第一个门铃在 23 点 49 分响起.
苏怀金向后踉跄着,撞上了制冷机组.她的袖子打翻了一整排福尔马林保存的标本.随着玻璃的破碎,棺材的盖子吱吱作响地打开了十厘米.从内部,冰冷的雾气洒在地板上,结晶成霜——构成了孤儿院的蓝图.丁 —
金属刮擦声在背景中回荡,就像无数的小腿在麦克风上掠过.当紧急备用灯闪烁时,青铜棺材已经莫名其妙地移动到了尸检台的中央.苏怀瑾的瞳孔瞳孔收缩——棺材内部现在衬满了新鲜的山楂花瓣.每一片娇嫩的花瓣上都印着一张缩小的人脸——那是她那天早些时候解剖的四具尸体的面孔.23:59 一辆医疗运输车穿过暴风雨.
Rushing to the window, Su Huaijin watched as the Red Cross insignia on the van's roof bled a viscous, tar-like fluid. The driver wore a gas mask, his earlobe adorned with a bronze earring vibrating in sync with the casket's engravings. The rear cabin curtain suddenly lifted, revealing a restrained child. Embedded in the child's chest was a bronze bell, tearing through their flesh.Her phone buzzed frantically—new forensic data had arrived. The missing right ring finger of one drowned corpse had abnormal bone density, identical to an old fracture on her own childhood X-ray. A sick realization curdled her blood—all the bodies retrieved from the river carried exact replicas of her own body parts.The second doorbell exploded into the silence.
The raincoat figure had returned. Half their mask was now covered in pulsating, flesh-colored mycelium. The bronze bell had embedded itself into their eye socket. Their abdomen squirmed grotesquely, the wet, grinding noises of shifting organs audible even through the security feed."Dr. Su, you forgot to sign the receipt." The mechanical voice gurgled with something thick and wet. The raincoat figure tore open their throat, yanking out a segment of intestine entwined with a copper bell. Their bloodied fingers pressed Su Huaijin's old orphanage ID number into the casket's lock.The entire building's fire suppression system activated, flooding the morgue with mercury-laced water. The hawthorn petals' tiny faces began to whisper in unison:"Subject No. 9, your time has come."
00:00—Lightning struck the rooftop water tank.
As the lights flickered out, the last thing Su Huaijin saw was the Bronze Casket rising to the surface.