Main Character
Hyoudou Issei
- Age: ??
- Height: 179 cm
- Personality: A perverted hot-blooded guy, severe siscon
- Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear (Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet)
- Skill: Rengan Keikikou (Energy Manipulation Technique)
The protagonist of this story. He was an ordinary human until the summer of his third year of middle school, when an unknown force transported him to another world called Ast Arde.
After being transported to Ast Arde, he spent some time searching for a way to return to his original world while living a peaceful life. However, the war between humans and demons at the time caused him to lose a close friend.
Having experienced the pain of loss, Issei sought the power to protect everything. He ventured to the Divine Layer, where gods reside, and mastered the Rengan Keikikou, a technique to manipulate energy.
Ultimately, he defeated the Demon King Sirius and ended the war between humans and demons. He is called the Hero by those around him, though he feels somewhat resistant to the title.
After being entrusted with Sirius's daughter, Miyu, by the Demon King, he brought her back to his world. He explained what had happened to his family and convinced them to accept Miyu as part of the family. Miyu became his stepsister.
He was deeply moved the first time he was called "big brother" (this is when his severe siscon tendencies began…).
Although Issei spent three years in Ast Arde, no time had passed in his original world. As a result, his actual age is three years older than his official age, which initially shocked him (though he eventually came to terms with it).
After enrolling in Kuoh Academy, he met Rias, a high-class devil who governs Kuoh Town, during his second year. Impressed by her personality and his own circumstances, he decided to become her servant.
However, at this point, Issei's strength was already quite high, and even using eight Pawn pieces, he couldn't be reincarnated. After attempting to fully synchronize his energy with Rias's, he seemed to succeed in absorbing the pieces… but they malfunctioned, causing him to lose consciousness.
Ultimately, with the help of the Ajuka Beelzebub, he successfully reincarnated as a devil.
After his reincarnation, he achieved many feats, and due to his accomplishments and strength, he was promoted to a high-class devil.
In terms of strength, he is at the level of a Ultimate-Class Devil in his base form, and when using his Balance Breaker, he can unleash power on par with a Devil King.
Although he had already reached his Balance Breaker, during his one-on-one battle with Demon King Sirius, Issei was pushed to a new level. He achieved a phenomenon that transcended his Balance Breaker, elevating it to a higher dimension.
- Balance Breaker Second Layer: Zweite Phase
- Tenbu Xenon: A suit optimized for one-on-one combat, enhancing close-quarters combat abilities. Large boosters are added to the entire body, and the doubling speed is significantly increased.
- Tenkou Eclipse: A form optimized for multi-target annihilation, shifting the focus from close combat to ranged attacks. Large dragon wings grow from the back, and cannon turrets are mounted on the gauntlets, waist, and wings. The doubling speed is also doubled.
- Balance Breaker Third Layer: Dry Phase
- Ten'yoku Aios: A form that focuses on temporarily utilizing the immense power of the Divine Sword Ignis. While its attack power is slightly lower than Tenbu and Tenkou, it excels in skill-based combat. It allows for remote attacks using feather bits, barriers, remote slashes, and even quantumization of the body, pushing energy manipulation to its limits.
- T.O.S. (Twin Oppai System): A theory devised by Ignis. It synchronizes the breast power of two Switch Princesses, squaring the output instead of merely doubling it.
- EXA Form: A super-enhanced form that manifests after Issei sucks the breasts of two Switch Princesses—Alice and Rias. It combines the powers of Tenkou Eclipse, Tenbu Xenon, and Ten'yoku Aios, and allows him to manipulate Rias's destruction magic and Alice's white lightning.
- While unstable due to forcibly combining different forms, its power can overwhelm even Devil King-class opponents.
※ When he can't use his Sacred Gear, he enhances his body with Rengan Keikikou and fights using martial arts and swordsmanship.
Heroines & Original Characters
Hyoudou Miyu
[ Image ]
- Age: ??
- Height: 160 cm
- Personality: Quiet, friendly, brocon
- Hair: Long black hair
One of the heroines of this story.
The daughter of Demon King Sirius. She was brought to Issei's world by him and became his stepsister.
Although Issei was technically her father's enemy, she understood both her father's and Issei's feelings and came to admire him as her brother. She also learned about Issei's exploits as the Hero (such as helping demons, who were his enemies) and, through daily interactions with his kindness, developed feelings beyond that of siblings.
As the daughter of a Demon King, she possesses exceptional magic and magical power. Her strength is at the level of a Ultimate-Class Devil. She was reincarnated as a devil on the same day Issei was promoted to a high-class devil, becoming a Bishop in the Red Dragon Emperor's peerage. She is a mutation piece.
She struggles with mornings.
After coming to Issei's world, she became obsessed with manga, but now she's having trouble organizing her growing collection.
She has a large bust and a mature aura, but her baby face makes her look younger. She's slightly short and wishes to grow taller.
Alice Odilia
- Age: ??
- Height: 176 cm
- Personality: Strong-willed, tsundere (only towards Issei)
- Hair: Golden ponytail (sometimes worn down)
- Title: White Lightning Princess
One of the heroines of this story.
The first princess of the great nation of Odilia in Ast Arde. She is one of Issei's traveling companions and is known as the White Lightning Princess. She wields the spirit spear Albilis and enhances her body with her lightning magic, using her spear skills to defeat her enemies. When she uses her lightning magic, her golden hair turns pure white as a side effect.
Her strength is top-class in Ast Arde (excluding the Divine Layer) and is at the level of a Ultimate-Class Devil.
She was the one who triggered Issei's Balance Breaker and is known as Switch Princess No. 1.
After Issei returned to his original world, she worked tirelessly to achieve peace between humans and demons, which she successfully accomplished.
When Issei visited Ast Arde again, she decided to go to his world with the encouragement of her companions.
She dislikes paperwork (she says it makes her sleepy) and during her time as a princess, she mostly left it to her younger sister, Nina.
She was reincarnated as a devil as Issei's Queen, but she leaves most of the work to Issei, the King. However, as a former princess, she excels at negotiations and often helps Issei and his group.
She is a typical tsundere, but since coming to Issei's world, her dere side has become more noticeable, and she openly declares herself as "Issei's wife" (Issei also says, "Alice is my wife").
She has a tall, slender figure and is quite beautiful, but her bust is small. She is working hard every day with breast massages to make them bigger.
Maurice Noah
- Age: ??
- Height: 180 cm
- Personality: Caring, mischievous
- Title: Sword Saint
The captain of the knight order in the nation of Odilia. Known as the Sword Saint, he is the strongest swordsman in Ast Arde. He wields dual swords and can cut down enemies with blinding speed (though he sometimes fights with just one sword depending on the situation).
While joining the knight order requires proficiency in both swordsmanship and magic, Maurice is the only member who joined solely based on his swordsmanship.
His strength surpasses that of base Issei and Alice, and even armored Issei can be outmatched if Maurice fights cleverly (he can easily defeat Kokabiel-class opponents).
The sword he uses is an ordinary one inherited from his late father, though it is exceptionally sharp. By wrapping his sword aura around it, he can block even Durandal and Holy-Demonic Swords head-on.
He is one of Issei's benefactors and his sword instructor. He was the one who researched how to return Issei to his original world.
He is one of Issei's traveling companions and acts as a protective figure for Issei and Alice.
After Issei returned to his original world, Maurice became more involved in the nation's politics, though he finds it bothersome, he still fulfills his duties.
He is mischievous and has sent Issei into Alice's room while she was changing (Issei didn't know she was changing at the time). This was because he knew Alice had feelings for Issei…
His recent worries are his increasing gray hair and the shorter intervals between bathroom visits.
Lisha Clares
- Age: ??
- Height: 172 cm
- Personality: Gentle, caring
- Title: Crimson-Eyed Sniper
One of Issei's traveling companions. Known as the Crimson-Eyed Sniper, she uses a Magic Gun to snipe enemies from afar. When attacking, she uses an original telescopic magic, which has the side effect of turning her blue eyes crimson.
She excels at long-range sniping but is also capable of rapid close-range shooting. She can also use healing and other support magic, making her highly versatile. While she isn't as skilled in close combat as Issei and the others, her overall combat ability is on par with theirs.
After Issei returned to his original world, she became a teacher at a magic school, teaching everything from magic to combat training.
She is like an older sister to Issei and Alice, and she sees them as her younger siblings. She is tolerant of Issei's perverted tendencies and finds them amusing.
She has a good personality and intellect, is skilled at cooking, and can handle all household chores, making her seem like the perfect woman… but she has a strange habit of hugging people she's close to (the reason for this is unknown even to Issei and the others).
She finds fulfillment in her teaching job but sometimes considers taking a break due to how busy she gets.
- Age: ???
- Height: 174 cm
- Personality: Extremely lewd, free-spirited
- Hobby: Fondling girls' breasts
The primordial goddess of True Flame in Ast Arde. After igniting the flame of life in the world, she secluded herself in the deepest part of the Divine Layer, causing even other gods to forget her existence.
When the evil gods created the God of Destruction, Rosward, who killed other gods and descended to the mortal world to unleash his power, Ignis transformed herself into the Divine Sword Ignis and descended as well (she transformed into a sword to prevent her immense power from affecting the world).
The firepower of the Divine Sword Ignis is enough to incinerate Samael and even turn high-ranking gods into charcoal. However, Issei can only control Ignis for a limited time, and its effects on the surroundings are significant, so it's rarely used.
Ignis has sealed her own power, but she can release the seal if she wishes. In such cases, the long period of sealing causes her power to become unstable, turning the surroundings into a wasteland.
The name Ignis is a temporary name used to suppress her power, and her true name is known only to her. Her power at that time is unknown.
Through Issei's power and Ignis's goddess power (as she calls it), she can materialize. Since the seal hasn't been broken, her materialized form has no power.
In her materialized form, Ignis does as she pleases. She fondles the breasts of the girls in the Hyoudou household and even the angels in Heaven.
She is the ultimate serious-breaker of this story, destroying any serious moment. She is called the Strongest Onee-san and the Useless Goddess by those around her. Issei thinks of her as the Goddess of Lewdness.