The time had finally come.
Months had passed, and everything was falling into place. Harry and his friends were still wrapped up in their own drama, Quirrell was still pretending to be an anxious wreck, and Dumbledore still thought his protections were foolproof.
But tonight? Everything would change.
I snuck out of the Ravenclaw dorms and made my way to the forbidden corridor. No invisibility cloak, no fancy spells—just my ability to take whatever I wanted without anyone realizing.
Step one: Fluffy.
The giant three-headed dog was fast asleep, thanks to the enchanted harp playing in the corner. Easy. I walked right past it.
Step two: The traps.
Devil's Snare? Never grabbed me. I just walked through. The keys? The flying ones ignored me, as if the missing key had never existed in the first place. The giant chessboard? I simply stepped onto the pieces and kept walking—no game, no dramatic battle.
It was almost too easy.
Step three: The Mirror of Erised.
This was the tricky part. Dumbledore's final protection meant that only someone who wanted to find the Stone, but not use it, could get it.
...That should've been a problem.
Except I never played by the rules.
I walked up to the mirror and stared at my reflection. It was supposed to show my heart's desire, but honestly? I wasn't even sure what that was. A peaceful life? A fun life? A world where people kept tripping over their own stories while I watched from the sidelines?
Whatever. It didn't matter.
Because I simply reached into my pocket… and pulled out the Philosopher's Stone.
No dramatic reveal. No glowing red gem appearing inside the mirror. It was just in my hand.
Reality adjusted itself. As far as the world was concerned, the Stone had never been in the mirror to begin with.
And just like that… I had stolen the most well-protected artifact in Hogwarts.
I slipped it into my pocket and casually walked back through the traps, passing an oblivious Fluffy as I headed to my dorm.
Tomorrow, when Quirrell arrived, expecting to claim the Stone…
He would find absolutely nothing.
The next night, I was in the Ravenclaw common room when chaos broke out.
"Professor Dumbledore left the school last night—someone broke into the forbidden corridor!"
Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in a panic, whispering about how someone must have tried to steal the Stone.
I casually flipped a page in my book. "Oh? Did they get it?"
They all shook their heads.
"No! That's the weird part!" Hermione frowned. "Someone definitely got past all the protections, but the Stone is still safe."
I hid my grin behind my book. Oh, this was getting better and better.
"Maybe it was Quirrell," Ron muttered. "He probably chickened out."
"Or Snape stopped him," Harry added, narrowing his eyes. "He's been acting suspicious for months."
I nodded along, pretending to be interested.
They had no idea that the Stone wasn't even there anymore.
This was the best decision I'd ever made.