## **Chapter 4: The Unknown Enemy**
The terrifying scream from the booklet was still echoing in Lukman's ears. He was drenched in sweat, and his heart was pounding fast.
"What was that? Was it just my imagination, or was someone really talking to me?" Lukman questioned himself.
He couldn't understand how the power of the booklet worked. Was it truly a source of new power, or was it a warning of danger?
The next day, Lukman tried to read the third page of the booklet again. This time, he tried to keep himself calm and focused.
On the third page of the booklet, it was written:
> **"To gain power is to control it. But every power comes with a price. Only those who understand it are worthy of it."**
Lukman took a deep breath and held the booklet in his hands. He could feel something unusual flowing through his hands—a strange energy.
"If this power is testing me, then I have to fully understand it," he said, ignoring the fear within himself.
Suddenly, there was a loud bang on the lab's door. Lukman jumped and looked quickly toward the door. It was half-broken, and black smoke was seeping through from the other side.
From within the smoke, a shadow began to take shape. It was not human but a mysterious creature with glowing red eyes.
"You have touched the booklet. You have invited your own death." The creature's voice was deep and cold.
Lukman stepped back and asked, "Who are you? And whose booklet is this?"
"This booklet belongs to those who are not meant to possess it. And you are meddling where you shouldn't be."
Lukman tried to control his fear and said, "If this booklet is so important, then I have the right to understand it."
"Right? Hahaha!" The creature laughed cruelly. "You have no right—only an invitation to death."
Suddenly, the creature lunged toward Lukman. Its speed was so fast that Lukman had no chance to react.
But then, a wave of blue light burst from Lukman's hands, pushing the creature back. The creature screamed in pain and vanished into black smoke.
Lukman stared at his fingers, still in shock.
"Did I really attack that creature?" Lukman mumbled to himself.
He looked at the booklet and realized it wasn't just a book—it was a living weapon.
Lukman was now convinced that this power was not only meant to be seen and understood but also to protect him.
That night, Lukman decided to tell Rahmat about his experience.
"Do you really think some mysterious creature came to attack you?" Rahmat asked skeptically.
"Yes, and somehow, this power managed to protect me from it," Lukman said seriously.
Rahmat thought for a while before speaking, "If this is true, then you have to go deeper. Is there more information in the booklet?"
"Yes, but each page feels like a new challenge. I think it's gradually training me to use this power."
Rahmat replied, "So, are you ready to understand it?"
Lukman said with determination, "Yes. But I'm going to need your help."
Rahmat smiled, "Brother, I'm with you. Now, we need to understand this power together. And if there's an enemy chasing you, we need to find out the truth about them as well."
Lukman and Rahmat had begun a new mission. Their goal was not only to understand this power but also to find out who was behind it and why.
But would they truly be able to unravel the mystery of this power? Or would facing this unknown enemy prove to be an even greater threat?