] "You want me to skip my test?" [Tail wagged.] "But what will I tell Maa and Paa if they find out I bunked my test?" [Thousands of thoughts ran inside my head, whether I should do it or not.] "Ahh! I don't know what to do. It's already 8:30. School starts in 15 minutes... Screw it!" [Kabir grabbed Mirror and ran as fast as he could.] "Let's go, Mirror! We are free!" [Mirror barked.] People on the street looked at Kabir, seeing him run with a dog on his head.

"There's the bus!" [Kabir hopped onto the bus.] [Huffing] "Damn, that was tiring." [Mirror barked.] As a man approached Kabir for a ticket... "Where do you want to go, boy?" [Confusion rose on his face.] [Shit, I don't even know where to go!] "Ahh... ah..." [Aha moment!] "One ticket to the National Park." [As the ticket collector made a ticket for the National Park.] "That would be 15 rupees. Here, take it. We are going to the National Park, Mirror." [Mirror's tail wagged.]

30 minutes later...

"Next stop, National Park. That's our stop, Mirror, let's go." [Kabir grabbed Mirror and hopped off the bus.] "This place... brings back lots of memories." [Mirror looked at him in confusion.] "Don't worry about that, Mirror. Now let's go." [As they both ran inside the park.] "Wow! Look at these trees, Mirror!" [Barked!] [As they both ran till they were exhausted.] [Huffing] "Damn, that took a lot out of me. Let's lay down here." [They both lay down in the shade of a tree.] "Wait, you might be hungry, right? Here, eat this." [Kabir removed his lunch.] "One for you and one for me." [They both took a bite of the sandwich.] [Looking at the distance, seeing animals and birds.] "I... have never felt this alive in a long time, Mirror." [Mirror looked at him.] "Away from the city and school and..." [pause] "...home. This is something that I needed, and you made it possible, Mirror." [Stroking his fur.] [Smiling] "Thank you." [Mirror barked and wagged his tail.] "Come, let's go, we still have time." As they both walked in the distance.

1 hour later...

"Looks like it's time for us to go home, Mirror." [As they both walked towards the bus stand.] "Oh, shit, the bus is about to leave! Come on, let's go!" [Kabir picked Mirror up and ran for the bus, jumping in.] "And we are saved!" [As people looked at him.] "Sorry." We walked and sat down. "One ticket to Mumbai city."

30 minutes later...

"Next stop, Mumbai city. That's our stop." [As both of them hopped out of the bus, seeing the familiar sight of the marine.] "Looks like we have to part ways from here, Mirror." [Mirror whimpered.] "Come on now, don't be like that. I can't take you home." [Kabir's eyes started to get watery.] "Maa and Paa will not allow you inside our house." [Wiping his tears.] "But don't worry, I'll be here tomorrow, okay? You have to wait for me, Mirror, do you promise that?" [Mirror barked.] "That's my boy! Now go." [As Mirror ran away.] "Looks like it's time for me to go home too... I have to think of an excuse for why I am so late." [Brainstorming.] [As he looked over the traffic of Mumbai street.] "That would work."

20 minutes later...

[Knocking on the door.] "Anyone home? Maa, Paa!" [Maa opened the door.] "Here you are, why are you so late?"

"Traffic, Maa. A car flipped over on the street."

"Oh... forget that. How was the paper?" [Ah, shit...]

"It... was good, Maa. I think I will pass."

"Are you sure, Kabir?"

"Come on, Maa, have some faith in me."

"Fine, now go get changed. Paa is not here. He will be coming late."

"Oh, okay." [Why did I say that, Kabir, you idiot?] [Changing his clothes.] [I have to think of a way to get out of this situation...]

"Kabir! The food is ready!"

"Coming, Maa..." [Walking towards the dinner table.] "Here, eat, and then wash the dishes and put the remaining food in the fridge, you got that?"

"Yes, Maa." [Maa walked away towards her room.] "Here we go again, another day in this prison. Tomorrow, I have to give a valid reason at school for why I was not present at the test. This is so frustrating... ahh!" [Rubbing his head in frustration.] "Man... I miss Mirror already. His tiny body, golden fur, tiny paws... I miss him." [As he washed the dishes and lay on his bed.] "Today was..." [heavy sigh] "...something." [Closes his eyes.]"