Chapter 5


"What a day!" I say to myself as I make my way out of the shower in my bathrobe to the wardrobe, I browse through my clothes in search of my nightie, I want to be as comfortable as I can be. I need all the rest I can get. I finally found the perfect silky nightwear to drape on for the night.

"Ugh!" A slight groan escaped my mouth as I finally laid in my bed for the first time in hours.

Laying in bed reminiscing about how hectic of a day today was, the beautiful scenery of this town, no matter how hard I try, I can't just seem to get the thoughts of how many beautiful pictures I've taken since I arrived in Raven's Peak.

The townspeople are very strange but yet welcoming and warm.. there's beauty in the strangeness I guess. What's with the talk of how dangerous it is to walk at night and staying indoors all night on this particular night. Something is definitely off and I can't seem to place my fingers on it.

"Asher Nightshade! Good strong name" my attention got shifted to him. I believe it's the thought of his perfectly carved face and how amazingly handsome of a man he is that makes it hard for me to find my sleep.

What the hell did he mean by: "I leave for L.A tomorrow. Get ready, I will take a detour and bring you home. I do not want you in raven's peak" I tried to sound just like him in a mimicking manner and with his deep toned and confident voice.

"He might be a big deal in this town, but he sure as hell ain't the boss of me" I said while letting out a little chuckle.

I tuck myself in my bed and I'm finally ready to allow my mind and eyes shut. I found myself dozing off for a while and I got distracted by a car pulling up in front of my gate. I opened my eyes and glanced at my wall clock, it's almost 10pm!

"Who the hell is that?" I ask myself with a frown on my face as I peeped out through the window. A car packed outside and I could hear them speaking indistinctly.

I grabbed my night robe and a bat I found in the cabin basement when I toured through it earlier, and headed out to meet them, "They won't scare me at my own cabin" I said to myself as I opened the door. It's freezing out here, I looked at the moon and it's so bright and full, there's something different about it, it's unlike any I've ever seen. The car zoomed off as soon as I reached the cabin gate, leaving behind two males. They turned around and looked at me while approaching in an awkward but not so dangerous manner. Nonetheless, I was not going to take any chances.

"Who the hell are you guys and what do you want?" I asked holding up the bat, with no conviction in my voice but I'm not afraid to swing it, if it comes to that.

"There's no need for that ma'am" the mysterious man said

"Oh, there's every need for it, I don't know who you people are and you're standing in front of my cabin uninvited" I said back "I won't ask a second time, who are you?" I continued glancing at both of them.

"My name is Kyrie Adams and my partner here is Ràul Gonzalez. We're here to keep you safe" Kyrie answered

"Mm! keep me safe? From what? Do I look like I need any kind of saving?" I flashed the bat in front of them back and forth.

"Ma'am, we are not here to debate about how strong you are, I mean it's obvious" Raul said as he mockingly looked at the bat in my hand "please go back inside and let us do our job" he added

"First of all, don't tell me what to do Raul, second of all, kindly go back and let Mr. Asher know that I do not need any babysitters from him. I'm capable of taking care of myself. Thank you" I said, lowering the bat and grabbing my night robe tightly as I still glanced at the full moon for the second time.

"This is for your own good ma'am, these are dangerous hours and you need to be inside already" Kyrie said and I could see him looking sideways in a vigilant manner.

"Why do you people keep trying to play with me and instill fear in me, and why are you looking sideways?…."


"Does that howling ever stop?" I asked with a bit of fear and curiosity in my face, I believe it was visible enough for them to react the way they did, they both drew their pistols from behind their backs.

"What the hell is going…."

"Please ma'am, go back inside immediately and lock the doors!" Kyrie cut me off as he gently pushed me by my shoulders and jammed the gate.

"Do not come outside no matter what happens" I heard Raul added

Now I did not need anymore convincing to let me know that I needed to get to safety. I sprint back inside and lock the door behind me and find my way to the basement.

"What the hell is going on in this town!?" I asked as the howling sounds kept going on for a while longer, I glanced at the wall clock and it's exactly 12am!



I heard it faintly at first, my vision is blurry and I believe it's from the migraines, I can feel it in the middle of my forehead. I massaged it as I gently opened my eyes to see Manny hovering over me.

"Alpha, are you alright? Did it work?!" Manny asked again, I can see him clearly now as my eyes traveled around and I started to recollect what happened and how I ended up on the cold tiled floor of my study.

"Manny, help me get up" I said to him as he grabbed my forearm and placed it around his shoulder, and directed me to the couch.

"Did it work alpha? I need to know if it worked"

"How's she, Manny? Did she survive the night?" I ask while I continually massage my forehead.

"Yes, Ms Amber survived the night, I called Kyrie and he confirmed that she is okay" Manny answered.

"Great, great, she needs to understand that we are not savages and we do not hurt humans" I said looking directly at Manny

"I believe she'll need an explanation concerning what happened last night, she should have questions about the incidents" Manny added

"Hmm, do we have her number?" I ask

"No Alpha, unfortunately we do not. You ought to go see her in person" Manny says "I'll go get the car ready" He added

"Good, and Manny?"

"Yes Alpha" Manny answered as he turned around and faced me.

"Yes, I'm fine. The pendant worked. It kept my wolf at bay. I just passed out during the transformation process. This time was different and excruciatingly painful. I can't really recall what happened plus these migraines" I said while touching my head "are new" I added

"I'm glad the pendant worked! I will go get the clan healer at once" Manny says

"No! There's no need for that, I need you to get the car ready. I'll pay Akira a visit when I get back from Amber's" I say to Manny while I gather myself off of the couch and head to the shower.

"Akira, are you sure about it? I don't mean to question your decision but we haven't heard from her in years since…"

"It's okay Manny, you can say it" I added

"The trial was a bloodbath, and we had to keep her secluded in an abandoned apartment. She's the only one you let leave there alive. I'm sure you remember" Manny says

"It's about time I face my past and you said it yourself, I let her live, more reason for why she's going to want to speak with me. That will be all Manny"

Manny bowed and made his way to the garage. While I entered my bathtub and gave myself the warmest and longest bath of my life. I looked straight at the ceiling and I can't help but think about the state of confusion Amber must be in right now. I really hope her enthusiasm and affection towards Raven's Peak isn't broken by last night. Even through my toughness and arrogance I could still see how excited she is about living here.

Manny is right, I really do need to go speak with her in person, I alone can help put her mind at rest. I concluded as I slowly let myself sink into my warm bath