Chapter 6

Ryder had retired to his room after breakfast but the shouts and screamed just kept him.

What the hell is going on? Is Hailey disturbing Samantha again?. Different thoughts ran through his head as he waited in his room cause if it was trouble then someone was bound to call him.

"Boss!!" Lawrence called opening the door carelessly. When he noticed the way Ryder was staring at him h stood straight, smoothen his suit looking up "Boss," He greeted.

"What's going on?" Ryder asked with a cold expression.

"Boss lady is here,"

"Boss lady??" Ryder furrowed his eyes calculating. Since Samantha said she didn't want to make them public yet then there was then she surely isn't the one Lawrence is referring to.

"What boss lady?"

Lawrence scratched his head in fear. Beatrice had walked out on Ryder after an argument and never came back is it possible that there weren't together anymore?

"Ma'am Beatrice," He stuttered.

"Beatrice!!" Ryder scoffed in annoyance.

What does she take me for? Some cheap fool she can toy with?

Everything works out then, when she left three years ago she had said thing he regretted not reacting to maybe now was the time to do it, he thought with a smirk on his face as he made his way out if the room.

"Let's go?"


As Ryder approached Beatrice his eyes were searching for Samantha. When he finally saw her she was looking directly at him and he could swear that he saw something flash in her eyes. what was that?

Was it regret? Caus if it was then he was bound to pin her to the wall and f**k her till she won't breath.

Was it trust?

Or hate?


Whatever it was the whole house were left in shock when Ryder's hands came in contact with her face sending her across the room.

"Who gave you the audacity to come into my house?" He said in anger.

Who was this lady and why was Ryder getting worked up? Samantha thought staring at Beatrice without pity.

She deserves more my man is just trying to consider your gender you lucky it wasn't me.

"How dare you?" Beatrice cried from where she sat nursing her bleeding lips.

"We were engaged is this how you're supposed to treat me?" She got up and tried to walk towards him but retrained herself.

"It's sad that you stopped I was ready to send you flying across the room this time," Looking at Lawrence and the other body guard.

"Take this b***h out of my house," He told them.

"Wait... Wait .... What? Ryder you can't do this to me. Ryder not in front of this fools,"She protested as they dragged her out.

"The next time anyone reference to that whore as the boss lady you won't just be kicked out, you'll be punished till you wished you were dead," Referring to the other maid who bowed their head in fear.

He walked slowly to his study table and sat on it."Do you all need me to spell if out to you that it's time to get the hell out of my sight,"

They all didn't even wait to hear the completion of the statement before rushing out.

"Samantha stay behind and arrange these books," He called.

Samantha nodded before walking back into the study. She squatted in front of the books and started arranging them.

He stretched his hands after watching everyone leave and said "Come here,"

Samantha looked up from where she was before, when she noticed that no one was around anymore and the doors were shut. She hastily walked into his opened hands burying her face in his neck.

"What's wrong?" He asked patting her back slowly.

"Nothing,"She answered shaking her head.

"She doesn't mean anything to me anymore, moreover you're the current one and she's past tense."

She pushed away from him standing face to face.

"I know,"

"Then stop giving me that look,"

"What look?" She asked laughing as he pulled her back to his arms.

"What do you think about having sex in the study?" He asked kissing her hair.

"Stop!!" She said hitting him a little on his chest. Ryder stared at how red her face was then started laughing too.

"Okay... Okay let's go slow then," He chipped in amist laughter.

Meanwhile Beatrice was still dragging with the guards at the gate trying to go back in.

"You all can't do this to me and you know that. I'll kill you all with my bear hands,"She screamed maniacally.

She was already getting frustrated and ready to give up when her bone started ringing.

Unknown caller?

"Who the hell is this?"She scolded the moment she picked.

A low chuckled came from the other end followed by a very thick masculine voice.

"Your saviour,"

"What?" She scoffed.

"Let's cut to the chase Beatrice am sure he doesn't want to see you,"

"Who are you and how do you know my name?"She asked anxiously walking away from the guards.

"I'll tell you something now one that'll tame him if you're smart,"

"And what is that?" She asked eagerly.

"It's simple... "

Beatrice listened carefully with a smile on her face.

"How much do I pay you?" She asked after listening.

The masculine voice laughed"When it's time to pay up you'll know," he said before hanging up.

To her surprise one of the guards whispered to the other and she was let in easily.

What in devil's name is going on here? She thought as she made her way through the opened gate and inside the house.

The compound in a whole was more complicated then she ever thought it was.

She pushed the door to the study without knocking where she met Ryder and Samantha making out.

"Wow nice show!!" She said clapping her hands.

"Why are you still here?" He asked holding Samantha in place even when she tried to pull away.

"You should let her go cause she won't like what she's gonna hear if she stays," Beatrice said confidently.

"Say whatever it is you want to say before I loose it,"

Turning to Samantha who was also staring at with hate.

"Do you want to know his secret?" She asked her laughing.

Luckily her clothes were still intact "Let me go," She told Ryder who frowned but let her stand on her feet.

"Oh come on you two it won't last. Stop acting like that,"She said walking towards them slowly.

"Go straight to the point,"Ryder said impatiently.

"Does she even know you enough to love you, oh wait how dumb of me I should have asked ..." She turned to Samantha

"Has he ever said the word I love you?"

The look on Samantha's face changed making her think about what Beatrice had said.

"Don't think about it she's crazy," Ryder whispered in her ears.

"Look at that!!" Beatrice spat laughing.

"Am giving you one minute to say your nonsense before kicking you out personally,"

"Since you want her here I'll say it," She looked from Ryder to Samantha and for a slight moment she prayed that I worked else she would be toast.

"Does she know what you did to that young girl of fifteen who lived in a two story building room 62 five years ago? "

All Ryder's confidence suddenly crumbled and weakness consumed him.

Samantha wasn't left out she saw the look in his eyes and she knew instantly he had done something terrible.

"I'll be upstairs,"Beatrice called walking away excitedly.