Let's keep the chaos rolling.
With the Chamber of Secrets incident quietly erased from existence, Hogwarts was running smoother than ever.
The problem?
I was getting bored.
No petrifications. No deadly monsters roaming the halls. The biggest mystery going around was whether Professor Lockhart's hair was actually real.
…That gave me an idea.
I grinned. Let's have some fun.
The Case of the Missing Credentials
Gilderoy Lockhart was many things.
A fraud. A liar. And, most importantly… hilariously easy to mess with.
See, Lockhart loved bragging about his books. His achievements. His past adventures.
So imagine his shock when, one morning, every single copy of his books was missing from the library.
Every. Single. One.
Madam Pince, the librarian, looked like she was on the verge of a breakdown.
"I—I don't understand! They were here yesterday!"
Lockhart's face paled. "W-Well, that's quite strange! Haha! I suppose I'm just too popular!"
Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged looks. "Maybe someone took them all?"
I sipped my tea, watching from the corner. Oh, it gets better.
Lockhart's "Accomplishments" Vanish
That same night, every official record of Lockhart's achievements disappeared.
Gone from the Ministry archives.
Gone from newspaper articles.
Gone from Hogwarts' records.
By morning, it was as if he had never done anything noteworthy in his life.
Lockhart, of course, had no idea what was happening.
He tried to tell his usual stories in class—only to be met with blank stares.
"Professor," Hermione hesitantly raised her hand. "You said you defeated the Wagga Wagga Werewolf… but I can't find any proof of that."
"Of course, my dear girl!" Lockhart gave his usual dazzling smile. "I wrote about it in—"
He paused.
Because suddenly… he couldn't remember which book it was in.
His fake memories were still there, but everything that supported them was gone.
Newspapers? No records.
Witnesses? Nobody recalled his 'heroic' acts.
Even the other professors started looking at him suspiciously.
"Strange," McGonagall muttered. "I could have sworn you had won some awards…"
"I—I did!" Lockhart insisted. "I—I just… I…"
His voice wavered.
Because, for the first time in his life…
He was starting to doubt himself.
The Fraud Exposed (Without Being Exposed)
By the end of the week, Lockhart was this close to having a nervous breakdown.
His entire reputation was crumbling, but he couldn't figure out why.
Nobody had accused him of anything.
Nobody had found evidence of his fraud.
People just… forgot his achievements ever existed.
It was perfect.
I leaned back in my chair, smug as hell. That should keep things entertaining for a while.
Year Two was shaping up to be a masterpiece.