The vastness of space shone above Aurum Prime, the planet of commerce and excess, where the greatest fortunes in the galaxy mingled with the most formidable criminals. Between the golden towers of the megacities and the corrupt undergrounds, one rule reigned: money. Maylan had no time to waste with the nobles and their intrigues. He was just another bounty hunter among many, but he aimed higher.

His ship, the Black Specter, was parked on a private platform away from the city center. The craft was imposing, although designed for speed and discretion. Inside, everything was optimized for its missions: a modest bedroom, a well-stocked arsenal, and a rest area equipped with a small kitchenette.

Maylan adjusted her black coat and descended the ramp of her ship. His target for the day? A local smuggler who had stolen a shipment of energy crystals. A ridiculous bounty compared to those of major criminals, but enough to cover his expenses.

The streets were lively, crowded with vendors, security droids, and mercenaries in search of contracts. The air was saturated with the smell of spices and burnt metal. A black market thrived under the blue and red neon lights of the glowing signs.

As he moved through the crowd, an old shop caught his attention. "Dar - Antiques and Relics". Maylan was not the type to be interested in old things, but something intrigued him. A strange sensation, as if a silent call was guiding him to this place.

He entered.

The interior of the shop was dusty, filled with strange objects: rusty artifacts, ancient armor, exotic blades... and at the back, on a glass display, a katana.

The bounty hunter stopped dead in his tracks.

It was a magnificent blade, a deep black, with golden engravings winding along the hilt. It seemed to emit a particular aura, almost hypnotic. He had never seen a weapon like that.

— You've got taste, kid.

Maylan jumped. An old man, probably Dar, had just appeared behind the counter, a sly smile on his face.

"Where does this blade come from?" asked Maylan, staring at the katana.

— Oh, that? A relic of the past. A vestige of a forgotten era... But you can't understand.

Maylan raised an eyebrow.

— Try me.

Dar squinted his eyes, hesitating for a moment before continuing.

— A long time ago, long before the Hegemony of Astralis reigned supreme, there existed an order of warriors… The Divine Knights.

Maylan crossed her arms. This name didn't ring a bell for her.

— So what?

The merchant sighed.

— They were the protectors of the cosmic balance, wielding Celestial Ether through katanas forged from sacred metal. But the Hegemony hunted them down, exterminated them, and even their planet was destroyed. No one talks about them anymore today. They have been erased from History.

Maylan frowned. He didn't believe in legends, but this blade... it had something special.

— If it's so precious, why sell it?

To smirk.

— I'm not selling it. This katana arrived here by chance... Or maybe fate put it in your path.

A shiver ran through Maylan. He believed neither in fate nor in old legends. But something within him told him that he had to keep this blade.

He grabbed the katana and, without further ado, left the store.

It was the decision that changed his life.

Outside, his communicator vibrated. He picked up immediately.

— Maylan, where have you been?!

Arthur's voice, his friend and hunting partner, was panicked.

— Don't worry, I'm here. Why that tone?

— We have a huge bonus.

— How much? asked Maylan, slightly distracted as he observed the blade at his belt.

— One billion Galax.

Her heart stopped for a fraction of a second.

— Repeat?!

— A billion. We need to move, heading to Zénithis.

Maylan smiled. It was the beginning of something great.

But he still didn't know that his fate had just taken a much more dangerous turn than he could have imagined...