chapter 9

Debby's POV

"Wow!!" Natalie gushed as I look myself in the mirror.

Right now, I'm done bathing and I'm checking out the gown Natalie laid down for me.... It's beautiful.

A white short gown that stops at my mid thigh.... it's an offshoulder and it perfectly hugged my skinny body....all my boney structure in display.... Kidding!

"Here!" She placed a silver heel in front of me.

"I should wear it?" I asked.

"Of course"

She chuckles nervously and shake my head.

"No, please"

"Why? It compliment your beautiful dress"

"No.... I... I might fall" I said and my cheeks flame up in embarrassment.

Well, it's better to embarrass myself than embarrassing myself outside.. right?

"Oh, darling" Natalie takes my hand and leads me to the dresser.

She help me sat down and begin to wear the shoe on my leg.... despite me trying to pull my leg from her.

"Darling.... Trust me.... It's gonna make your legs longer" she paused and studies my legs. "And by the way... Your legs are way too short" she teased me.

We both shared a laugh. Just then the door open and a girl walks in... She's dressed in a uniform of some sort, I guess she's a maid here.

She wore a warm smile and waves at me....kinda happily, like I'm some kind of celebrity.

"Natalie, is she ready? I'm here for her make-up" she told Natalie.

Natalie got up after wearing the shoes on my legs and faced the girl.

"Let me introduce you....this" she points at me. "She's boss's lady, the one I told you girls about in the kitchen last night"

She turns to me and placed her hand on the girl's shoulder.

"And this is Erica.... she'll be your personal maid"

Erica quickly rushed to me and grab my hand in a tight handshake.....I swore, I heard the bones in my hand breaking slowly.

"Hi...I'm Erica.... Natalie told us so much about you last night and true to her word, you're so gorgeous" she blabbed.

I scoffed mentally.

I'm gorgeous?! This girl is blind....I obviously look like....ugh! I don't know the name....but just know it's the most ugliest animal.

"Thank you?" I really don't know how to communicate with her.

"Ma'am, you are naturally beautiful....I don't see a need for any make-up!"

I smile at her she said something I agree with.

"Right?" I pout and turned to Natalie.

She stares at me blankly but finally sight and shake her head.

"Have it your way then" she said.

I couldn't bear the pain no, I gently taps her hand and she quickly lets go of mine.

"Sorry, sorry...I didn't realize how tight I was holding you" she apologise.

"It's fine!"

I got up and tried walking with the heels....I walked towards the full length mirror and smile proudly when I didn't trip.

"I see, you can walk" Natalie said.


"Well, then let's go downstairs.... sir, is waiting for"

I nod and we head out. We made it downstairs and truly, Andre is in the living room waiting for me.... He's already dressed in a different tux.

I guess he took his bath in some other room.

He got up with a wide grin but it quickly replaced with a scowl... He looked at me from head to toe... his eyes fixed on my bare legs.

I see him clenching his hands.... I grunt.

What in God's name is getting in his pants now?

"Go change!" He growled out.


"Go change!"

I frown and look down at my outfit.... It's a very beautiful dress, why does wants me to change it?

"I said wear something cute and this is what you came up with?"

Ok... He's really confusing me... this dress is ok.

"Andre, I don't see reasons to change this dress.... it's beautiful"

"Beautiful but too short! It's too revealing and I'm not gonna let you step out of this house dressed like this!"

Wait.... I know I don't normally dress this way, but I think this guy is going too far.

Why is he ordering me to change it? I've seen other girls wear far worse revealing clothes than this.

"Andre... I don't see anything wrong with this dress"

"You don't see what's wrong with it but I do and other men will too" he paused and sigh. "If you go out dressed like this other men will be ogling over you.... and I don't want others staring at what's mine!". I know his problem, he's possessive and doesn't know how to express himself....or rather his feelings.

Why is he so possessive? Am I the first girl he's been in a relationship with?

I guess, I'll have to teach him some manners. How to address a lady.

"Andre, calm down.... Even if other men ogle over me, it doesn't matter..... After all, you're the one I'm with not them"

He didn't reply but continue glaring at the dress.... I bet he's tearing it in his mind right now.

"I bet they're jealous of you having a beautiful woman by your side"

He still didn't reply. I pout and held his hands in mine.... caressing his cheek softly.

"Please, let me go... I mean, there's no time to change" he still didn't bulge.

Well, I guess I'll have to use my supernatural power.... thankfully, I'm not wearing make-up.

I sniffle and soon, I burst into my fake tears.... this caught his attention and he quickly recovered from whatever trance he was in.

He held my shoulder and begin to wipe my tears, but I'm not having any of it.... I squeeze my eyes and let more tears flow.

"Shhh... Angel... Angel I'm sorry don't cry..."

"Do you know how hard it was to wear this dress... Do you know how much effort I put in to... to.... to... " I pretend like I'm choking on my tears.

He looks at me with soft and worried eyes..... Like he doesn't know how to console me.

"Fuck! How do I make her stop crying?" He mumbled coherently to himself.

Humph! He's not just a psychopath... He's a psychopath novice.

"Just let me go with this dress" I continue sobbing.

He stared... No, glared... he glared at the dress a few more minutes. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Fine! But I'll pluck out any eyes that stare at you!!" He growled.

I rolled and stopped sobbing instantly.

"You won't be plucking anyone's eyes.... God gave them eyes to see"

"Yeah... To see only what belong to them!!"

"Andre, promise me you'll behave on this our date or.... " I trail off.

Or what?!

"Angel, I'm not gonna promise anything..... I'll only behave if nobody stares at you more than a second!!"

Wait.... Is this love? Obsession? .... Cause I honestly don't know what this is.

"Promise you'll behave or I won't be coming with you!"

He grits his teeth... like he's fighting with himself not to give in.

"Fine!" He finally grits out.

I smile....

He placed his hand on the small of my back.

"Let's go!" With that he leads me towards the door.



Lucas pov

I dialed Debby's number for the twentieth time, but it still went onto voicemail just like the other times.

I stepped on the gas and increase my speed....I'm worried about her.

Since she went with Mr Knight I haven't heard from her, I don't know if he fired her or not.

Parking my car in front of her ex- apartment....I rushed towards the door and rang the doorbell.

"Hold on!" I heard Anna's voice from inside.

The door flung open and Anna stood in front of me....she made way for me to come in but I shake my head.

"Where's Debby?" I asked her.

"She ain't here...why are you looking for her?"

"Nothing...just, she told me about her situation with your landlord and I promise to let her stay with me....."

"Oh, about that... she's already got a place"

I frown....we just talked about it like four hours ago and she already got another place to stay?


"With her boyfriend!"

Those words hit my ear and my heart stopped.....I frown deeply.

"Boyfriend? Since when did she gets a boyfriend?!"

Anna smiled and bites on her pizza.

"Hmm.... it's a long story"

Why didn't I know about her having a boyfriend?

"Right....I'm watching 'the Originals' wanna join me?" She asked.

I shake my head. I'm not in the mood for movies now....what I'm thinking is Debby having a boyfriend.

"It's kinda scary..... please join me"

I look at her face... she's making her infamous puppy eyes. I simply sigh.

"Sorry, Anna...I just remembered I have something to do back home"

I didn't wait for her reply as I hurried off back to my car....I got in and slam the door close.

I need an explanation from Debby, I will continue calling her until I get through to her.

All these years that I have been silently loving her can't just go to waste... I must confirm it from her.



Debby's POV

Andre park his car in the parking lot and open the door....he held out his hand which I took and he leads me inside a restaurant.

"Wow!" I awed quietly as we step in.

It's just like a fairy tales land sparkling and romantic.

A young lady approach us....I believe she's one of the waitresses here.

"Welcome, Mr and Mrs Knight!" She said.

Mr and Mrs.....I guess she made a mistake. I turned to Andre expecting him to correct her....but the mad man is simply smiling.

Ugh! What was I expecting from a a psycho.

I wanted to correct her but Andre quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a pinch.

"Thank you" he told her.

"This way please" she said and head somewhere.

Andre and I followed behind her. She stops in front of a door and open it....she gestures for us to enter and we did.

Jesus! My feet stayed planted in a spot.....inside the room is a little heaven.

It's so white....I don't know who decorated this room but the person did a great job.... illustrating how beautiful heaven is.

Little doll angels floating around... cloudlike sky above us...and sparklers falling like snow..... everywhere is so cool.

"This place is wonderful" I exclaimed.

"Do you like it?" Andre asked from behind me.

"I love it!"

I mean...who wouldn't fall in love with this place. least this psychopath got a little sense of taste.

"Let's go sit"

I nod as he led me towards the table....he pulled out a chair for me and I sat down...he sat opposite me.

"Sir... should we bring in your order?" The waitress asked....I almost forgot she's still here.

"Yes!" Andre replied and she quickly left.

I look around and noticed we're the only people in this room.

"Andre...why are we the people in here?"

Andre smirked.

"This is my own private room"

I frown....

"You have a private room here?" He nods. "You must be a regular here"

"You can say that" he replied simply.

No...wait. the waitress seems to recognize him the moment we stepped in.

"Do you know the owner?"

"You can say that"

I bang on the table softly....why does he keeps saying you can say that?!

"What do you mean by you can say that?!"

Just then...the waitress came back with our order....she placed them on the table.

"Sir, your wine will be here soon" she said.

Andre waved her off. I stared at the table with my mouth wide open....if they are any flies here, I'm sure they'll find their selves in my mouth already.

On the table are different kinds of foods I haven't seen in my 22 years on this earth....and they're large quantity of each one.

"Andre... did you order all their foods?"

" don't like any of this? I can order something else for you...."

"Are you crazy?!" He stares at me confused. "How are we gonna finish all these?!"

He looked round the table and shrug.

"We can just eat as much as we can"

Is this guy for real? Don't he know wasting of food is sin?

All these rich brats...always looking for ways to waste their monies.

"Sir, your wine!" A male voice said.

I raised my head and saw a waiter.... he's opening the win per Andre's order.

He poured some amount on Andre's glass before turning to mine.

"Thank you!" I told him with a small smile which he returned back.

Andre caught this and bangs on the table....the waiter quickly drops the wine on the table.... frighteningly.

"What the fuck are you smiling at?!"


"I saw you smiling at her!!"


"You are fired!!"

I gasped....the waiter didn't waste anymore time, he rushed out immediately Andre said those words.

"You can't just fire have no right to do that here" I scold him.

"I have all rights! This is my restaurant and I fire whomever I want to!"

His restaurant?! It makes sense wonder he has a private room.

"But still, you shouldn't have fired him...he did nothing wrong"

"He did something very wrong!!"

"What was that?"

"I caught him smiling at you!"

"What?! I smiled at him first and he was just reciprocating it"

"I. Don't. Care! I promise to behave myself that's why I came to this private room....I don't wanna pluck out anyone's eyes!"

I rolled my eyes....this guy's super psycho!

My stomach growls silently and I remember how hungry I am.

"Can we eat now?" I asked ..


I nod and look down at the table.... honestly, the table is filled, I don't even know where to start.

Maybe I should start with some crabs....and my brothers and sisters, that's how I begin.

Halfway through the food, I got tired and stopped eating..... Andre already stopped eating long ago and was watching me eat.

I didn't wanna waste too much, so I insisted on eating more.

"Are you full yet?" He asked me.

"Yeah.... I'm too full"

I burped softly.

We stayed silent for a few minutes before he broke it.

"So.... You said I know nothing about you... tell me about you, I wanna know"

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

"Hmmm.....Tell me about your childhood"

I chuckled sadly.

"My childhood?" He nod. "I don't have"

"What do you mean?"

I burped again.

"I mean.... my childhood is too sad"

Andre studies my expression.... I guess he wanna know if I'm sad.

The truth is I'm not sad, I just don't like talking about my childhood.... but I know this guy in front of me... If he want something he must get, so I gotta tell him.

"Tell me, I wanna know"

Told you he won't let it slide. I took a deep breath and exhale slowly.

"Well, when I was 6years old, my mom left me and my dad... though I don't why she left, but I remember my dad was very sad when she left. After she left, my dad became a drunk.... always getting drunk everyday, gambling with any little money he had.... I was left to fed for myself and that's why I wasn't educated. 5years ago, my dad got into a fight with a group of gangsters and he was beaten to death"

Andre reached for my hand on the table and rubs it gently.

"Then what about your mom? Have you gotten any news about her?"

"No... but I'm looking for her"

"It has been long. You said she left when you were 6, do you still know what she looks like?"

"Yes... I have a picture of her"

Andre stays silent for a few minutes... he clears his throat.

"But you haven't got any news about here, what if she's dead"

I shake my head.

"No, she's not dead... I can feel it in my heart" I smiled as I assure myself.

He nods.

"Does talking about it make you sad? How do you manage to smile through this?"

I laughed briefly.

"I'm not sad... and just because some of our wishes haven't come true, it doesn't mean we should shut out everyone and be grumpy. Our smile is a great essence in our lives"

He nods thoughtfully.

"So... did you feel sad when your dad died?"

"No!" I answered quickly.... Ok, way too quick.

Andre frown at the tone I answered him.

"Why weren't you sad?" He asked.

I withdrew my hand from his and kept it by my side.... holding onto the hem of my gown tightly.

I can't tell him why I wasn't sad.... It's too shameful to talk about.

As if heaven is smiling down at me, my phone rang and I quickly reached for it.... It's Lucas.

I glanced at Andre... He's glaring at my phone. I quickly pressed the answer button.


"Hey... Debby, where are you? I thought you were gonna crash at my place?" He asked.

I can feel Andre's piercing gaze at me.... I noticed something about him, he's overly jealous and possessive... It's best I don't speak with Lucas now.

"Can we talk later?"

"Why? Is someone there with you?" He asked.

"Yeah... It's not convenient to talk" I quickly end the call.

I sent him a message to meet me at FK's tomorrow by 2pm.

I raised my head and found Andre still glaring at my phone... I chuckled and quickly shove it in my purse.


"Let's go home!" He cuts me off and got up.

His expression told me not to argue with him... I got up and we head out.


The drive back to the mansion is silence... Andre keeps clenching his jaw and gripping tight on the steering all the way.

Currently, we are in his room... He still haven't spoken a word....he grumpily marched towards the bathroom.

I'm already changed into my PJs.... I yawned sleepily. I head towards the closet and grab some blankets and a spare pillow.

I guess I'll be sleeping on the couch today.... cause I know he won't let me leave this room and it's best I don't provoke him....or I swear I can't face the consequences.

I arranged the blanket and laid down... soon, my eyelids became heavy and they shut on their own.