Chapter 14: Blades and Morals

In the murky forest, Brighton and Ronin continued to wrestle and fight. Ronin desperately shouted as he fought: "What have you become Brighton? I can't keep doing this. How can we help Candleberry if you are straddling the fence between the shadows and the light!"

In Brighton's anger, he swiped the commander's side, and Ronin fell to the ground. Brighton stood up with the sword against Ronin's face as he muttered: "We are on the wrong side, Ronin, don't you see? Join me."

Ronin struggled to get up from the ground as he looked back at Brighton with boldness: "You are wrong, to become consumed by the darkness is to roam in a world that does not exist. Darkness is the absence of light. By making this choice you are deciding to venture into an abyss that will lead to nowhere but despair and hopelessness."

Unbeknownst to Ronin, Ekoshade and his apprentice hid in the darkness inside the forest as he watched them fight against each other. Ekoshade grinned as he saw Brighton fight against his commander.

"Do you see this?" Ekoshade smiled as he leaned over to the other Shadow Goon. "Darkness will either seep into the heart and corrupt the mind or it will lead to the death of one's actions. The darkness will destroy you whether you live or die embracing it. Everyone is prone to this. This is how darkness wins. It is about time Brighton realized it."

"But how can you make such claims if you have never been in the light. I have been in the dark my entire life, how do I know that what you are saying is true." Eksohade's apprentice asked.

"I have been in the light once, but the light was blinding. So, I made the decision to live in the shadows. Being in the darkness has opened my eyes." Ekoshade replied.

The apprentice quietly nodded as they both continued to observe the battle. After Brighton processed Ronin's statement, he lowered his sword in confusion. Ekoshade, sensing Brighton's shift of demeanor and mindset, whispered back to him sinisterly: "What are you doing? Kill him. He is a threat to you; Ronin wants to take your place as king. Remember the rumors..."

Right when Brighton was about to eliminate Ronin, he stopped and looked back at Ekoshade in shock.

"Wait…how did you know that? How did you know about the rumor that Ronin wanted to take my place?" Brighton stuttered.

Ekoshade laughed as Ronin shouted in confusion: "What are you talking about, Brighton! I do not want your throne; I just want what is best for Candleberry!"

"The only one who knew and told me about that rumor was…Emberlyn. If what Ronin told me is true, that the light is the truth and the darkness is full of lies and you embody the darkness, then you are aware of all lies! Emberlyn lied to me!" Brighton gasped. "Wait…what is going on back at Candleberry?" 

Once Brighton helped Ronin back up from the ground, the king charged at Ekoshade, and as he swung his sword, Ekoshade vanished in thin air, and the forest around them laughed menacingly. When Brighton turned around, Ronin angrily pushed Brighton in shock as he responded with grief:

"Brighton what has gotten into you! I have tried to keep you safe this entire journey. I have tried to help you reach the candlemaker and you repay me by nearly killing me? What had gotten into you! Who are you today my king? Are you, my king?" He said, irritated and furious. Once Ronin calmed down, he sighed, saddened: "How long has your darkness been consuming you?" 

Brighton looked at his reflection in the double-edged sword and gulped as he answered, ashamed: "I don't know exactly when this happened, but I noticed it a couple of weeks ago. I am sorry, I was just so ashamed thinking that you would turn against me because I started to look like the Shadow Goons."

Ronin stood there, speechless and stunned. The storm continued to pass above their heads as they both continued to walk in the murky woods toward the candlemaker's home. Despite both surviving the battle against each other, Brighton was shocked by Ekoshade's uncertainty and ambiguity about Candleberry and Emberlyn. 

Ahead of the king and the commander was a glowing light that shined into the night. It was the candlemaker's home, a treehouse with multiple stories tall. The home's entrance was built at the base of the tree and the rest of the house. There were many branches and leaves everywhere, stretching out from the tree's trunk. Hundreds of candles were displayed outside, carrying a warm atmosphere. Brighton took a deep breath as he knocked on the door to the candlemaker's home. He secretly suppressed his emotions and intents as they both stepped inside the candlemaker's home. Brighton had a choice to make. He would either serve the Kingdom of Darkness and destroy the candlemaker or serve the Kingdom of Light and save Candleberry.