It started with losing his left sock.
At the beginning of the night, Eijiro Kirishima thought the odds were stacked in his favor. After all, in a strip poker game of four, he was playing with three of the prettiest girls in UA. Out of the six boobs in the room, he was bound to see at least two of them before the night was over. If he was exceptionally lucky, maybe he'd catch a glimpse of pussy and ass too.
Without a doubt, he'd been hoping to outplay Mina Ashido. Momo Yaoyorozu was his backup, and Kyoka Jiro was his safety. Seeing any of those girls topless would afford him plenty of fap fuel for a pleasant night's sleep. But what he really held out hopes for was the ultimate and most mouthwatering perk of all: The winner gets to do whatever they want to the losers.
He knew it was a long shot, but wasn't that true for gambling in general? The chance of having three beautiful women who'd do whatever he asked was too juicy of an opportunity to pass up. Even if he was among the two other losers, he doubted the winner would have too scandalous a task. Girls were the kinder and gentler sex; it likely never crossed their minds to do anything dirty with their power.
He couldn't have been more wrong.
They'd set the game up in one of the unused classrooms in the school, so far out of the way nobody would find them. Sat around the instructor's desk, the hero called Red Riot shivered as his bare ass warmed the plastic seat. His dick, which had been rock hard at the beginning of the night, was now flaccid between his legs. Whatever clothes he had were lying at the feet of the three girls before him.
"What's the matter?" Momo asked, staring across the desk at Eijiro with an all too innocent expression. "It can't be worse than your last hand."
With trembling fingers, the boy laid the two cards down on the wood. It was a two of spades and a nine of hearts. In other words, it was jack shit. His cheeks reddened as the last of his chips were absorbed into the growing hoard in front of Momo. Mina and Kyoka hadn't fared much better, but only the player with the lowest hand had to take off any of their clothing. The most Kyoka lost was a bracelet, and Mina had to remove both shoes.
"Looks like we have our loser, girls," Momo clucked her tongue. "I guess now's the time to—"
"Wait," Eijiro raised his hand, "Mina and Kyoka still have their chips. The game isn't over yet!"
"Oooh," Mina giggled, "Does someone want to spend more time in front of us naked?"
Eijiro blushed. He hoped the game would go on long enough; they'd either run out of time, or one of the girls would finally lose a shirt. But even the dimwitted hero was catching on that some of this must've been organized.
"No, he's right," Kyoka eyed Eijiro with some amount of pity. "We keep playing until we have a clear winner."
"Phooey," Mina pouted, "But it'll be morning by then! If only we had some way to speed this process along."
"All in," Momo pushed her stack of chips into the center of the table, beaming at the naked boy.
Mina giggled, pushing the last of her chips into the pile.
"Maybe we could just play the—" Kyoka started, only for the other two girls to glare in unison. Gulping, Kyoka also pushed her chips in, giving Eijiro an apologetic glance.
What followed was the quickest victory Eijiro had ever seen.
"Looks like I won," Momo smirked, showing her full house. "I guess you three need to do whatever I want."
"Oh darn," Mina said sarcastically, "Whatever shall we do?"
"Could we skip the act?" Kyoka asked, "He already feels bad enough, I don't think we need to—"
"Act?" Eijiro blinked before catching on. "You planned this? Why would you—"
The flash surprised Eijiro; by the time he covered himself, it was already too late. Mina snorted loudly, turning her pink phone around to show a crystal-clear image of his soft dick.
"Too easy!" Mina giggled, showing her friends.
Eijiro was on the verge of panicking, but Momo rushed out, "We'll delete it before the night is over. Promise. All we ask is one teensy little thing." Before he could ask for any further details, Momo dropped three large objects on the desk. They shook the tower of chips, toppling them beneath the sudden weight.
Strap ons. One was black, one was purple, and the last was pink.
"Well," Momo grinned, "Maybe three things." She dragged her finger over one of the long plastic shafts, "And maybe it isn't so teensy and little."
Nobody cared when it was just Mineta. The creepy little twerp deserved his near-nightly pegging after going back to that poker game so many times. The way he would hobble into class the next day even earned a chuckle from Izuku Midoriya. It wasn't until the three girls offered an invitation to the other boys that the hero Deku began to pay closer attention.
Koji refused to talk about that night, like Sero and Rikidou. It wasn't until he'd pried the information from Eijiro that Izuku had the complete picture of what Momo, Mina, and Kyoka were doing. It'd gone beyond playful teasing or even hazing. The three were actively breaking the law and hurting their classmates.
The successor to All Might considered handing the information to one of their instructors. Mr. Aizawa would likely handle this situation cleanly and quietly. Meanwhile, the principal would likely try to make an example of them; UA was already struggling to maintain its good name after the near-constant stream of villain attacks. But while Izuku didn't want this swept under the rug, he didn't want people he considered friends to lose their careers before they started. He believed in justice but wasn't willing to stoop to vengeance. So, he found a happy medium.
It took asking permission from his girlfriend, Ochako Uraraka, who wasn't pleased with his idea initially. But by the end of hearing what the three had been doing to the other boys, he'd earned her full support to do what needed to be done. The trio must be stopped, and Izuku was the only one who could do it—not because he was the bravest or the smartest, but because he had a unique ability no other student at UA had.
You see, Izuku was adept at counting cards.
Momo set the table for the upcoming poker game. It was a surprise when Izuku reached out to them, given he was in a relationship with Ochako, but she suspected everyone wanted to see her naked. Her body was flawless, after all. She eyed Kyoka and Mina chattering like idiots while readying the seats. At least they were useful idiots. She just needed to remind them of their place now and then to keep them beneath her heel.
Despite hiding their insecurities, Momo could read her friends like a book. It was how she roped them into her little game. Mina jumped at the chance to fit in with the rest of the "normal-looking" students. The pink girl hated being a heteromorph and masked her insecurities with her excited personality. Meanwhile, Kyoka's insecurities were a little more basic. She didn't believe anyone could love her because of her body dysmorphia, and Momo offered her a source of empowerment by domming the boys.
It wasn't like she was taking advantage of them; they were both getting what they wanted. But now and again, Momo needed to pick their scabs.
"Hey, Mina?" Momo said with a smile, catching the pink girl's attention. "I love your new shirt. It's perfect for your skin tone and really brings out your horns."
"Oh…" Mina's face fell. "Thank you."
"And Kyoka," Momo said. "Could you tell me where you bought those pants and whether they have them in my size?"
"Oh, uh, I'll check," Kyoka whispered, eyes downcast.
Satisfied, Momo turned her attention back to the poker table. Despite being a part of her scheme, she didn't want either to be too comfortable. The moment they were, they'd realized how fucked up her needs were and the damage she was doing to class 1A. But to Momo, all that mattered was fueling her sadism.
She couldn't wait to tear Izuku apart just as easily.
The cold tile floor stung Momo's bare knees. Her heavy breasts hung down beneath her, tugging on her flawless and pale skin. Her nipples were hard as pebbles, though her face was red with embarrassment. She desperately wanted to cover her pussy, but Izuku made it abundantly clear her hands needed to remain at her sides.
A glance to her right confirmed what she already suspected; Kyoka looked everywhere but at Izuku. Having never seen the girl completely naked before, Momo took a moment to confirm Kyoka had the smallest rack out of all the girls at UA.
Juxtaposing the other two, Mina showed no hint of shame when displaying her pink body. She proudly pushed her tits out and seemed almost bored by the whole ordeal. Her eyes never left Izuku, as if daring the fully clothed hero to make any comment about her body.
"So," Izuku's eyes caught Momo's as he spoke, "How does it feel to be on the losing side?"
While Mina rolled her eyes and Kyoka trembled, Momo took it upon herself to speak. If she played this right, they could all get off easy, "If you wanted to make a point, you have. No more poker games, happy?"
"That's a good start," Izuku nodded, his arms crossed over his chest. "But I think you owe everyone you blackmailed an apology too."
"You know we wouldn't really do anything to hurt anyone," Momo hurried out with fake remorse. "We deleted all of the—"
"You shouldn't have taken the pictures in the first place," Izuku snapped, cowing Momo into silence. "Do you have any idea what would've happened to you if I took this to the principal? You all would've been expelled, and your careers would be over. With how cavalier you were, maybe I should still do that."
"But you're not," Mina spoke for the first time. With a smirk, she continued, "You won't tell anyone because you wanted to see three hot girls naked. Do you think you have any moral high ground? Get real, Midoriya. You could've ordered us to stop playing the game and sent us to bed. But here we are." She pushed her tits together, "I bet you've been wanting to see these since we met, right? How do you think Ochako will feel once we tell her what you did? I knew you were just as much of a pervert as—"
"Ochako said I get a pass with you three," Izuku interrupted. Then he added with a chuckle, "And hers are bigger."
Mina let out a little grumble.
"What-what are you going to do to us?" Kyoka stammered. "We didn't mean to hurt anyone. We made sure all the boys came at least once. We thought they were enjoying it too. Please don't tell anyone."
"I'm not," Izuku sighed. "As much as you three deserve it, I'm not going to ruin you. But you're going to apologize to everyone you humiliated. Understand?"
"Of course," Momo agreed, hoping to placate the idiot. "We'll do it. Whatever it takes."
"Good," Izuku rolled back his shoulders. "Now we can begin."
"Begin what?" Mina asked.
"Your punishment." Izuku locked eyes with Momo, "I'm going to need you to make some things for us."
A cute little squeak burst from Kyoka Jiro's throat as Izuku gave her leather harness another sharp tug before latching it in place. The black straps bit into her naked pale body, binding around her small breasts and squeezing into her tiny hips. The harness highlighted the features she was the most self-conscious about, namely her small ass and little tits. Comparing herself to goddesses like Mina and Momo was horrible enough, but having a boy's eyes roam her nude body chilled her blood.
While the harness and her nakedness would've been shameful enough, Izuku's demands didn't end there. He had Momo create many things for the three girls for the past hour—a thick leather collar sealed around Kyoka's neck with similar cuffs for her ankles and wrists. Nipple clamps bit into her sensitive flesh, making every movement a reminder of her shame. But it was the anal beads jammed inside her ass that turned her pale skin as pink as Mina's.
Kyoka was still a virgin when it came to ass play, rebuffing any attempts her previous boyfriend made. To her, anal sex was a scary and painful prospect, and she never saw the appeal in having something prodding her backdoor. All her preconceived notions changed the moment Izuku bent her over and stuck his fingers inside, stretching her for the anal beads. It wasn't long before Kyoka was sweating as the boy eased each one inside, one at a time.
Now, fidgeting in the corner, Kyoka watched Izuku give the same treatment to Mina and Momo. The two girls grunted and squirmed, each in their own BDSM gear, as Izuku slid the beads inside them. Mina took them easier than Momo. If anything, the pink girl pressed against his fingers, letting out a little moan before giving Izuku a wink.
Once all three girls had their harnesses, collars, cuffs, clamps, and beads, they lined side by side again. Kyoka and Momo's movements were more awkward this time, while Mina effortlessly repositioned herself. The musician swallowed, feeling Izuku's eyes roaming her body.
"I think we're good, yeah?" Momo lifted her chin, staring the boy down. "You dressed us up like dolls, you got to see what we have under our clothes, and you're getting an apology from each of us. I feel like we can call it a night. You won't tell anyone about what we did, and we'll apologize to all the boys. Nothing needs to go any further."
"The hell it does," Mina snapped.
"Mina—" Momo started.
"No, fuck this!" Mina shouted, "Where does he get off playing all noble? We might've been a little pushy, sure, but that doesn't make him some great paragon of virtue! You're no better than us! And if Ochako gave the okay, maybe she's just as bad as—"
"Mina!" Momo shouted, gripping one of the girl's horns. "Shut the hell up!"
"DON'T TOUCH ME THERE!!!" Mina shrieked, smacking Momo's hand away.
"Then shut up or—"
"Or what?!" Mina snarled. "This whole thing was your idea! If anyone should pay, it should be—"
"Guys—" Kyoka started.
"Don't go playing innocent again!" Mina snapped. "Nobody got into fucking the guys as much as you!"
"That's not—"
"SHUT UP!" Izuku's shout startled all three of the girls into silence. "You want to fight? Fine!" He looked each one of them in the eyes as he said, "The two girls who get their anal beads pulled out before the night is over will both get fucked up the ass. The one who doesn't will be spared.
The three girls looked at one another before Mina started, "C'mon. You really think any of us is going to—" Before she could finish, Momo gripped her by her horns and yanked her head down.
"Grab them!" Momo shouted at Kyoka, Mina struggling in her grip.
"LET GO!!!" Mina's eyes went wide as she thrashed in panic. "I TOLD YOU NEVER TO TOUCH ME THERE!!!"
But Momo ignored her and seemed to grip tighter.
Kyoka froze, looking her two friends over in shock.
"The hell are you doing, you stupid bimbo?!" Mina cried, "You're giving him exactly what he wants!"
"Kyoka!" Momo screamed, "Grab her beads and yank them out! I can't hold her much—"
Mina's arms wrapped around Momo's thigh and swept her leg out from under her. As Momo went down, Mina pinned herself atop the heiress. Kyoka jumped back as the two girls wrestled at her feet. Their hands struggled to reach behind one another's ass, pawing to rip out the beads.
"Why are you going along with this?!" Mina snarled. "I thought you were supposed to be smart!"
"You want to know why?" Momo growled. "It's because I'm sick of you! This might've been my idea, but the blackmail was yours! All of this would've stayed kinky fun if you hadn't pushed it too far! You're always pushing things!"
"Are you really trying to put all the blame on—" Mina let out a shrill squeak as Momo's fingernails scratched at her ass cheek. "That hurt!"
"Waiting to pounce on who wins?" Kyoka jumped as Izuku whispered in her ear. The girl spun around, seeing his dispassionate face. "It's a tactic. A cruel one. But I didn't expect anything better from you three."
"N-no!" Kyoka stammered, "I'm not trying to—"
"I got it!" Momo cried as Mina squealed. "I have a hold of them! Kyoka, hold her down!"
"No!" Mina screeched. "She's wide open, Kyoka! Take her beads now! Before she can take mine!"
Kyoka stared at her two friends, writhing on the floor like animals. Mina or Momo. Both girls looked up at her, sweat staining their faces and teeth gritted. In the end, Kyoka didn't pick a favorite. She just grabbed the arms of the person closest to her.
"NO!" Mina screamed, her pink arms gripped in Kyoka's small hands. But it was already too late. With a loud, wet noise, Momo ripped the last of the beads from the pink girl's ass. Each one popped out one after the other. Mina let out an angry and hurt cry while Momo held the beads above her head like they were a trophy.
"I got them!" Momo shook the beads in the air.
"You idiot!" Mina's black eyes with yellow irises stared daggers at Kyoka. "What do you think happens now?"
Mina's beads clattered to the floor. Kyoka looked up in time to see Momo already lunging toward her. Kyoka squealed and squirmed away, crawling on all fours as Momo's fingers clawed at her ankles. Fear gripped her at the same intensity as during villain attacks. The feeling of being chased by an enemy was primal, and Kyoka was hauling herself to her feet as she ran for the door.
Just as she was about to escape, Izuku stepped before it.
"You're planning on returning to the dorms like that?" he asked.
Before Kyoka could respond, she felt fingers grip her hair. She yowled as Momo dragged her back, only for the smallest of the group to donkey kick the heiress in the leg. As Momo cursed her out, Kyoka raced toward the furthest part of the classroom. Like a cornered animal, she watched Momo begin to create something with her quirk.
"This could've been over already," Momo grunted, slowly drawing what looked like a baton from between her breasts. Gripping it by the handle, she pointed the black stick at Kyoka before pressing a button. Blue light burst from the end. Creati had made a stun baton.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" Kyoka held up her hands, but it was already too late. Momo was upon her in an instant, jabbing the baton into the girl's small right tit. Her muscles screamed, tightening all at once like a clenched fist. The girl fell back against the wall, only for Momo to jab her with it again.
"Just fall over!" Momo snarled, zapping the girl again and again.
Kyoka couldn't think straight. Her whole body felt like a sprained muscle. Her eyes rolled back in her skull, and drool slipped down her chin. Every time she tried to speak, Momo would shock her again. It wasn't long before she fell forward, barely able to catch herself before smacking onto the ground.
There wasn't any fight left in her by then. Momo quickly pulled her cheeks apart and gripped the anal beads. Having them ripped from her ass felt infinitely better than being stung by that baton, so Kyoka stayed still. They plopped out of her loudly, one after the other, before the final one came out with a loud pop.
Kyoka whimpered on the ground as Momo preened over her, "I got them!"
"W-why?" Kyoka whimpered.
"Shouldn't have kicked me," Momo snapped, placing her barefoot on Kyoka's ass. "Maybe if you gave up your flat ass earlier, I wouldn't need to have shocked those pathetic tits so many times."
"Now that's just mean," Izuku said.
"Doesn't matter." The beads dropped before Kyoka's face as Momo said, "I won. That means I can leave."
"I never said that," Izuku said.
"You said I wouldn't—"
"I'll give you a choice," Izuku said soothingly. You can help me, and then I'll attend to your needs, or you can leave."
Kyoka looked up at Momo. It must've been from being shocked so many times because she swore she saw a grin on the heiress's face.
Despite being furious with Kyoka for siding with that traitorous bitch, Mina's sympathies toward the more petite girl persisted. When Izuku first had them bend over the poker table, or rather the teacher's desk, Mina was readily prepared to have her ass reamed.